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Dark Souls 3 Item pickup flags

F.stam edited this page Jun 9, 2022 · 2 revisions

****These are the item pickup flags, as extracted via Yapped. The number in the right-most column is the event flag.

Event flags for items that appear only once in the game can still occur twice in this list. There might be any number of flags associated with the item you want to split on. You will have to just try them all. You can also contact me and tell me which item pickup is giving you trouble, and I will find the right flag for you.

2000;[Boss] Soul of Boreal Valley Vordt;50002000
2010;[Boss] Soul of the Dancer;50002010
2020;[Boss] Soul of Consumed Oceiros;50002020
2030;[Boss] Soul of Dragonslayer Armour;50002030
2040;[Boss] Cinders of a Lord;50002040
2041;[Boss] Soul of the Twin Princes;50002040
2060;[Boss] Soul of the Rotted Greatwood;50002060
2061;[Boss] Transposing Kiln;50002060
2070;[Boss] Dragon Head Stone;50002070
2080;[Boss] Soul of the Nameless King;50002080
2090;[Boss] Soul of a Crystal Sage;50002090
2100;[Boss] Cinders of a Lord;50002100
2101;[Boss] Soul of the Blood of the Wolf;50002100
2110;[Boss] Small Doll;50002110
2111;[Boss] Soul of the Deacons of the Deep;50002111
2120;[Boss] Soul of Pontiff Sulyvahn;50002120
2130;[Boss] Cinders of a Lord;50002130
2131;[Boss] Soul of Aldrich;50002130
2140;[Boss] Soul of High Lord Wolnir;50002140
2150;[Boss] Soul of the Old Demon King;50002150
2170;[Boss] Cinders of a Lord;50002170
2171;[Boss] Soul of Yhorm the Giant;50002170
2180;[Boss] Coiled Sword;50002180
2190;[Boss] Soul of Champion Gundyr;50002190
2200;[Boss] Soul of the Lords;50002200
2300;[Boss] Soul of Sister Friede;50002300
2310;[Boss] Champion's Bones;50002310
2311;[Boss] Valorheart;50002320
2330;[Boss] Soul of the Demon Prince;50002330
2340;[Boss] Titanite Slab;50002340
2341;[Boss] Filianore's Spear Ornament;50002341
2350;[Boss] Soul of Darkeater Midir;50002350
2351;[Boss] Spears of the Church;6830
2360;[Boss] Soul of Slave Knight Gael;50002360
2361;[Boss] Blood of the Dark Soul;50002360
2500;Coiled Sword;50002500
4000;Seed of a Giant Tree;-1
4010;Rosaria's Fingers - Emblem;54004010
4020;Way of White Circlet;-1
4200;Warrior of Sunlight - Emblem;6700
4207;[Covenant] Warrior of Sunlight Rank 2 - Sunlight Straight Sword;6702
4208;[Covenant] Warrior of Sunlight Rank 1 - Sunlight Shield;6701
4210;Mound-makers - Emblem;6710
4217;[Covenant] Mound-makers Rank 2 - Warmth;6712
4218;[Covenant] Mound-makers Rank 1 - Bloodlust;6711
4220;Watchdogs of Farron - Emblem;6720
4226;[Covenant] Watchdogs of Farron Rank 2 - Wolf Knight's Greatshield;6722
4227;[Covenant] Watchdogs of Farron Rank 2 - Wolf Ring;6722
4228;[Covenant] Watchdogs of Farron Rank 1 - Old Wolf Curved Sword;6721
4230;Aldrich Faithful - Emblem;6730
4237;[Covenant] Aldrich Faithful Rank 2 - Archdeacon's Great Staff;6732
4238;[Covenant] Aldrich Faithful Rank 1 - Great Deep Soul;6731
4240;Blue Sentinels - Emblem;6740
4250;Blade of the Darkmoon - Emblem;6750
4260;Rosaria's Fingers - Emblem;6760
4267;[Covenant] Rosaria's Fingers Rank 2 - Man-grub's Staff;6762
4268;[Covenant] Rosaria's Fingers Rank 1 - Obscuring Ring;6761
4270;Way of Blue - Emblem;6770
4287;Divine Spear Fragment;6832
4288;Young Grass Dew;6831
4300;[Crow] Iron Bracelets;50004300
4301;[Crow] Ring of Sacrifice;50004301
4302;[Crow] Porcine Shield;50004302
4303;[Crow] Lucatiel's Mask;50004303
4304;[Crow] Very good! Carving;50004304
4305;[Crow] Thank you Carving;50004305
4306;[Crow] I'm sorry Carving;50004306
4307;[Crow] Sunlight Shield;50004307
4308;[Crow] Hollow Gem;50004308
4309;[Crow] Titanite Scale;50004309
4310;[Crow] Help me! Carving;50004310
4311;[Crow] Titanite Slab;50004311
4320;[Crow] Hello Carving;50004320
4321;[Crow] Armor of the Sun;50004321
4322;[Crow] Large Titanite Shard;50004322
4323;[Crow] Titanite Chunk;50004323
4324;[Crow] Iron Helm;50004324
4325;[Crow] Twinkling Titanite;50004325
4326;[Crow] Iron Leggings;50004326
4327;[Crow] Lightning Gem;50004327
4328;[Crow] Twinkling Titanite;50004328
4329;[Crow] Blessed Gem;50004329
4330;[Crow] Titanite Scale;50004330
4500;Pale Tongue;-1
4510;Proof of a Concord Kept;-1
4530;Vertebra Shackle;-1
4600;Storm Ruler;-1
4700;Titanite Slab;50004700
5000;Titanite Shard, INVALID, Titanite Scale, Twinkling Titanite, INVALID, INVALID, Rubbish, Pendant;-1
5020;Vertebra Shackle;-1
5030;Sunlight Medal;-1
5040;Sharp Gem;-1
5280;White Sign Soapstone;-1
5530;Pale Tongue;-1
5540;Forked Pale Tongue;-1
5550;Proof of a Concord Kept;-1
5560;Vertebra Shackle;-1
5570;Proof of a Concord Well Kept;-1
5580;Wolf's Blood Swordgrass;-1
5600;Human Dregs;-1
5620;Filianore's Spear Ornament;-1
5630;Filianore's Spear Ornament;-1
5640;Filianore's Spear Ornament;-1
5650;Filianore's Spear Ornament;-1
5660;Filianore's Spear Ornament;-1
5670;Filianore's Spear Ornament;-1
6000;Divine Blessing, Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler, Soul of a Weary Warrior;-1
6010;Divine Blessing, Rusted Coin, Dung Pie;-1
6020;Divine Blessing, Rusted Coin, Soul of a Deserted Corpse;-1
6030;Divine Blessing, Rusted Coin, Soul of a Weary Warrior;-1
6040;Hidden Blessing, Pale Pine Resin;-1
6050;Divine Blessing, Rusted Coin;-1
6060;Divine Blessing, Rusted Coin;-1
6070;Divine Blessing, INVALID, Rusted Coin;-1
6080;Twinkling Titanite;-1
6090;Ember, Young White Branch;-1
