twilio-hook is a Whatsapp chatbot webhook built with Laravel.
twilio-hook is intended for anyone who wants to run a custom webhook that follows a USSD-like structure process. This is a step-by-step interaction.
Example below:
Step 1 - Select Language:
1. English 2. Chichewa
Step 2 - Select a level:
1. Service 1 2. Service 2 3. Back
......extra level option sets
This project currently provides an example requiring the dev to write static methods for each level.
After plugging in the necessary data, the hook app auto handles the responses.
For example, plug-in data might be a JSON tree of steps.
Begin by cloning your repository with SSH
git clone
Change into project directory and install composer dependencies
composer install
Install npm dependencies
npm install
Copy the .env.example file to .env
This can easily be achieved by running
cp .env.example .env
Set the application key by running
php artisan key:generate
In your Twilio console, configure your Whatsapp bot settings and configure them in your .env file.
To reflect your running environment, you can update the env parameters such as
- Database name
- Database username
- Database password
- Database Port
- Database host