A day picker in a week based calendar for react. Support both week and working week format.
npm install react-weekstrip-daypicker --save
import React from 'react';
import WeekStrip from 'react-weekstrip-daypicker';
class Component extends React.Component {
render() {
return <WeekStrip />;
Boolean, set to true for working week (Monday - Friday).
Defalut: false
String rapresenting the lang localization.
Default: en
Object with the color to style the component. Default:
titleColor: "#000",
dayColor: "#222222",
dayBackground: "transparent",
weekdayColor: "#aaaaaa",
daySelectedColor: "#fff",
daySelectedBackground: "#3434ff",
Either string, Date or a moment object(https://momentjs.com). Set the initial view and the initial selected date. Put null to select current day.
Defult: null
(current day).
Function called when the user selects a day. Day passed as param in moment format (https://momentjs.com).
Function called when the user changes the week. Starting day of the week passed as param in moment format (https://momentjs.com).