6100;Titanite Scale, Hidden Blessing, INVALID;-1
6110;Titanite Slab;-1
9030;Charcoal Pine Resin;-1
50300;[Ludleth of Courland] Skull Ring;50006031
50400;[Yuria of Londor] Darkdrift;50006041
50401;[Yuria of Londor] Yuria's Ashes;50006043
50600;[Company Captain Yorshka] Blade of the Darkmoon;6750
50610;[Company Captain Yorshka] Yorshka's Chime;50006060
50700;[Hawkwood the Deserter] Heavy Gem;50006070
50800;[Sirris of the Sunless Realms] Sunless Talisman;50006082
50900;[Ringfinger Leonhard] Cracked Red Eye Orb;50006090
50901;[Ringfinger Leonhard] Silver Mask;50006093
50902;[Ringfinger Leonhard] Lift Chamber Key;50006091
51100;[Shrine Handmaid] Priestess Ring;50006110
51200;[Greirat of the Undead Settlement] Blue Tearstone Ring;50006120
51201;[Greirat of the Undead Settlement] Greirat's Ashes;50006121
51300;[Orbeck of Vinheim] Orbeck's Ashes;50006132
51400;[Cornyx of the Great Swamp] Pyromancy Flame;50006140
51401;[Cornyx of the Great Swamp] Old Sage's Blindfold;50006141
51402;[Cornyx of the Great Swamp] Cornyx's Garb;50006141
51403;[Cornyx of the Great Swamp] Cornyx's Wrap;50006141
51404;[Cornyx of the Great Swamp] Cornyx's Skirt;50006141
51405;[Cornyx of the Great Swamp] Cornyx's Ashes;50006142
51500;[Karla] Karla's Pointed Hat;50006150
51501;[Karla] Karla's Coat;50006150
51502;[Karla] Karla's Gloves;50006150
51503;[Karla] Karla's Trousers;50006150
51504;[Karla] Karla's Ashes;50006151
51600;[Irina of Carim] Tower Key;50006160
51601;[Irina of Carim] Irina's Ashes;50006164
51700;[Eygon of Carim] Morne's Great Hammer;50006170
51701;[Eygon of Carim] Moaning Shield;50006170
51900;[Anri of Astora #1] Anri's Straight Sword;50006030
51910;[Anri of Astora #2] Anri's Straight Sword;50006030
51911;[Anri of Astora #2] Ring of the Evil Eye;50006190
52000;[Unbreakable Patches #1] Winged Spear;50006202
52001;[Unbreakable Patches #1] Horsehoof Ring;50006202
52002;[Unbreakable Patches #1] Patches' Ashes;50006203
52010;[Unbreakable Patches #2] Horsehoof Ring;50006202
52011;[Unbreakable Patches #2] Patches' Ashes;50006203
52020;[Unbreakable Patches #3] Pierce Shield;73501050
52021;[Unbreakable Patches #3] Catarina Helm;73501010
52022;[Unbreakable Patches #3] Catarina Armor;73501020
52023;[Unbreakable Patches #3] Catarina Gauntlets;73501030
52024;[Unbreakable Patches #3] Catarina Leggings;73501040
52100;[Siegward of Catarina #1] Catarina Helm;50006217
52101;[Siegward of Catarina #1] Catarina Armor;50006217
52102;[Siegward of Catarina #1] Catarina Gauntlets;50006217
52103;[Siegward of Catarina #1] Catarina Leggings;50006217
52104;[Siegward of Catarina #1] Storm Ruler;50006218
52105;[Siegward of Catarina #1] Pierce Shield;50006218
52110;[Siegward of Catarina #2] Catarina Helm;50006217
52111;[Siegward of Catarina #2] Catarina Armor;50006217
52112;[Siegward of Catarina #2] Catarina Gauntlets;50006217
52113;[Siegward of Catarina #2] Catarina Leggings;50006217
52114;[Siegward of Catarina #2] Storm Ruler;50006218
52115;[Siegward of Catarina #2] Pierce Shield;50006218
52116;[Siegward of Catarina #3] Titanite Slab;50006215
52300;[High Priestess Emma] Small Lothric Banner;50006232
52301;[High Priestess Emma] Way of Blue;6770
52302;[High Priestess Emma] Basin of Vows;50006230
52500;[Giant] Hawk Ring;50006251
52600;[Horace the Hushed] Blue Sentinels;6740
52601;[Horace the Hushed] Llewellyn Shield;50006260
53000;[Londor Pilgrim] Chameleon;50006300
53010;[Londor Pilgrim] Sword of Avowal;50006301
53011;[Londor Pilgrim] Chameleon;50006300
53100;[Drowsy Forlorn] Homeward Bone;50006311
55200;[Sir Vilhelm] Contraption Key;50006520
55201;[Sir Vilhelm] Onyx Blade;50006521
55400;[Forlorn Corvian Settler] Titanite Slab;50006540
55500;[Sister Friede] Chillbite Ring;50006550
56200;[Amnesiac Lapp #1] Champion's Bones;50006623
56210;[Amnesiac Lapp #2] Siegbräu;50006620
56211;[Amnesiac Lapp #2] Champion's Bones;50006623
56220;[Amnesiac Lapp #3] Siegbräu;50006622
56221;[Amnesiac Lapp #3] Champion's Bones;50006623
56230;[Amnesiac Lapp #4] Siegbräu;50006622
56231;[Amnesiac Lapp #4] Champion's Bones;50006623
56240;[Amnesiac Lapp #5] Siegbräu;50006622
56241;[Amnesiac Lapp #5] Champion's Bones;50006623
56250;[Amnesiac Lapp #6] Titanite Slab;50006621
56251;[Amnesiac Lapp #6] Siegbräu;50006620
56252;[Amnesiac Lapp #6] Champion's Bones;50006623
56300;[Shira, Knight of Filianore #1] Sacred Chime of Filianore;50006630
56301;[Shira, Knight of Filianore #1] Titanite Slab;50006631
56302;[Shira, Knight of Filianore #1] Crucifix of the Mad King;50006632
56310;[Shira, Knight of Filianore #2] Sacred Chime of Filianore;50006630
56311;[Shira, Knight of Filianore #2] Titanite Slab;50006631
56312;[Shira, Knight of Filianore #2] Crucifix of the Mad King;50006632
56600;[Stone-humped Hag] Old Woman's Ashes;50006660
57000;[Black Hand Gotthard] Grand Archives Key;50006700
57001;[Black Hand Gotthard] Gotthard Twinswords;50006700
57010;[Black Hand Kamui] Onikiri and Ubadachi;50006705
57100;[Havel the Rock] Dragon Tooth;50006710
57101;[Havel the Rock] Havel's Greatshield;50006710
57200;[Sword Master] Uchigatana;50006720
57201;[Sword Master] Master's Attire;50006720
57202;[Sword Master] Master's Gloves;50006720
57300;[Brigand] Spider Shield;50006730
57400;[Drakeblood Knight] Drakeblood Greatsword;50006740
57500;[Rapier Champion] Ricard's Rapier;50006750
57600;[Exile Watchdog] Exile Greatsword;50006760
57700;[Exile Watchdog] Great Club;50006770
