The IBM Data Merge Utility CLI exposes the IBM Data Merge Utility through a Command Line Interface. The IDMU-CLI provides a scalable multi-threaded merge engine that is suited to batch style processing. However, the current implementation of the JDBC Data Provider does not utilize a connection pool and may not perform as well as the JNDI data provider available in the Rest interface. If you are looking to use the CLI tool, please see the release notes section of the GitHub pages for this project for instructions.
- IDMU Project - Core Merge tool
- IDMU Users Guide
- IDMU-CLI Project - Command Line merge tool
java Merge <templateName> <mergeFolder> <options>
java Merge test.. ./testMerge --runners 20 --run
- The short name of the base template to use for merges
- A folder with merge input. The contents of the merge folder should be:
- templates: A directory that contains template group.json files
- output: A directory where all output will be created
- config.json: Optional configuration file
- parameters.json: Optional default parameters
- payload.txt: Optional default payload
- And One of the following, if more than one of these exists the first is used.
- requests.json - all requests in a single json file
- payloadFolder - contains request payloads (1 per file) uses default parameters, output file name == input file name.output
- payloadFile.txt - contains request payloads (1 per line) uses default parameters, output file name == lineXX.output
- parametersFolder - contains request parameters json (1 per file) uses default payload, output file name == input file name.output
- parametersFile.txt - contains request parameters (1 per line) uses default parameters, output file name == line##.output
- --runners -r <number> Specify the number of runner threads
- --run Start processing without a confirmation prompt
- --patience <minutes> Specify a timeout for multi-threaded runners
- --parameter <name>
Specify a parameter name for use with parametersFolder / parametersFile.
The default parameter used is "idmuCliParm" if none is provided.
The parameters objects are serialized to HashMap<String,String[]>
"parm1": ["value","value],
"parm2 : ["value"]...
The requests json file is based on
{ "parms":{parameters},
- Java 1.8
- maven package manager - see (
git clone
mvn install
mvn dependency:build-classpath -Dmdep.outputFile=cp.txt
export CLASSPATH=$(< cp.txt):$(pwd)/target/idmu-cli-4.0.1.jar
java Merge templateName mergeFolder <options>
ex: Merge root.. . --run --runners 20
see src/test/resources/ for some samples