This is the server-side component of @flowingcode/wc-ngx-github-buttons Web Component. This Web Component is a wrapper of ngx-github-buttons library. The component allows you to create three different types of GitHub Buttons to represent a given user/repository:
- Basic GitHub Button -> only allows to add a STAR button.
- Mdo GitHub Button -> allows to add STAR, FOLLOW, WATCH & FORK buttons.
- Ntkme GitHub Button -> allows to add the same as Mdo style plus ISSUE & DOWNLOAD buttons.
- Select button type
- Show count
- Show button size large (only mdo & ntkme)
- Show standard icon (only ntkme)
- Select target type
- git clone repository
- mvn clean install jetty:run
To see the demo, navigate to http://localhost:8080/
See here
The issues for this add-on are tracked on its page. All bug reports and feature requests are appreciated.
Contributions are welcome, but there are no guarantees that they are accepted as such. Process for contributing is the following:
- Fork this project
- Create an issue to this project about the contribution (bug or feature) if there is no such issue about it already. Try to keep the scope minimal.
- Develop and test the fix or functionality carefully. Only include minimum amount of code needed to fix the issue.
- Refer to the fixed issue in commit
- Send a pull request for the original project
- Comment on the original issue that you have implemented a fix for it
This add-on is distributed under Apache License 2.0. For license terms, see LICENSE.txt.
GitHub Buttons Add-on is written by Flowing Code S.A.
Basic GitHub Button
GitHubButton githubButton = new GitHubButton("GoogleMapsAddon", "FlowingCode");
Mdo Github Button
MdoGitHubButton mdoGithubButton = new MdoGitHubButton("GoogleMapsAddon", "FlowingCode");
Ntkme GitHub Button
NtkmeGitHubButton ntkmeGithubButton = new NtkmeGitHubButton("GoogleMapsAddon", "FlowingCode");