57800;[Yellowfinger Heysel] Heysel Pick;50006780
57801;[Yellowfinger Heysel] Xanthous Crown;50006780
57900;[Londor Pale Shade] Manikin Claws;50006790
58000;[Lion Knight Albert] Golden Wing Crest Shield;50006800
58100;[Daughter of Crystal Kriemhild] Sage's Crystal Staff;50006810
58200;[Court Sorcerer] Logan's Scroll;50006820
58300;[Drang Knight] Drang Twinspears;50006830
58400;[Knight Slayer Tsorig #1] Knight Slayer's Ring;50006840
58410;[Knight Slayer Tsorig #2] Knight Slayer's Ring;50006840
58411;[Knight Slayer Tsorig #2] Fume Ultra Greatsword;50006845
58412;[Knight Slayer Tsorig #2] Black Iron Greatshield;50006845
58500;[Creighton the Wanderer] Dragonslayer's Axe;50006850
58600;[Alva, Seeker of the Spurned] Murakumo;50006860
58700;[Longfinger Kirk] Barbed Straight Sword;50006870
58701;[Longfinger Kirk] Spiked Shield;50006870
58800;[Isabella the Mad] Butcher Knife;50006880
59200;[Livid Pyromancer Dunnel] Floating Chaos;50006920
59300;[Shira, Knight of Filianore] Crucifix of the Mad King;50006939
59400;[Unk] White Birch Bow;50006940
59500;[Desert Pyromancer Zoey] Flame Fan;50006950
59600;[Silver Knight Ledo] Ledo's Great Hammer;50006960
59700;[Alva, Seeker of the Spurned] Wolf Ring+3;50006970
59800;[Moaning Knight] Blindfold Mask;50006980
60200;[Untended Graves] Eyes of a Fire Keeper;50006020
60300;[Smouldering Lake] Anri's Straight Sword;50006030
60310;[Ludleth of Courland] Twin Princes' Greatsword;-1
60400;[Yuria of Londor] Morion Blade;50006040
60410;[Yuria of Londor] Darkdrift - Lord of Hollow reward;50006041
60411;[Yuria of Londor] Billed Mask - Lord of Hollow reward;50006042
60412;[Yuria of Londor] Black Dress - Lord of Hollow reward;50006042
60413;[Yuria of Londor] Black Gauntlets - Lord of Hollow reward;50006042
60414;[Yuria of Londor] Black Leggings - Lord of Hollow reward;50006042
60600;[Covenant] Blade of the Darkmoon;6750
60610;[Covenant] Darkmoon Ring;6751
60620;[Covenant] Darkmoon Blade;6752
60630;[Covenant] Darkmoon Ring;6751
60631;[Covenant] Darkmoon Blade;6752
60700;Heavy Gem;50006070
60703;Heavy Gem;50006070
60710;[Archdragon Peak] Twinkling Dragon Torso Stone - Pray at Altar;50006071
60711;[Hawkwood] Twinkling Dragon Head Stone;50006072
60720;[Hawkwood] Farron Ring;50006073
60730;[Hawkwood] Hawkwood's Shield;50006074
60800;[Sirris of the Sunless Realms] Sunless Talisman;50006082
60804;[Sirris of the Sunless Realms] Sunless Talisman;50006082
60805;[Sirris of the Sunless Realms] Blessed Mail Breaker;50006080
60806;[Sirris of the Sunless Realms] Silvercat Ring;50006080
60810;[Sirris of the Sunless Realms] Sunset Shield;50006081
60830;[Sirris of the Sunless Realms] Sunset Helm;50006083
60831;[Sirris of the Sunless Realms] Sunset Armor;50006083
60832;[Sirris of the Sunless Realms] Sunset Gauntlets;50006083
60833;[Sirris of the Sunless Realms] Sunset Leggings;50006083
60900;[Ringfinger Leonhard] Cracked Red Eye Orb;50006090
60910;[Ringfinger Leonhard] Lift Chamber Key;50006091
60920;[Ringfinger Leonhard] Black Eye Orb;50006092
60930;[Ringfinger Leonhard] Soul of Rosaria;50006093
60931;[Ringfinger Leonhard] Crescent Moon Sword;50006093
60932;[Ringfinger Leonhard] Silver Mask;50006093
60940;[Ringfinger Leonhard] Red Eye Orb;6780
61000;[Andre] Hawkwood's Swordgrass;50006100
61200;[Greirat of the Undead Settlement] Blue Tearstone Ring;50006120
61300;[Orbeck of Vinheim] Young Dragon Ring;50006130
61310;[Orbeck of Vinheim] Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring;50006131
61400;[Cornyx of the Great Swamp] Pyromancy Flame;50006140
61600;[Undead Settlement] Saint's Talisman;50006161
61610;[Cathedral of the Deep] Deep Braille Divine Tome - Mimic drop;50006162
61611;[Yuria of Londor] Londor Braille Divine Tome;50006163
61900;[Anri of Astora] Ring of the Evil Eye;50006190
61930;[Yoel of Londor] Dark Sigil;50006193
62000;Rusted Coin;50006200
62010;Rusted Gold Coin;50006201
62100;[Siegward of Catarina] Siegbräu;50006210
62103;[Siegward of Catarina] Siegbräu;50006211
62105;[Siegward of Catarina] Siegbräu;50006212
62110;[Siegward of Catarina] Kukri;50006213
62120;[Siegward of Catarina] Emit Force;50006214
62130;[Siegward of Catarina] Titanite Slab;50006215
62140;[Siegward of Catarina] Storm Ruler;50006216
62141;[Siegward of Catarina] Titanite Slab;50006215
62300;[High Priestess Emma] Small Lothric Banner;50006232
62310;[High Priestess Emma] Way of Blue;6770
62320;[High Priestess Emma] Basin of Vows;50006230
62500;[Giant] Young White Branch;50006250
62510;[Giant] Hawk Ring;50006251
62600;[Horace the Hushed] Blue Sentinels;6740
63010;[Londor Pilgrim] Sword of Avowal;50006301
63100;[Holy Knight Hodrick] Mound-makers;6710
63110;[Holy Knight Hodrick] Homeward Bone;50006311
65400;[Forlorn Corvian Settler] Titanite Slab;50006540
65500;[Sister Friede] Chillbite Ring;50006550
66200;[Amnesiac Lapp] Siegbräu;50006620
66210;[Amnesiac Lapp] Titanite Slab;50006621
66220;[Amnesiac Lapp] Siegbräu;50006622
66230;[Amnesiac Lapp] Champion's Bones;50006623
66231;[Amnesiac Lapp] Lapp's Helm;50006624
66232;[Amnesiac Lapp] Lapp's Armor;50006624
66233;[Amnesiac Lapp] Lapp's Gauntlets;50006624
66234;[Amnesiac Lapp] Lapp's Leggings;50006624
66300;[Shira, Knight of Filianore] Sacred Chime of Filianore;50006630
66310;[Shira, Knight of Filianore] Titanite Slab;50006631
66311;[Shira, Knight of Filianore] Sacred Chime of Filianore;50006630
