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Fizzixnerd committed Feb 2, 2022
1 parent 61bbf37 commit 70ef76a
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Showing 8 changed files with 127 additions and 25 deletions.
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/Language/Haskell/Liquid/Bare.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -326,7 +326,8 @@ makeGhcSpec0 cfg src lmap mspecsNoCls = do
lSpec0 = makeLiftedSpec0 cfg src embs lmap mySpec0
embs = makeEmbeds src env ((name, mySpec0) : M.toList iSpecs0)
dm = Bare.tcDataConMap tycEnv0
(dg0, datacons, tycEnv0) = makeTycEnv0 cfg name env embs mySpec2 iSpecs2
(dg0, datacons, tycEnv0') = makeTycEnv0 cfg name env embs mySpec2 iSpecs2
tycEnv0 = Bare.qualifyExpand env name rtEnv l [] tycEnv0' where l = F.dummyPos "expand-tycEnv0"
-- extract name and specs
env = Bare.makeEnv cfg src lmap mspecsNoCls
(mySpec0NoCls, iSpecs0) = splitSpecs name src mspecsNoCls
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -753,7 +754,7 @@ makeInlSigs env rtEnv

makeMsrSigs :: Bare.Env -> BareRTEnv -> [(ModName, Ms.BareSpec)] -> [(Ghc.Var, LocSpecType)]
makeMsrSigs env rtEnv
= makeLiftedSigs rtEnv (CoreToLogic.inlineSpecType (typeclass (getConfig env)))
= makeLiftedSigs rtEnv (CoreToLogic.measureSpecType (typeclass (getConfig env)))
. makeFromSet "hmeas" Ms.hmeas env

makeLiftedSigs :: BareRTEnv -> (Ghc.Var -> SpecType) -> [Ghc.Var] -> [(Ghc.Var, LocSpecType)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1075,7 +1076,7 @@ makeTycEnv0 cfg myName env embs mySpec iSpecs = (diag0 <> diag1, datacons, Bare.
(tcDds, dcs) = conTys
(diag0, conTys) = withDiagnostics $ Bare.makeConTypes myName env specs
(diag0, conTys) = (withDiagnostics $ Bare.makeConTypes myName env specs)
specs = (myName, mySpec) : M.toList iSpecs
tcs = Misc.snd3 <$> tcDds
tyi = Bare.qualifyTopDummy env myName (makeTyConInfo embs fiTcs tycons)
Expand Down
21 changes: 12 additions & 9 deletions src/Language/Haskell/Liquid/Bare/DataType.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ import Language.Haskell.Liquid.WiredIn

import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.Measure as Ms
import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Types as Bare
import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Resolve as Bare
import qualified Language.Haskell.Liquid.Bare.Resolve as Bare
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Text.PrettyPrint ((<+>))

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,11 +73,14 @@ makeDataConChecker = F.testSymbol . F.symbol
-- equivalent to `head` and `tail`.
makeDataConSelector :: Maybe Bare.DataConMap -> Ghc.DataCon -> Int -> F.Symbol
makeDataConSelector dmMb d i = M.lookupDefault def (F.symbol d, i) dm
dm = Mb.fromMaybe M.empty dmMb
makeDataConSelector dmMb d i
| Just ithField <- ithFieldMb = F.symbol (Ghc.flSelector ithField)
| otherwise = M.lookupDefault def (F.symbol d, i) dm
fields = Ghc.dataConFieldLabels d
ithFieldMb = Misc.getNth (i - 1) fields
dm = Mb.fromMaybe M.empty dmMb
def = makeDataConSelector' d i

makeDataConSelector' :: Ghc.DataCon -> Int -> F.Symbol
makeDataConSelector' d i
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -412,7 +415,7 @@ left' es = Just (Left es)
-- instead of the unlifted versions.

