Releases: Fragtality/FenixQuartz
Releases · Fragtality/FenixQuartz
This is the last Version of FenixQuartz - it is just not needed anymore! Fenix provides all raw Values natively now and PilotsDeck does not require it for composing the Display.
Change Log:
- Using new native L-Var for Rudder Trim Dashed
- Removed Code for Memory Scan (Trim Dashed was the last one using it)
- Updated Libraries
- Fixed Installer not checking .NET Major Version correctly
- Fixed Rudder Dashed State (?)
- Updated Libraries
- TO-Speeds and Flex Temperature are have been removed! They are directly available via native Fenix L-Vars (N_MISC_PERF_TO_*).
- This is the last Release that will include the Raw-Value Modes
- Changed: Using native L-Vars for XPDR Input and ISIS/ISFD
- Changed: "Std" Detection for EFIS1 Baro (Cpt) also use the native L-Var
ATTENTION: The FSUIPC Offset Addresses have changed due to the Amount of Changes. Make sure to configure your Software/Hardware to the new Addresses (check Assignments.txt)
- Changed: Most Values are now retrieved from the native Fenix L-Vars, Memory Scanning/Access is only relevant for XPDR Input and ISIS/Standby Baro now.
- Improved: The SPD and VS Display Outputs now show the Decimal Point in the Dashed State (as in the Virtual Cockpit)
- Improved: TO-Speeds now are fully automatic again (no manual Scan required) and much more reliable!
- Added: Flex Temperature L-Var
- Added: UTC Time
- Removed: the Settings "ignoreBatteries", "perfCaptainSide" and "perfButtonHold" are not used and needed anymore. (No Issue to have them still in the Config, but they won't do anything)
NOTE: The Raw-Value Modes are now considered deprecated! They will be removed in the future Releases. Most Data can now be directly accessed via native Fenix L-Vars, so it is now only copying the Value from L-Var "A" to "B" mostly.
- Added: Check to prevent the App being started multiple Times
- Libraries Updated
- Added: Button to remove the App (this includes the Configuration and MSFS/FSUIPC Auto-Start Entries)
- Added: Option to remove any Auto-Start Entries in MSFS/FSUIPC
- Changed: Either Auto-Start Option now removes Entries from the other one (e.g. selecting MSFS will remove the Auto-Start from FSUIPC and vice-versa)
- Changed: FSUIPC Auto-Start Entries are now using "CLOSE" instead of "KILL" (if you use FSUIPC for Auto-Start, select 'Auto-Start with FSUIPC' when Updating!)
- Changed/Fixed: Detection of .NET Runtime Version
- Fixed: Exception when setting up FSUIPC Auto-Start (when the Configuration contains only "Run" Entries or having an empty [Programs] Section)
- Added: New Option "scaleMachValue" to output the MACH Value as float Number in both Raw-Value Modes (e.g. it is output as 0.79 instead of 79)
- Improved: Now uses the same Installer as Fenix2GSX
- The Installer for Quartz allows you to install preconfiured Configuration Files for the different Output Modes (Configuration is still through editing the Config-File)
- Improved: Current App Configuration now survives Updates
- Fixed: V-Speeds compatible to (aka V2 Block 1). The Scan is now manual, check the Readme!
- Added: Variable for the current number of Digits on the XPDR (available in both Raw-Value Modes. Already incorporated in String/Offset Mode)
- Added: Variable for the Captain Baro (for Convienience - using the standard SimVars and Fenix L-Vars)
- Improved: Reliability of the Battery Displays
- Improved: Rudder Display Accuracy improved (Dashed / Empty). In either Raw-Value Mode: -1 is Empty and -2 is Dashed
- Improved: Clock, COM and XPDR react to Light-Test showing 888... in String/Offset Mode (Partly also in either Raw-Value Mode)
- Updated: Libraries & SDK
Failed on my own bold Statement 🤣
- Fixed Crash in Raw-Value-Mode with Offset-Output
The best Release ever 😅
- Renamed to FenixQuartz to avoid confusion and to make it more clearer that it is a separate Tool
- Added Automatic Rescanning if Memory-Locations should change for increased Reliability
- Increased Accuracy of the VS-Display (especially when the Plane switches the Mode itself, even on Ground a little)
- Some Tweaks on other Displays (Rudder, Bat, Isis, Xpdr)
- Systemtray-/Notification-Icon added as a visual Confirmation that it is running. Including Right-Click-Menu to Restart the Scanner or close the Tool
- Take-Off Speeds (V1, Vr, V2) where added. They are always exported as L-Vars
- String-Offset for Altitude longer - watch for new Offset-Addresses!!!
- Added MobiFlight WASM Module for LVar Access (it is a Requirement for the Binary to run)
- Some tuning on VS Mode
- Added Mode to output Values to L-Vars (for Raw-Value-Mode)
- Offset/L-Vars Assignments are written to a Text-File on Program-Start (reflecting the current Configuration)