3000000;[High Wall of Lothric] Estus Shard;53000000
3000010;[High Wall of Lothric] Green Blossom;53000010
3000020;[High Wall of Lothric] Gold Pine Resin;53000020
3000030;[High Wall of Lothric] Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse;53000030
3000040;[High Wall of Lothric] Soul of a Deserted Corpse;53000040
3000060;[High Wall of Lothric] Longbow;53000060
3000061;[High Wall of Lothric] Standard Arrow;53000060
3000070;[High Wall of Lothric] Firebomb;53000070
3000090;[High Wall of Lothric] Throwing Knife;53000090
3000110;[High Wall of Lothric] Soul of a Deserted Corpse;53000110
3000120;[High Wall of Lothric] Club;53000120
3000130;[High Wall of Lothric] Claymore;53000130
3000140;[High Wall of Lothric] Ember;53000140
3000150;[High Wall of Lothric] Firebomb;53000150
3000160;[High Wall of Lothric] Titanite Shard;53000160
3000170;[High Wall of Lothric] Undead Hunter Charm;53000170
3000180;[High Wall of Lothric] Firebomb;53000180
3000210;[High Wall of Lothric] Cell Key;53000210
3000230;[High Wall of Lothric] Ember;53000230
3000240;[High Wall of Lothric] Soul of a Deserted Corpse;53000240
3000250;[High Wall of Lothric] Lucerne;53000250
3000270;[High Wall of Lothric] Mail Breaker;53000270
3000280;[High Wall of Lothric] Titanite Shard;53000280
3000290;[High Wall of Lothric] Rapier;53000290
3000300;[High Wall of Lothric] Titanite Shard;53000300
3000310;[High Wall of Lothric] Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse;53000310
3000320;[High Wall of Lothric] Black Firebomb;53000320
3000340;[High Wall of Lothric] Soul of a Deserted Corpse;53000340
3000360;[High Wall of Lothric] Ember;53000360
3000370;[High Wall of Lothric] Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse;53000370
3000380;[High Wall of Lothric] Binoculars;53000380
3000390;[High Wall of Lothric] Ring of Sacrifice;53000390
3000400;[High Wall of Lothric] Throwing Knife;53000400
3000410;[High Wall of Lothric] Soul of a Deserted Corpse;53000410
3000420;[High Wall of Lothric] Green Blossom;53000420
3000430;[Consumed King's Garden] Shadow Mask;53000430
3000431;[Consumed King's Garden] Shadow Garb;53000430
3000432;[Consumed King's Garden] Shadow Gauntlets;53000430
3000433;[Consumed King's Garden] Shadow Leggings;53000430
3000440;[High Wall of Lothric] Broadsword;53000440
3000450;[High Wall of Lothric] Soul of a Deserted Corpse;53000450
3000470;[High Wall of Lothric] Black Firebomb;53000470
3000480;[Consumed King's Garden] Claw;53000480
3000490;[Consumed King's Garden] Large Titanite Shard;53000490
3000500;[Consumed King's Garden] Dragonscale Ring;53000500
3000510;[Consumed King's Garden] Human Pine Resin;53000510
3000520;[Consumed King's Garden] Titanite Chunk;53000520
3000530;[Consumed King's Garden] Titanite Chunk;53000530
3000540;[Consumed King's Garden] Soul of a Weary Warrior;53000540
3000550;[Consumed King's Garden] Dark Gem;53000550
3000570;[Consumed King's Garden] Refined Gem;53000570
3000580;[Consumed King's Garden] Firebomb;53000580
3000610;[Consumed King's Garden] Soul of a Deserted Corpse;53000610
3000620;[Consumed King's Garden] Human Pine Resin;53000620
3000630;[Consumed King's Garden] Titanite Chunk;53000630
3000640;[Consumed King's Garden] Ring of Sacrifice;53000640
3000650;[High Wall of Lothric] Estus Shard;53000650
3000700;[High Wall of Lothric] Fleshbite Ring+1;53000700
3000710;[High Wall of Lothric] Wood Grain Ring+1;53000710
3000720;[High Wall of Lothric] Ring of the Evil Eye+2;53000720
3000730;[Consumed King's Garden] Sage Ring+2;53000730
3000800;[Consumed King's Garden] Titanite Scale;53000800
3000820;[High Wall of Lothric] Silver Eagle Kite Shield;53000820
3000830;[High Wall of Lothric] Astora Straight Sword;53000830
3000840;[Consumed King's Garden] Titanite Scale;53000840
3000950;[Consumed King's Garden] Drakeblood Helm;53000950
3000951;[Consumed King's Garden] Drakeblood Armor;53000950
3000952;[Consumed King's Garden] Drakeblood Gauntlets;53000950
3000953;[Consumed King's Garden] Drakeblood Leggings;53000950
3010000;[Lothric Castle] Sniper Crossbow;53010000
3010001;[Lothric Castle] Sniper Bolt;53010000
3010010;[Lothric Castle] Titanite Scale;53010010
3010020;[Lothric Castle] Titanite Chunk;53010020
3010030;[Lothric Castle] Greatlance;53010030
3010040;[Lothric Castle] Titanite Chunk;53010040
3010050;[Lothric Castle] Titanite Chunk;53010050
3010060;[Lothric Castle] Sacred Bloom Shield;53010060
3010070;[Lothric Castle] Titanite Chunk;53010070
3010080;[Lothric Castle] Refined Gem;53010080
3010090;[Lothric Castle] Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;53010090
3010100;[Lothric Castle] Undead Bone Shard;53010100
3010110;[Lothric Castle] Lightning Urn;53010110
3010120;[Lothric Castle] Titanite Chunk;53010120
3010130;[Lothric Castle] Titanite Chunk;53010130
3010140;[Lothric Castle] Titanite Chunk;53010140
3010150;[Grand Archives] Caitha's Chime;53010150
3010160;[Lothric Castle] Lightning Urn;53010160
3010170;[Lothric Castle] Ember;53010170
3010180;[Lothric Castle] Raw Gem;53010180
3010190;[Lothric Castle] Black Firebomb;53010190
3010200;[Lothric Castle] Pale Pine Resin;53010200
3010210;[Lothric Castle] Large Soul of a Weary Warrior;53010210
3010220;[Lothric Castle] Sunlight Medal;53010220
3010230;[Lothric Castle] Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;53010230
3010240;[Lothric Castle] Titanite Chunk;53010240