canonizeDecls :: Bare.Env -> ModName -> [DataDecl] -> Bare.Lookup [DataDecl]
canonizeDecls env name ds = do
canonizeDecls env name ds = seq (F.tracepp "" ds) $ do
kds <- forM ds $ \d -> do
k <- dataDeclKey env name d
return (fmap (, d) k)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -590,7 +593,7 @@ ofBDataCtorTc env name l l' tc αs ps πs _ctor@(DataCtor _c as _ xts res) c' =
ts' = Bare.ofBareType env name l (Just ps) <$> ts
res' = Bare.ofBareType env name l (Just ps) <$> res
t0' = dataConResultTy c' αs t0 res'
_cfg = getConfig env
_cfg = getConfig env
(yts, ot) = qualifyDataCtor (not isGadt) name dLoc (zip xs ts', t0')
zts = zipWith (normalizeField c') [1..] (reverse yts)
usedTvs = S.fromList (ty_var_value <$> concatMap RT.freeTyVars (t0':ts'))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -734,7 +737,7 @@ unDummy x i | x /= F.dummySymbol = x
| otherwise = F.symbol ("_cls_lq" ++ show i)

makeRecordSelectorSigs :: Bare.Env -> ModName -> [Located DataConP] -> [(Ghc.Var, LocSpecType)]
makeRecordSelectorSigs env name = checkRecordSelectorSigs . concatMap makeOne
makeRecordSelectorSigs env name l = checkRecordSelectorSigs $ concatMap makeOne l
makeOne (Loc l l' dcp)
| Just cls <- maybe_cls
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -770,4 +773,4 @@ makeRecordSelectorSigs env name = checkRecordSelectorSigs . concatMap makeOne
-- FIXME: this is clearly imprecise, but the preds in the DataConP seem
-- to be malformed. If we leave them in, tests/pos/kmp.hs fails with
-- a malformed predicate application. Niki, help!!
dropPreds = fmap (\(MkUReft r _ps) -> MkUReft r mempty)
dropPreds = id -- fmap (\(MkUReft r _ps) -> MkUReft r mempty)
23 changes: 22 additions & 1 deletion src/Language/Haskell/Liquid/Bare/Expand.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ class Expand a where
-- because the type alias entry inside 'BareRTEnv' mentioned the tuple (\"OneTyAlias\", \"{v:a | oneFunPred v}\") but
-- the 'snd' element needed to be qualified as well, before trying to expand anything.
qualifyExpand :: (PPrint a, Expand a, Bare.Qualify a)
qualifyExpand :: (Expand a, Bare.Qualify a)
=> Bare.Env -> ModName -> BareRTEnv -> F.SourcePos -> [F.Symbol] -> a -> a
qualifyExpand env name rtEnv l bs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -382,6 +382,27 @@ expandBareSpec rtEnv l sp = sp
where f = expand rtEnv l

expandTycEnv :: BareRTEnv -> F.SourcePos -> Bare.TycEnv -> Bare.TycEnv
expandTycEnv rtEnv l tycEnv = tycEnv
{ Bare.tcSelMeasures = expand rtEnv l (Bare.tcSelMeasures tycEnv)
, Bare.tcDataCons = expand rtEnv l (Bare.tcDataCons tycEnv) }

instance Expand Bare.TycEnv where
expand = expandTycEnv

instance Expand DataConP where
expand rtEnv l dcp = dcp
{ dcpTyArgs = fmap (expand rtEnv l) <$> (dcpTyArgs dcp)
, dcpTyRes = expand rtEnv l <$> (dcpTyRes dcp) }

expandMeasure :: Expand ty => BareRTEnv -> F.SourcePos -> Measure ty Ghc.DataCon -> Measure ty Ghc.DataCon
expandMeasure rtEnv l ms = ms
{ msSort = expand rtEnv l (msSort ms) }

instance Expand ty => Expand (Measure ty Ghc.DataCon) where
expand = expandMeasure

expandBareType :: BareRTEnv -> F.SourcePos -> BareType -> BareType
expandBareType rtEnv _ = go
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/Language/Haskell/Liquid/Bare/Measure.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -225,12 +225,14 @@ tyConDataName full tc
vanillaTc = Ghc.isVanillaAlgTyCon tc
dcs = Misc.sortOn F.symbol (Ghc.tyConDataCons tc)

