Native Android Navigation Drawer for Titanium
This is a fork of Tripvi/Ti.DrawerLayout. I temporarily picked it up since the author is busy these days. I've activated issues and pull requests here, so feel free to contribute.
This module adds support for using the DrawerLayout in Titanium Apps.
The Drawer Layout is a view that can be pulled from the edge of a window. This can answer various purposes. The most common use case is the Navigation Drawer as seen in the above screenshot. The Navigation Drawer displays navigation options in a drawer which slides in from the left edge.
To expand the drawer the user can either touch the app icon or swipe from the left edge. The navigation drawer overlays the content but not the action bar.
- Grab the latest package from the dist folder
- Install it following this guide
Here's an example of how to use the module. Please note the links for Demo App and API Docs below.
// Load module
var TiDrawerLayout = require('com.tripvi.drawerlayout');
// define menu and main content view
var menuTable = Alloy.createController('menu').getView();
var contentView = Alloy.createController('main').getView();
// create the Drawer
var drawer = TiDrawerLayout.createDrawer({
leftView: menuTable,
centerView: contentView,
leftDrawerWidth: "240dp",
width: Ti.UI.FILL,
height: Ti.UI.FILL
// add some listeners
drawer.addEventListener('draweropen', function(e) {
// drawer is open
drawer.addEventListener('drawerclose', function(e) {
// drawer is closed
drawer.addEventListener('drawerslide', function(e) {
// drawer is sliding
// slide offset: e.offset
// add the drawer to your root window
// open the window
- MapView is not working with centerView
- TabGroup is not working with Drawer
- ActionBar SearchView seems to make problems too
If you are facing other issues please add them to the issues. If you can solve one of them, please send a pull request.
MIT, Copyright 2013 Tripvi.Inc