3010250;[Lothric Castle] Titanite Scale;53010250
3010260;[Lothric Castle] Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53010260
3010270;[Lothric Castle] Knight's Ring;53010270
3010280;[Lothric Castle] Ember;53010280
3010290;[Lothric Castle] Large Soul of a Weary Warrior;53010290
3010300;[Lothric Castle] Ember;53010300
3010310;[Lothric Castle] Twinkling Titanite;53010310
3010320;[Lothric Castle] Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53010320
3010330;[Lothric Castle] Ember;53010330
3010340;[Lothric Castle] Winged Knight Helm;53010340
3010341;[Lothric Castle] Winged Knight Armor;53010340
3010342;[Lothric Castle] Winged Knight Gauntlets;53010340
3010343;[Lothric Castle] Winged Knight Leggings;53010340
3010350;[Lothric Castle] Rusted Coin;53010350
3010360;[Lothric Castle] Titanite Slab;53010360
3010370;[Lothric Castle] Braille Divine Tome of Lothric;53010370
3010380;[Lothric Castle] Red Tearstone Ring;53010380
3010400;[Lothric Castle] Twinkling Titanite;53010400
3010420;[Lothric Castle] Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53010420
3010500;[Lothric Castle] Titanite Scale;53010500
3010520;[Lothric Castle] Titanite Scale;53010520
3010530;[Lothric Castle] Hood of Prayer;53010530
3010531;[Lothric Castle] Robe of Prayer;53010530
3010532;[Lothric Castle] Skirt of Prayer;53010530
3010600;[Lothric Castle] Spirit Tree Crest Shield;53010600
3010610;[Lothric Castle] Titanite Scale;53010610
3010620;[Lothric Castle] Twinkling Titanite;53010620
3010640;[Lothric Castle] Twinkling Titanite;53010640
3010700;[Lothric Castle] Life Ring+2;53010700
3010710;[Lothric Castle] Dark Stoneplate Ring+1;53010710
3010720;[Lothric Castle] Thunder Stoneplate Ring+2;53010720
3100000;[Undead Settlement] Flynn's Ring;53100000
3100010;[Undead Settlement] Undead Bone Shard;53100010
3100020;[Undead Settlement] Alluring Skull;53100020
3100030;[Undead Settlement] Mortician's Ashes;53100030
3100040;[Undead Settlement] Homeward Bone;53100040
3100050;[Undead Settlement] Caduceus Round Shield;53100050
3100060;[Undead Settlement] Ember;53100060
3100070;[Undead Settlement] Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53100070
3100080;[Undead Settlement] Repair Powder;53100080
3100090;[Undead Settlement] Homeward Bone;53100090
3100100;[Undead Settlement] Spotted Whip;53100100
3100101;[Undead Settlement] Cornyx's Garb;53100100
3100102;[Undead Settlement] Cornyx's Wrap;53100100
3100103;[Undead Settlement] Cornyx's Skirt;53100100
3100110;[Undead Settlement] Titanite Shard;53100110
3100120;[Undead Settlement] Wargod Wooden Shield;53100120
3100130;[Undead Settlement] Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse;53100130
3100140;[Undead Settlement] Ember;53100140
3100150;[Undead Settlement] Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse;53100150
3100160;[Undead Settlement] Titanite Shard;53100160
3100170;[Undead Settlement] Alluring Skull;53100170
3100180;[Undead Settlement] Charcoal Pine Bundle;53100180
3100190;[Undead Settlement] Blue Wooden Shield;53100190
3100191;[Undead Settlement] Cleric Hat;53100190
3100192;[Undead Settlement] Cleric Blue Robe;53100190
3100193;[Undead Settlement] Cleric Gloves;53100190
3100194;[Undead Settlement] Cleric Trousers;53100190
3100200;[Undead Settlement] Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53100200
3100210;[Undead Settlement] Charcoal Pine Resin;53100210
3100220;[Undead Settlement] Loincloth;53100220
3100230;[Undead Settlement] Charcoal Pine Bundle;53100230
3100240;[Undead Settlement] Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53100240
3100250;[Undead Settlement] Titanite Shard;53100250
3100260;[Undead Settlement] Red Hilted Halberd;53100260
3100270;[Undead Settlement] Rusted Coin;53100270
3100280;[Undead Settlement] Caestus;53100280
3100300;[Undead Settlement] Saint's Talisman;53100300
3100310;[Undead Settlement] Alluring Skull;53100310
3100320;[Undead Settlement] Large Club;53100320
3100330;[Undead Settlement] Titanite Shard;53100330
3100340;[Undead Settlement] Titanite Shard;53100340
3100350;[Undead Settlement] Fading Soul;53100350
3100360;[Undead Settlement] Titanite Shard;53100360
3100370;[Undead Settlement] Hand Axe;53100370
3100380;[Undead Settlement] Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53100380
3100390;[Undead Settlement] Ember;53100390
3100400;[Undead Settlement] Mirrah Vest;53100400
3100401;[Undead Settlement] Mirrah Gloves;53100400
3100402;[Undead Settlement] Mirrah Trousers;53100400
3100410;[Undead Settlement] Plank Shield;53100410
3100420;[Undead Settlement] Red Bug Pellet;53100420
3100430;[Undead Settlement] Chloranthy Ring;53100430
3100440;[Undead Settlement] Fire Clutch Ring;53100440
3100450;[Undead Settlement] Estus Shard;53100450
3100460;[Undead Settlement] Firebomb;53100460
3100490;[Undead Settlement] Whip;53100490
3100500;[Undead Settlement] Great Scythe;53100500
3100540;[Undead Settlement] Homeward Bone;53100540
3100550;[Undead Settlement] Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse;53100550
3100570;[Undead Settlement] Ember;53100570
3100610;[Undead Settlement] Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse;53100610
3100620;[Undead Settlement] Fading Soul;53100620
3100630;[Undead Settlement] Young White Branch;53100630
3100640;[Undead Settlement] Ember;53100640
3100650;[Undead Settlement] Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse;53100650
