(short for Causal-MBRL
) is a toolbox for facilitating the development of Causal Model-based Reinforcement
learning algorithms. It uses Stable-Baselines3 as model-free engine and
allows flexible use of causal models.
is inspired by MBRL-Lib. Unlike MBRL-Lib, cmrl
focuses on the
causal characteristics of the model. It supports the learning of different types of causal models and can use any model
free algorithm on these models. It uses Emei as the reinforcement learning
environment by default, which is a re-encapsulation of Openai Gym.
Thanks to the decoupling between the environment-model and the model-free algorithm, cmrl
supports all on-policy and
off-policy reinforcement learning algorithms in Stable-Baselines3
and SB3-Contrib. Meanwhile, cmrl
is consistent
with a number of utilities Stable-Baselines3 (e.g. Logger, Replay-buffer, Callback, etc.).
Although it supports many model-free algorithms, the focus of cmrl
is the learning of causal models. cmrl
uses VecFakeEnv
to build a fake environment and conduct online reinforcement learning on it. Each 'VecFakeEnv'
corresponds to a dynamics, which is composed of three parts, namely, Transition
, Reward-Mech
(short for reward
mechanism) and Termination-Mech
, look at the class diagram:
BaseDynamics o-- BaseTransition
BaseDynamics o-- BaseRewardMech
BaseDynamics o-- BaseTerminationMech
class BaseDynamics {
+ transition: BaseTransition
+ reward_mech: BaseRewardMech
+ termination_mech: BaseTerminationMech
+ transition_graph: BaseGraph
+ reward_mech_graph: BaseGraph
+ termination_mech_graph: BaseGraph
+ learn()
+ save()
+ load()
class BaseTransition {
+ obs_size: int
+ action_size: int
+ forward()
class BaseRewardMech {
+ obs_size: int
+ action_size: int
+ forward()
class BaseTerminationMech {
+ obs_size: int
+ action_size: int
+ forward()
encapsulates the neural networks commonly used in causal-model-based RL, including PlainEnsembleMLP
, ExternalMaskEnsembleMLP
and so on. For any mechanism in dynamics, it should be a subclass of any MLP
and its
corresponding base class. For example, look at the class diagram of PlainTransition
EnsembleMLP <|-- PlainEnsembleMLP
BaseTransition <|-- PlainTransition
PlainEnsembleMLP <|-- PlainTransition
class PlainTransition {
+ obs_size: int
+ action_size: int
+ forward()
class BaseTransition {
+ obs_size: int
+ action_size: int
+ forward()
class PlainEnsembleMLP {
+ ensemble_num: int
+ elite_num: int
+ save()
+ load()
# clone the repository
git clone
cd causal-mbrl
# create conda env
conda create -n cmrl python=3.8
conda activate cmrl
# install torch
conda install pytorch -c pytorch
# install cmrl and its dependent packages
pip install -e .
for pytorch
# for MacOS
conda install pytorch -c pytorch
# for Linux
conda install pytorch pytorch-cuda=11.6 -c pytorch -c nvidia
for KCIT and RCIT
conda install -c conda-forge r-base
conda install -c conda-forge r-devtools
# Install the RCIT from Github.
# Install R libraries for RCIT
# test RCIT
coming soon.
python -m cmrl.exmaples.main
see CONTRIBUTING for details.