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A Discord bot utilising to provide functionality for UoY Esports game hubs


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UoY Esports Bot Rewrite

Dependency Versions:

This Discord bot was written to merge all the functions of different bots used in the Fragsoc Discord server into one bot that is maintained by Fragsoc members.

Current Functions

The list below describes the different "Cogs" of the bot, their associated commands, and any additional information required to set them up.



AdminTools cog is used to manage basic Administrator/Moderation tools. All commands in this cog require the user to have the administrator permission in a given guild/server.

Current Commands:

/admin member-count

  • Get the current member count of the server.

/admin clear-messages [optional: message-count]

  • Delete a specific number of messages in the given channel. Defaults to 5 messages, with a maximum of 100 messages.

/admin get-version

  • Get the current version of the Bot.


RoleReact cog is used to allow users to self-assign roles from a defined list of roles set by admins. All commands in this cog require the user to have the administrator permissions in a given guild/server.

Current Commands:

/reactroles create [optional: color]

  • Creates a new menu to add roles to.

/reactroles delete <menu ID>

  • Deletes a given menu and it's message.

/reactroles add-role <menu ID> <role> [optional: emoji] [optional: description]

  • Add a role to a given menu. Optionally give the role an emoji and/or description.

/reactroles remove-role <menu ID> <role>

  • Remove a role from a given menu.

LogChannel is a cog used to send log messages to a specified discord channel per-guild. A standard logging message can be forwarded by prefixing the message with the LOGGING_PREFIX and the guild, eg. "LOGGING_PREFIX[guild_id] Message...". This will send the log message to the specified log channel for the given guild if it has been configured to do so.

/logging set-channel <Text Channel>

  • Configures the given channel to be the logging channel.

/logging get-channel

  • Gets the currently assigned logging channel.

/logging remove-channel

  • Removes the currently configured logging channel.


Environment Variable: ENABLE_VOICEADMIN

VoiceAdmin cog is used to dynamically create and manage Voice Channels, by assigning specific channels to act as parent channels. When users join parent Voice Channels, a new chil Voice Channel is created, and the user moved to it. The user has control over the child Voice Channel name, and can limit how many/who can join.

Current Commands:

/voice-admin set-parent <voice-channel>

  • Set a Voice Channel to be a parent Voice Channel.

/voice-admin remove-parent <voice-channel>

  • Remove a Voice Channel from being a parent Voice Channel.

/voice get-parents

  • Get the list of current parent Voice Channels.

/voice rename <new-name>

  • Rename your current Voice Channel

/voice lock

  • Only allow current members to (re)join your Voice Channel.

/voice unlock

  • Allow anyone to join your Voice Channel again.

/voice limit

  • Set the member count limit of your Voice Channel.

/voice remove-limit

  • Remove the member count limit of your Voice Channel.


Environment Variable: ENABLE_AUTOROLES

/autoroles set-list <One or many roles mentioned>

  • Sets the roles to be given to new users when they join the guild/server.
    • If one or more the of the roles are valid, any roles previously configured will be removed.

/autoroles add-role <role>

  • Adds a role to the list of roles without overriding the currently configured roles.

/autoroles remove-role <role>

  • Removes a role from the list of currently configured roles.

/autoroles get-list

  • Gets the list of currently configured AutoRoles.

/autoroles clear-list

  • Clears all roles from the list of configured AutoRoles.


Environment Variable: ENABLE_EVENTTOOLS

/events create-event <name> <physical location> <start time> <end time> <timezone> <common member role> <role color>

  • Creates a new event.

/events open-event <event name or ID>

  • Opens the given event. This will show the sign-in menu to members.

/events close-event <event name or ID> [optional: keep-event?] [optional: clear-messages?]

  • Ends the given event. This will hide all the channels from members.
  • If keep-event is set to True, the event will be archived, otherwise it's channels and roles will be deleted.
  • If clear-messages is set to True, when the event is archived, messages in all channels will be deleted.

/events reschedule-event <physical location> <start time> <end time> <timezone>

  • If an event has been archived, it can be reused and rescheduled for a new date using this command.

/events remove-event <event name or ID>

  • Entirely deletes either an active or archived event.