3100660;[Undead Settlement] Young White Branch;53100660
3100670;[Undead Settlement] Reinforced Club;53100670
3100680;[Undead Settlement] Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53100680
3100700;[Undead Settlement] Loretta's Bone;53100700
3100710;[Undead Settlement] Northern Helm;53100710
3100711;[Undead Settlement] Northern Armor;53100710
3100712;[Undead Settlement] Northern Gloves;53100710
3100713;[Undead Settlement] Northern Trousers;53100710
3100720;[Undead Settlement] Partizan;53100720
3100730;[Undead Settlement] Flame Stoneplate Ring;53100730
3100740;[Undead Settlement] Red and White Round Shield;53100740
3100750;[Undead Settlement] Small Leather Shield;53100750
3100760;[Undead Settlement] Pale Tongue;53100760
3100770;[Undead Settlement] Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse;53100770
3100800;[Undead Settlement] Kukri;53100800
3100850;[Undead Settlement] Life Ring+1;53100850
3100860;[Undead Settlement] Poisonbite Ring+1;53100860
3100870;[Undead Settlement] Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+2;53100870
3100910;[Undead Settlement] Human Pine Resin;53100910
3100950;[Undead Settlement] Homeward Bone;53100950
3200000;[Archdragon Peak] Lightning Clutch Ring;53200000
3200010;[Archdragon Peak] Stalk Dung Pie;53200010
3200020;[Archdragon Peak] Titanite Chunk;53200020
3200030;[Archdragon Peak] Titanite Scale;53200030
3200040;[Archdragon Peak] Soul of a Weary Warrior;53200040
3200050;[Archdragon Peak] Titanite Chunk;53200050
3200060;[Archdragon Peak] Lightning Gem;53200060
3200070;[Archdragon Peak] Homeward Bone;53200070
3200080;[Archdragon Peak] Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53200080
3200090;[Archdragon Peak] Titanite Chunk;53200090
3200100;[Archdragon Peak] Ember;53200100
3200110;[Archdragon Peak] Large Soul of a Weary Warrior;53200110
3200120;[Archdragon Peak] Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53200120
3200130;[Archdragon Peak] Lightning Urn;53200130
3200140;[Archdragon Peak] Lightning Bolt;53200140
3200150;[Archdragon Peak] Titanite Chunk;53200150
3200160;[Archdragon Peak] Dung Pie;53200160
3200170;[Archdragon Peak] Titanite Scale;53200170
3200180;[Archdragon Peak] Soul of a Weary Warrior;53200180
3200190;[Archdragon Peak] Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;53200190
3200200;[Archdragon Peak] Titanite Chunk;53200200
3200210;[Archdragon Peak] Ember;53200210
3200220;[Archdragon Peak] Thunder Stoneplate Ring;53200220
3200230;[Archdragon Peak] Titanite Scale;53200230
3200240;[Archdragon Peak] Ember;53200240
3200260;[Archdragon Peak] Ancient Dragon Greatshield;53200260
3200270;[Archdragon Peak] Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;53200270
3200280;[Archdragon Peak] Dragon Chaser's Ashes;53200280
3200290;[Archdragon Peak] Ember;53200290
3200300;[Archdragon Peak] Dragonslayer Spear;53200300
3200310;[Archdragon Peak] Dragonslayer Helm;53200310
3200311;[Archdragon Peak] Dragonslayer Armor;53200310
3200312;[Archdragon Peak] Dragonslayer Gauntlets;53200310
3200313;[Archdragon Peak] Dragonslayer Leggings;53200310
3200330;[Archdragon Peak] Twinkling Titanite;53200330
3200340;[Archdragon Peak] Twinkling Titanite;53200340
3200350;[Archdragon Peak] Titanite Slab;53200350
3200360;[Archdragon Peak] Great Magic Barrier;53200360
3200370;[Archdragon Peak] Titanite Slab;53200370
3200380;[Archdragon Peak] Ring of Steel Protection;53200380
3200500;[Archdragon Peak] Havel's Ring+1;53200500
3200510;[Archdragon Peak] Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+2;53200510
3200700;[Archdragon Peak] Titanite Scale;53200700
3200710;[Archdragon Peak] Twinkling Titanite;53200710
3200900;[Archdragon Peak] Twinkling Dragon Torso Stone;53200900
3200910;[Archdragon Peak] Calamity Ring;53200910
3300000;[Road of Sacrifices] Titanite Shard;53300000
3300010;[Road of Sacrifices] Titanite Shard;53300010
3300020;[Road of Sacrifices] Green Blossom;53300020
3300030;[Road of Sacrifices] Estus Shard;53300030
3300040;[Road of Sacrifices] Ring of Sacrifice;53300040
3300050;[Road of Sacrifices] Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53300050
3300060;[Road of Sacrifices] Fallen Knight Helm;53300060
3300061;[Road of Sacrifices] Fallen Knight Armor;53300060
3300062;[Road of Sacrifices] Fallen Knight Gauntlets;53300060
3300063;[Road of Sacrifices] Fallen Knight Trousers;53300060
3300070;[Road of Sacrifices] Heretic's Staff;53300070
3300080;[Road of Sacrifices] Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53300080
3300090;[Road of Sacrifices] Conjurator Hood;53300090
3300091;[Road of Sacrifices] Conjurator Robe;53300090
3300092;[Road of Sacrifices] Conjurator Manchettes;53300090
3300093;[Road of Sacrifices] Conjurator Boots;53300090
3300100;[Road of Sacrifices] Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53300100
3300110;[Road of Sacrifices] Green Blossom;53300110
3300120;[Road of Sacrifices] Great Swamp Pyromancy Tome;53300120
3300130;[Road of Sacrifices] Homeward Bone;53300130
3300140;[Road of Sacrifices] Titanite Shard;53300140
3300150;[Road of Sacrifices] Purple Moss Clump;53300150
3300160;[Road of Sacrifices] Purple Moss Clump;53300160
3300170;[Road of Sacrifices] Greatsword;53300170
3300180;[Road of Sacrifices] Twin Dragon Greatshield;53300180
3300190;[Road of Sacrifices] Hollow Gem;53300190
3300210;[Road of Sacrifices] Fading Soul;53300210
