Roam is a city review site for travelers made with Node.js, Express, PostgreSQL and EJS. Users can sign up, create a profile, and review cities on the site.
To get a development copy running on your local machine, read below!
You will need to have Node, Node Package Manager, and PostgreSQL installed.
Fork and clone this repository.
After moving into the folder your repository was cloned to,
npm install
to get all required packages. -
Next, you will need to set up your database with the following scripts: create:db, load:db, load:session, and seed:db. The load:session command is used to set up a table inside of node_modules that the connect-pg-simple module uses to store sessions in the database. If you wish to set up your own database to use with express-session, you can modify this step.
Before starting the app, you will need to create your own .env file and provide your own properties for DATABASE_URL and SESSION_SECRET. If you are unsure of how to do this, check out the dotenv docs:
Finally, run
npm start
to start the server, ornpm run start:dev
to run the server with nodemon.
This project is set up to deploy to a live server in its current state.
- James McCormack - Framinus
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
- The folks at Learners Guild who answered my questions and provided support.
- My partner Joe, who was my perfect non-coding test user.