is a set of composed, pre-styled Victory components that can be used to display rich, interactive charts. Our theming system not only supports style based theming, but behavioral/compositional theming as well.
to your projectnpm install formidable-charts --save
For React Native, you'll need -native
and react-native-svg
npm install -native formidable-charts react-native-svg --save
react-native link react-native-svg
Add your first
component:import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { render } from 'react-dom'; import { LineChart } from 'formidable-charts'; class MyLineChart extends Component { render() { return ( <LineChart /> ); } } render(<MyLineChart />, document.getElementById('app'));
Explore the API and try out the various possible components and configurations and their themes!
# Run the demo app server
$ npm start
# Open the demo app
$ open http://localhost:3000
# Run tests
$ npm test
For more on the development environment, see DEVELOPMENT in the project builder archetype.
Please review our Code of Conduct before contributing.
For a detailed contribution guide, please see CONTRIBUTING in the project builder archetype.
This project is in a pre-release state. We're hard at work fixing bugs and improving the API. Be prepared for breaking changes!