3300220;[Road of Sacrifices] Sorcerer Hood;53300220
3300221;[Road of Sacrifices] Sorcerer Robe;53300220
3300222;[Road of Sacrifices] Sorcerer Gloves;53300220
3300223;[Road of Sacrifices] Sorcerer Trousers;53300220
3300230;[Road of Sacrifices] Sage Ring;53300230
3300240;[Road of Sacrifices] Purple Moss Clump;53300240
3300270;[Road of Sacrifices] Undead Bone Shard;53300270
3300280;[Road of Sacrifices] Atonement;53300280
3300290;[Road of Sacrifices] Titanite Shard;53300290
3300300;[Road of Sacrifices] Iron Flesh;53300300
3300310;[Road of Sacrifices] Grass Crest Shield;53300310
3300320;[Road of Sacrifices] Stone Parma;53300320
3300340;[Road of Sacrifices] Rotten Pine Resin;53300340
3300350;[Road of Sacrifices] Titanite Shard;53300350
3300360;[Road of Sacrifices] Rusted Gold Coin;53300360
3300370;[Road of Sacrifices] Nameless Knight Helm;53300370
3300371;[Road of Sacrifices] Nameless Knight Armor;53300370
3300372;[Road of Sacrifices] Nameless Knight Gauntlets;53300370
3300373;[Road of Sacrifices] Nameless Knight Leggings;53300370
3300380;[Road of Sacrifices] Shriving Stone;53300380
3300390;[Road of Sacrifices] Repair Powder;53300390
3300400;[Road of Sacrifices] Golden Scroll;53300400
3300410;[Road of Sacrifices] Sage's Scroll;53300410
3300420;[Road of Sacrifices] Dreamchaser's Ashes;53300420
3300430;[Road of Sacrifices] Titanite Shard;53300430
3300440;[Road of Sacrifices] Wolf's Blood Swordgrass;53300440
3300450;[Road of Sacrifices] Great Magic Weapon;53300450
3300460;[Road of Sacrifices] Ember;53300460
3300470;[Road of Sacrifices] Titanite Shard;53300470
3300480;[Road of Sacrifices] Titanite Shard;53300480
3300490;[Road of Sacrifices] Titanite Shard;53300490
3300500;[Road of Sacrifices] Black Bug Pellet;53300500
3300510;[Road of Sacrifices] Rotten Pine Resin;53300510
3300520;[Road of Sacrifices] Poison Gem;53300520
3300525;[Road of Sacrifices] Ragged Mask;53300525
3300530;[Road of Sacrifices] Estus Shard;53300530
3300535;[Road of Sacrifices] Homeward Bone;53300535
3300540;[Road of Sacrifices] Titanite Shard;53300540
3300545;[Road of Sacrifices] Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53300545
3300550;[Road of Sacrifices] Prism Stone;53300550
3300555;[Road of Sacrifices] Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53300555
3300560;[Road of Sacrifices] Ember;53300560
3300570;[Road of Sacrifices] Sage's Coal;53300570
3300580;[Road of Sacrifices] Lightning Spear;53300580
3300590;[Road of Sacrifices] Blue Bug Pellet;53300590
3300600;[Road of Sacrifices] Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53300600
3300610;[Road of Sacrifices] Shriving Stone;53300610
3300620;[Road of Sacrifices] Titanite Shard;53300620
3300630;[Road of Sacrifices] Brigand Twindaggers;53300630
3300640;[Road of Sacrifices] Braille Divine Tome of Carim;53300640
3300650;[Road of Sacrifices] Ember;53300650
3300680;[Road of Sacrifices] Gold Pine Bundle;53300680
3300690;[Road of Sacrifices] Ember;53300690
3300700;[Road of Sacrifices] Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53300700
3300710;[Road of Sacrifices] Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53300710
3300720;[Road of Sacrifices] Sellsword Twinblades;53300720
3300730;[Road of Sacrifices] Golden Falcon Shield;53300730
3300740;[Road of Sacrifices] Herald Helm;53300740
3300741;[Road of Sacrifices] Herald Armor;53300740
3300742;[Road of Sacrifices] Herald Gloves;53300740
3300743;[Road of Sacrifices] Herald Trousers;53300740
3300750;[Road of Sacrifices] Brigand Axe;53300750
3300760;[Road of Sacrifices] Brigand Hood;53300760
3300761;[Road of Sacrifices] Brigand Armor;53300760
3300762;[Road of Sacrifices] Brigand Gauntlets;53300760
3300763;[Road of Sacrifices] Brigand Trousers;53300760
3300770;[Road of Sacrifices] Morne's Ring;53300770
3300780;[Road of Sacrifices] Sellsword Helm;53300780
3300781;[Road of Sacrifices] Sellsword Armor;53300780
3300782;[Road of Sacrifices] Sellsword Gauntlet;53300780
3300783;[Road of Sacrifices] Sellsword Trousers;53300780
3300790;[Road of Sacrifices] Farron Coal;53300790
3300800;[Farron Keep] Havel's Helm;53300800
3300801;[Farron Keep] Havel's Armor;53300800
3300802;[Farron Keep] Havel's Gauntlets;53300800
3300803;[Farron Keep] Havel's Leggings;53300800
3300810;[Farron Keep] Greataxe;53300810
3300820;[Farron Keep] Speckled Stoneplate Ring;53300820
3300830;[Farron Keep] Ember;53300830
3300840;[Farron Keep] Dragon Crest Shield;53300840
3300850;[Farron Keep] Dark Stoneplate Ring+2;53300850
3300860;[Farron Keep] Chloranthy Ring+2;53300860
3300870;[Farron Keep] Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+1;53300870
3300880;[Farron Keep] Magic Stoneplate Ring+1;53300880
3300890;[Farron Keep] Wolf Ring+1;53300890
3300940;[Farron Keep] Antiquated Dress;53300940
3300941;[Farron Keep] Antiquated Gloves;53300940
3300942;[Farron Keep] Antiquated Skirt;53300940
3300950;[Farron Keep] Sunlight Talisman;53300950
3300960;[Farron Keep] Young White Branch;53300960
3300970;[Farron Keep] Young White Branch;53300970
3300980;[Farron Keep] Crown of Dusk;53300980
3410000;[Grand Archives] Titanite Chunk;53410000
3410010;[Grand Archives] Titanite Chunk;53410010
3410020;[Grand Archives] Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;53410020
3410030;[Grand Archives] Titanite Chunk;53410030
3410040;[Grand Archives] Fleshbite Ring;53410040
