Hello, thanks for stopping by. This is the journal application that I use daily to record my thoughts. It allows you to create entries, view them, and run some basic statistics. It's really nothing revolutionary, the only reason I use it is that I wrote it. Not sure why you would otherwise, but if you are interested, you've come to the right place.
git clone git@github.com:Flixnore/journal-mern.git
cd journal-mern/build
sudo mysql -u root < db.sql
sudo mysql -u root < users.sql
Run the backend and frontend concurrently:
cd backend/
npm run start
I wrote it because I was dissatisfied with existing journal applications I found online. I enjoy having full control over my own raw data as it allows me to do literally anything I want with my 2+ years of text entries.
Originally, I wrote this application in a LAMP stack (Linux Apache MySQL PHP). However, the codebase wasn't pretty and I wrote it when I was pretty inexperienced with tech stacks. With some inspiration from a friend, I decided to give rewriting it a shot. React is the most popular web framework (at least in 2022) and Nodejs is a very common backend that I felt it would be good experience with. Typically M stands for MongoDB, but since I already had a database backend in MySQL, I kept it :)