Flutter Bootcamp, organized by Flutter Kerala, Tinkerhub RIET, and TinkerHub MESM. Flutter is a framework developed by Google to build a hybrid application.
To know more about Flutter : https://flutter.dev/
The portion that we will be covering is:
- Basic Directory
- Widgets
- Stateless Widgets
- Stateful Widgets
- Clean code in Flutter
- Package
- API Integration
We will be having the online section from 29th Aug, 2020. In this Bootcamp, we will be developing an Android application.
The course is divided into two sections. In the 1st section, we will look into the basics and building of the UI with Flutter. Afterwards, there will be a test where you will be creating a basic Flutter application (UI only). On completing, we will proceed to the 2nd section.
Beginning App Development with Flutter
Dart Essentials
Dart Up and Running
Futter Recipes
Flutter in Action
Quick Start Guide to Dart programming
- Make a new Flutter application
- Run ‘Hello World’ app
- Discuss about different directories on the Flutter project.
- Discuss about appbar
- Build our own appbar for the project
To know more about create new application in Flutter commands: https://flutterdoc.evolvingkid.ninja/create-flutter-project
More about Flutter Widgets:
- MMaking a new widget.
- Cleaning our previous code.
- Introduction to List view and Expand widgets.
More about Scroll:
- Making Custom List-View tiles
- Adding page navigation (named Page route)
- Making page navigation good to manage.
More about page navigation:
- Introduction to Stack widget.
- Finishing 2nd page
More about: https://api.flutter.dev/flutter/widgets/Stack-class.html
After the day 4 section, we will conduct a mock test about flutter where all the participants can make an app (UI) with all that we learned in flutter up until now.
- Using List and Map
- Using List-View builder and why?
- Making Drawer
- And new screen to enter data
- Introduction to Form in Flutter
More about Drawer: https://flutter.dev/docs/cookbook/design/drawer
- Using Package (HTTP)
- Connect app with API
To see all available package on Flutter: https://pub.dev/