An archetype has the purpose to create projects based on its definitions in the most possible easy way. Starting creating your project following these instructions bellow.
To generate projects using this archetype, you must install it before. After cloning this repository, inside its folder, type the command
mvn install
mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local
- Will be asked for a number that represents the archetype already installed (it may appear at the bottom of the console). After that, you have to insert the groupId, artifactId and version (respectively) of the project to be created.
Inside the project folder that you already created, the file has some attributes that must be changed before running the test.
- Set the to the chrome driver location
- Set where serenity-bdd report will be saved changing the serenity.outputDirectory value to a folder location in your local file system (may not exist).
After setting the properties above, you can run the test already defined in the project. Inside the project folder type the command
mvn verify
end the test should be started.