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FlorianPusse edited this page Jun 6, 2016 · 16 revisions

Welcome to the Lingoturk wiki!

Getting started


Configuring LingoTurk

  1. Open the lingoturk/conf/application.conf file in any text editor.

  2. Create a new Application secret. (The Application secret will be used for cryptographic functions. Therefore, it should never be share with others!): - Open console and enter: activator play-generate-secret. - Replace APPLICATION_SECRET in the line application.secret="APPLICATION_SECRET" by the freshly created ApplicationSecret.

  3. Configure database connection: - Replace db.default.url="postgres://USERNAME:PASSWORD@URL/DATABASE_NAME?characterEncoding=utf8" by the corresponding entries for USERNAME, PASSWORD, URL and DATABASE_NAME.

  4. (opt.) Configure SSL. An SSL certificate is necessary to run experiments on Amazon Mechanical Turk. It is possible to skip this step for testing purposes. You can find instructions how to configure SSL in Play directly here: Play Framework SSL Configuration

However, I do recommend to use a front end HTTP server. This allows you a more detailed configuration and additional possibilities such as load balancing or redirecting requests to other processes than Play. Detailed configuration examples can be found in the official Play documentation: Setting up a front end HTTP server

Running LingoTurk

Running LingoTurk is fairly easy. To start the server, follow these steps:

  1. Start a terminal/command line
  2. Navigate to the local copy of the lingoturk directory
  3. To start start the server in developing mode enter activator run and to start the server in production mode, enter activator start. In developing mode, "the server will be launched with the auto-reload feature enabled, meaning that for each request Play will check your project and recompile required sources. If needed the application will restart automatically. If there are any compilation errors you will see the result of the compilation directly in your browser." (Source: Using the Play console).
You can specify parameters such as ports as additional arguments, e.g. `activator "run -Dhttps.port=443 -Dhttp.port=80"`. If no port is specified, Play will bind the application to port `9000`.
  1. Navigate to PROTOCOL://SERVER_IP:PORT in your browser. When testing the application locally, without specifying a port on startup, the correct URL would be http://localhost:9000.

Initial LingoTurk setup

  1. Log in to Lingoturk. The default password is admin. You should change this password immediately.
  2. Click on the Settings button.
  3. Enter your Access key and your Secret Key.
  4. Change the URL to the URL that can be used to access the LingoTurk server.
  5. Change the LingoTurk password.
  6. Click Apply changes.

Using LingoTurk

  1. Click Create experiment. You now have the option to either:
  • Use one of the existing experiment templates to instantiate an experiment.

  • Create a new experiment 2. Click Manage experiments. You will be able to:

  • publish

  • modify

  • or delete

    an experiment. 3. ...


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