Environment Variable: ENABLE_VCMUSIC

In order to function, a google API key with access to YouTube Data API v3 must be set to the GOOGLE_API environment variable.

To create your Google API credentials:

  1. Go to the Google Cloud API site.
  2. Create a new project and name it whatever you want.
  3. In the dashboard, click the Enable APIs and Services and search for YouTube Data API v3.
  4. Click Enable to enable the use of the YouTube API.
  5. Keep going back until at your dashboard, and go to the credentials section on the left.
  6. Click on Create Credentials and then API key.
  7. Copy the key given. For security, it is recommended that you "restrict key" and only enable YouTube Data API v3.

/music-admin set-channel <channel> [optional: color] [optional: clear-channel] [optional: read-only]

  • Sets the channel to define as the music channel.

/music play

  • Resumes or starts playback.

/music pause

  • Pauses playback.

/music skip-song

  • Skips the current song. Stops playback if the last song in the queue.

/music shuffle-queue

  • Shuffles the current queue.

/music add-music

  • Opens the dialogue to add one or many songs to the queue.

/music view-queue

  • Shows the current queue.

/music stop

  • Stop the current playback.

/music volume <volume>

  • Sets the volume percentage between 0-100


Environment Variable: ENABLE_USERROLES

/pingable-admin get-config [optional: setting]

  • Get the current settings for UserRoles or a specific setting by providing the name.

/pingable-admin set-config <setting> <value>

  • Set a specific UserRoles setting to a given value.

/pingable create-role <role-name>

  • Start a poll to create a new user role.


  • Implement unimplemented commands in VoiceAdmin and AdminTools cogs.
  • Implement EventTools cog
  • Implement AutoRoles cog
  • Add back functionality of previous bot (eg. Music, PingableRoles, etc.)
  • Add game deal tracker (DealTracker(?) cog)
  • Add proper support for SQLite auto increment primary keys
  • Add proper use of command groups

Previous extensions to implement

✅ Extension implemented either partially or fully.

⏳ Extension currently being implemented not yet ready.

❌ High priority extension not yet implemented.

⚠️ Low priority extension not yet implemented.
  • AdminCog ✅ Implemented as AdminTools
  • DefaultRoleCog ✅ Implemented as AutoRoles
  • EventCategoriesCog ✅ Implemented as EventTools
  • LogChannelCog ✅ Implementation as LogChannel
  • MusicCog ✅ Implemented as VCMusic
  • PingableRolesCog ✅ Implementation as UserRoles
  • RoleReactCog ✅ Implemented as RoleReact
  • TwitchCog ❌ Announcements precede most livestreams
  • TwitterCog ❌ Needs Twitter API v2 Bearer Token
  • VoicemasterCog ✅ Implemented as VoiceAdmin
  • VotingCog ⚠️

Quick Setup Guide

Requirements needed to run:

  • Python 3.8
  • Pip
  • A postgres 11 database
    • If using the DB_OVERRIDE environment variable, any valid DB schema for SQLAlchemy can be used by providing the correct schema URI. These can be found here.
  1. Clone this repository:
$ git clone
  1. Change into the repo directory:
$ cd esports-bot
  1. Rename the secrets.template to secrets.env and set all the variables.
$ nano secrets.env
$ source secrets.env
  1. Install all the requirements for python:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Run the bot:
python3 src/

Contributing Guide

If you wish to contribute to this bot please use the following paradigms:

  • Ensure that yapf is configured with the configuration defined in setup.cfg
    • Optionally also configure flake8 to help with linting
    • This project uses match/case statements, consider using char101's fork of YAPF until the official fork addresses the issue
  • When adding a new extension consider the following:
    • Create user-facing strings inside of src/locale/ using the same name as the extension of the filename (eg. for extension, there exists VoiceAdmin.toml). The strings can then be loaded with load_cog_strings(__name__) from
    • If your extension should always be enabled, it should be in extensions/default/, otherwise it should have an environment variable to toggle it and it should be in extensions/dynamic/.
    • Extensions should be modular, meaning that they should be able to be enabled/disabled with hindering the function of other extensions
  • Any file loading or IO operations should be defined in src/common/


A Discord bot utilising to provide functionality for UoY Esports game hubs







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  • Python 99.7%
  • Other 0.3%