This type definition is based on the Mendix client API documentation
npm install --save-dev mendix-client
- Add to your tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"types": [ "mendix-client" ]
Typescript sample works as a Mendix Dojo widget
import * as dojoDeclare from "dojo/_base/declare";
import * as WidgetBase from "mxui/widget/_WidgetBase";
export class MyWidget extends WidgetBase {
// Properties from Mendix modeler
private message: string;
// Don`t assign default values, as the constructor will never be executed
// alternative set them in the postCreate
// private info: "Hello World";
postCreate() {
console.log("We have a widget ", this.message);
update(object: mendix.lib.MxObject, callback?: Function) {
console.log("We have a context", object);
if (callback) {
dojoDeclare("com.mendix.widget.mywidget.MyWidget", [ WidgetBase ], (function(Source: any) {
const result: any = {};
for (const i in Source.prototype) {
if (i !== "constructor" && Source.prototype.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
result[i] = Source.prototype[i];
return result;
More info about the Dojo declare hack for TypesScript:
- Mendix 7 Modeler -