dataConDecl :: Ghc.DataCon -> DataCtor
dataConDecl d = {- F.notracepp msg $ -} DataCtor dx (F.symbol <$> as) [] xts outT
isGadt = not (Ghc.isVanillaDataCon d)
-- msg = printf "dataConDecl (gadt = %s)" (show isGadt)
xts = [(Bare.makeDataConSelector Nothing d i, RT.bareOfType t) | (i, t) <- its ]
xts = [(Bare.makeDataConSelector Nothing d i, RT.bareOfTypeNoExpand t) | (i, t) <- its ]
dx = F.symbol <$> GM.locNamedThing d
its = zip [1..] ts
(as,_ps,ts,t) = Ghc.dataConSig d
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -296,7 +298,7 @@ bkDataCon permitTC dc nFlds = (as, ts, (F.dummySymbol, classRFInfo permitTC, t,
ts = RT.ofType <$> Misc.takeLast nFlds (map Ghc.irrelevantMult _ts)
t = -- Misc.traceShow ("bkDataConResult" ++ GM.showPpr (dc, _t, _t0)) $
RT.ofType $ Ghc.mkTyConApp tc tArgs'
RT.ofType $ Ghc.mkTyConApp tc tArgs'
as = makeRTVar . RT.rTyVar <$> (αs ++ αs')
((αs,αs',_,_,_ts,_t), _t0) = hammer dc
tArgs' = take (nArgs - nVars) tArgs ++ (Ghc.mkTyVarTy <$> αs)
Expand Down
15 changes: 13 additions & 2 deletions src/Language/Haskell/Liquid/Bare/Resolve.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -425,7 +425,17 @@ substEnv :: (F.Subable a) => Env -> ModName -> F.SourcePos -> [F.Symbol] -> a ->
substEnv env name l bs = F.substa (qualifySymbol env name l bs)

instance Qualify SpecType where
qualify x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 = emapReft (substFreeEnv x1 x2 x3) x4 x5
qualify x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 = emapReft (substFreeEnv x1 x2 x3) x4 x5

instance Qualify TycEnv where
qualify env name l bs tycEnv = tycEnv
{ tcSelMeasures = qualify env name l bs (tcSelMeasures tycEnv)
, tcDataCons = qualify env name l bs (tcDataCons tycEnv) }

instance Qualify DataConP where
qualify env name n bs dcp = dcp
{ dcpTyArgs = qualify env name n bs <$> (dcpTyArgs dcp)
, dcpTyRes = qualify env name n bs <$> (dcpTyRes dcp) }

instance Qualify BareType where
qualify x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 = emapReft (substFreeEnv x1 x2 x3) x4 x5
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -914,7 +924,8 @@ bareTCApp :: (Expandable r)
bareTCApp r (Loc l _ c) rs ts | Just rhs <- Ghc.synTyConRhs_maybe c
= if (GM.kindTCArity c < length ts)
then Ex.throw err -- error (F.showpp err)
else tyApp (RT.subsTyVars_meet su $ RT.ofType rhs) (drop nts ts) rs r
else tyApp (RT.subsTyVars_meet su $ RT.ofTypeNoExpand (Ghc.mkTyConTy c)) (drop nts ts) rs r
tvs = [ v | (v, b) <- zip (GM.tyConTyVarsDef c) (Ghc.tyConBinders c), GM.isAnonBinder b]
su = zipWith (\a t -> (RT.rTyVar a, toRSort t, t)) tvs ts
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/Language/Haskell/Liquid/Transforms/CoreToLogic.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ measureSpecType allowTC v = go mkT [] [(1::Int)..] t
| otherwise = exprReft
mkT xs = MkUReft (mkR $ mkEApp f (EVar <$> reverse xs)) mempty
f = dummyLoc (symbol v)
t = ofType (GM.expandVarType v) :: SpecType
t = ofTypeNoExpand (GM.expandVarType v) :: SpecType
boolRes = isBool $ ty_res $ toRTypeRep t

go f args i (RAllT a t r) = RAllT a (go f args i t) r
Expand Down
55 changes: 48 additions & 7 deletions src/Language/Haskell/Liquid/Types/RefType.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ module Language.Haskell.Liquid.Types.RefType (
, quantifyFreeRTy

