This is a product containing a decompiler that will create Magik code from the jar files that where created from Magik. The core component is the decompiler, contained in the deco package.
The basic methods are:
- decompile a product to a directory e.g.:[:sw_core], "c:\temp")
- decompile a product inside the product directory e.g.:[:sw_core])
- decompile a single jar to a directory e.g.:"D:\SW5\core\core.jar", "c:\temp")
- decompile many jars to a directory e.g.:"D:\SW5\core", "".jar, "c:\temp")*
The new() method for de decompiler takes two optional arguments:
- p_safe?: continue the decompilation even when an error occurs. Default = _true.
- p_overwrite?: overwrite any existing magik files. Default = _false.