Automatized tasks for configuring and analyzing rippled validators
We assume that every node in the network can access each other by the name.
Configures the cluster topology according to the desired type of test. It is basically an UNL configuration tool Creates the rippled.cfg and validators.txt file for each node and sends to each one fo them via ssh.
Usage is:
$./generate_config_rippled.cfg <test type>
general - generates a fully connected topology, similar to the real XRPL network
unl - generates the trust overlay based in pre-defined UNLs (see Configuration)
validator - generates a topology where each node chooses the validators they trust separately
We assume that the rippled keys for each validator were created previously. All the keys must be stored in separate .txt files on ConfigCluster/keys with the name of the file being the name of the node
ClusterConfig.csv - lists the nodes and their info #####Format:
rippled.cfg - master model for the rippled.cfg, with all an empty "validators" session. validators.txt - master model for the validators.txt file
The topology specifications for the general test must be in the ConfigCluster/unl directory. The unl test is configured directly on the ClusterConfig.csv, the field "unl" specifies to which UNL a node is subscribed to. The path for the file containing which node belongs to each UNL (UNL_DIR) must be set on
Deletes databses and logs for a fresh restart (rmeotely).
$ ./prepareNewRun
nodes.txt names of the nodes
Script for inspecting if the nodes are synchronized or not (via ssh)
datetime nodeName lastClosedLedger index timeClosed parentLedger openIndex
Export logs from rippled, sntRippled and gossipGoSnt to a given destination
##Configuration Directly on