-- * RType constructors
, ofType, toType, bareOfType
, ofType, toType, bareOfType, ofTypeNoExpand, bareOfTypeNoExpand, ofTypeNoExpand', bareOfTypeNoExpand
, bTyVar, rTyVar, rVar, rApp, gApp, rEx
, symbolRTyVar, bareRTyVar
, tyConBTyCon
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1366,29 +1366,70 @@ subvPredicate :: (UsedPVar -> UsedPVar) -> Predicate -> Predicate
subvPredicate f (Pr pvs) = Pr (f <$> pvs)

ofType :: Monoid r => Type -> RRType r
ofTypeNoExpand' :: Monoid r => Type -> RRType r
ofTypeNoExpand' = ofType_ specTyConv

ofTypeNoExpand :: Monoid r => Type -> RRType r
ofType = ofType_ $ TyConv
ofTypeNoExpand = ofTypeNoExpand_ specTyConv

specTyConv :: Monoid r => TyConv RTyCon RTyVar r
specTyConv = TyConv
{ tcFVar = rVar
, tcFTVar = rTVar
, tcFApp = \c ts -> rApp c ts [] mempty
, tcFLit = ofLitType rApp

ofType :: Monoid r => Type -> RRType r
ofType = ofType_ specTyConv . expandTypeSynonyms

bareOfType :: Monoid r => Type -> BRType r
bareOfTypeNoExpand :: Monoid r => Type -> BRType r
bareOfType = ofType_ $ TyConv
bareOfTypeNoExpand = ofTypeNoExpand_ bareTyConv

bareTyConv :: Monoid m => TyConv BTyCon BTyVar m
bareTyConv = TyConv
{ tcFVar = (`RVar` mempty) . BTV . symbol
, tcFTVar = bTVar
, tcFApp = \c ts -> bApp c ts [] mempty
, tcFLit = ofLitType bApp

bareOfType :: Monoid r => Type -> BRType r
bareOfType = ofType_ bareTyConv . expandTypeSynonyms

ofTypeNoExpand_ :: Monoid r => TyConv c tv r -> Type -> RType c tv r
ofTypeNoExpand_ tx = go
go (TyVarTy α)
= tcFVar tx α
go (FunTy _ _ τ τ')
= rFun dummySymbol (go τ) (go τ')
go (ForAllTy (Bndr α _) τ)
= RAllT (tcFTVar tx α) (go τ) mempty
go (TyConApp c τs)
-- | Just (αs, τ) <- Ghc.synTyConDefn_maybe c
-- = go (substTyWith αs τs τ)
| otherwise
= tcFApp tx c (go <$> τs) -- [] mempty
go (AppTy t1 t2)
= RAppTy (go t1) (go t2) mempty
go (LitTy x)
= tcFLit tx x
go (CastTy t _)
= go t
go (CoercionTy _)
= errorstar "Coercion is currently not supported"

ofType_ :: Monoid r => TyConv c tv r -> Type -> RType c tv r
ofType_ tx = go . expandTypeSynonyms
ofType_ tx = go
go (TyVarTy α)
= tcFVar tx α
Expand All @@ -1402,7 +1443,7 @@ ofType_ tx = go . expandTypeSynonyms
| otherwise
= tcFApp tx c (go <$> τs) -- [] mempty
go (AppTy t1 t2)
= RAppTy (go t1) (ofType_ tx t2) mempty
= RAppTy (go t1) (go t2) mempty
go (LitTy x)
= tcFLit tx x
go (CastTy t _)
Expand Down
23 changes: 23 additions & 0 deletions tests/datacon/pos/AutoliftedFields000.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
{-@ LIQUID "--exact-data-cons" @-}

-- data decl in LH is missing but uses a LH-refined type alias correctly

module AutoliftedFields000 where

{-@ type Nat'' = { v : Int | v >= 0 } @-}
type Nat'' = Int

data T = T { getT :: Nat'' }

{-@ f :: Int -> Nat'' @-}
f :: Int -> Nat''
f = getT . T

g :: Int -> Nat''
g z = getT (T z)

x :: T
x = T 0

y :: Nat''
y = getT x

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