This is a role for installing an FTP server. It can automatically create users and generate passwords. Supported OS: SmartOS
- The role is fully idempotent
- Fully modifiable pure-ftpd configuration settings
- Customisable config dir path
- Virtual users support
- User passwords are generated automatically if necessary
- Customisable generated passwords complexity
- User removal is fully supported (just remove the user from
) - Nonexistent user homes are created after first login
- TLS support
pureftpd_local_passdb: "~/.ans_pureftpd_passdb" # a directory on the ansible control machine which stores the generated pureftpd passwords
pureftpd_pass_len: 10 # a length of generated passwords
pureftpd_pass_complexity: 'ascii_letters,digits' # possible values: ascii_letters,digits,hexdigits,punctuation
pureftpd_default_homes: '/home'
pureftpd_etcdir: '/etc/pure-ftpd'
pureftpd_confvars: # configuration overrides (values must be enclosed in "" to prevent converting to True/False)
pureftpd_ssl_certfile: ... # SSL certificate to use when TLS is enabled (file must contain KEY and CERT in PEM format)
uid: 1234 # mandatory
gid: 5678 # if not defined, defaults to uid
dir: /ftp/user1 # if not defined, defaults to {{pureftpd_default_homes}}/{{user_name}}
chrooted: true # optional, default true
passwd: 'mypwd' # optional, otherwise generated automatically according to config rules
Password specified in pureftpd_users
take precedense before auto-generated ones. Generated passwords are stored on ansible master host (yes, the one that executed the ansible command) in pureftpd_local_passdb
directory using following pattern:
{{ pureftpd_local_passdb }}/{{ machine_inventory_name }}/{{ user_name }}
> cat /root/.ans_pureftpd_passdb/mysrv1/user22
- name: install pureftpd
hosts: purehost
gather_facts: True
any_errors_fatal: True
pureftpd_default_homes: '/ftpdata'
pureftpd_ssl_certfile: '/etc/openssl/mycert-combined.pem'
TLS: 2 # '0' to disable TLS; '1' to make TLS optional; '2' to require TLS
CreateHomeDir: "no"
IPV4Only: "no"
PAMAuthentication: "yes"
uid: 1122
chrooted: false
passwd: 'aaa'
uid: 1123
gid: 2222
dir: /tmp
uid: 2000
- pure-ftpd
Multiple OS support can be added if someone is interested.