3410060;[Grand Archives] Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;53410060
3410070;[Grand Archives] Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53410070
3410080;[Grand Archives] Crystal Chime;53410080
3410090;[Grand Archives] Titanite Scale;53410090
3410100;[Grand Archives] Estus Shard;53410100
3410110;[Grand Archives] Homeward Bone;53410110
3410120;[Grand Archives] Titanite Scale;53410120
3410130;[Grand Archives] Titanite Chunk;53410130
3410140;[Grand Archives] Hollow Gem;53410140
3410150;[Grand Archives] Titanite Scale;53410150
3410160;[Grand Archives] Titanite Scale;53410160
3410180;[Grand Archives] Titanite Scale;53410180
3410200;[Grand Archives] Shriving Stone;53410200
3410210;[Grand Archives] Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;53410210
3410220;[Grand Archives] Titanite Chunk;53410220
3410240;[Grand Archives] Titanite Scale;53410240
3410250;[Grand Archives] Titanite Chunk;53410250
3410260;[Grand Archives] Soul of a Weary Warrior;53410260
3410280;[Grand Archives] Titanite Chunk;53410280
3410290;[Grand Archives] Ember;53410290
3410300;[Grand Archives] Blessed Gem;53410300
3410320;[Grand Archives] Titanite Chunk;53410320
3410330;[Grand Archives] Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;53410330
3410350;[Grand Archives] Avelyn;53410350
3410360;[Grand Archives] Titanite Chunk;53410360
3410370;[Grand Archives] Hunter's Ring;53410370
3410380;[Grand Archives] Divine Pillars of Light;53410380
3410410;[Grand Archives] Titanite Chunk;53410410
3410420;[Grand Archives] Power Within;53410420
3410450;[Grand Archives] Sage Ring+1;53410450
3410470;[Grand Archives] Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+2;53410470
3410500;[Grand Archives] Divine Blessing;53410500
3410510;[Grand Archives] Twinkling Titanite;53410510
3410520;[Grand Archives] Witch's Locks;53410520
3410530;[Grand Archives] Titanite Slab;53410530
3410540;[Grand Archives] Titanite Scale;53410540
3410600;[Grand Archives] Soul Stream;53410600
3410610;[Grand Archives] Scholar Ring;53410610
3410620;[Grand Archives] Undead Bone Shard;53410620
3500000;[Cathedral of the Deep] Notched Whip;53500000
3500010;[Cathedral of the Deep] Titanite Shard;53500010
3500020;[Cathedral of the Deep] Astora Greatsword;53500020
3500030;[Cathedral of the Deep] Executioner's Greatsword;53500030
3500040;[Cathedral of the Deep] Undead Bone Shard;53500040
3500050;[Cathedral of the Deep] Curse Ward Greatshield;53500050
3500060;[Cathedral of the Deep] Titanite Shard;53500060
3500070;[Cathedral of the Deep] Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53500070
3500080;[Cathedral of the Deep] Paladin's Ashes;53500080
3500090;[Cathedral of the Deep] Arbalest;53500090
3500110;[Cathedral of the Deep] Ember;53500110
3500130;[Cathedral of the Deep] Ember;53500130
3500140;[Cathedral of the Deep] Poisonbite Ring;53500140
3500150;[Cathedral of the Deep] Drang Armor;53500150
3500160;[Cathedral of the Deep] Ember;53500160
3500170;[Cathedral of the Deep] Duel Charm;53500170
3500180;[Cathedral of the Deep] Seek Guidance;53500180
3500200;[Cathedral of the Deep] Estus Shard;53500200
3500210;[Cathedral of the Deep] Maiden Hood;53500210
3500211;[Cathedral of the Deep] Maiden Robe;53500210
3500212;[Cathedral of the Deep] Maiden Gloves;53500210
3500213;[Cathedral of the Deep] Maiden Skirt;53500210
3500220;[Cathedral of the Deep] Pale Tongue;53500220
3500230;[Cathedral of the Deep] Fading Soul;53500230
3500240;[Cathedral of the Deep] Blessed Gem;53500240
3500260;[Cathedral of the Deep] Red Bug Pellet;53500260
3500270;[Cathedral of the Deep] Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53500270
3500280;[Cathedral of the Deep] Duel Charm;53500280
3500300;[Cathedral of the Deep] Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53500300
3500310;[Cathedral of the Deep] Ember;53500310
3500320;[Cathedral of the Deep] Repair Powder;53500320
3500330;[Cathedral of the Deep] Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53500330
3500340;[Cathedral of the Deep] Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53500340
3500370;[Cathedral of the Deep] Undead Hunter Charm;53500370
3500380;[Cathedral of the Deep] Red Bug Pellet;53500380
3500390;[Cathedral of the Deep] Titanite Shard;53500390
3500400;[Cathedral of the Deep] Titanite Shard;53500400
3500420;[Cathedral of the Deep] Rusted Coin;53500420
3500430;[Cathedral of the Deep] Drang Hammers;53500430
3500450;[Cathedral of the Deep] Drang Shoes;53500450
3500460;[Cathedral of the Deep] Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53500460
3500470;[Cathedral of the Deep] Pale Tongue;53500470
3500480;[Cathedral of the Deep] Drang Gauntlets;53500480
3500490;[Cathedral of the Deep] Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53500490
3500500;[Cathedral of the Deep] Helm of Thorns;53500500
3500501;[Cathedral of the Deep] Armor of Thorns;53500500
3500502;[Cathedral of the Deep] Gauntlets of Thorns;53500500
3500503;[Cathedral of the Deep] Leggings of Thorns;53500500
3500540;[Cathedral of the Deep] Exploding Bolt;53500540
3500550;[Cathedral of the Deep] Lloyd's Sword Ring;53500550
3500560;[Cathedral of the Deep] Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53500560
3500620;[Cathedral of the Deep] Homeward Bone;53500620
3500630;[Cathedral of the Deep] Deep Gem;53500630
3500680;[Cathedral of the Deep] Titanite Shard;53500680
3500690;[Cathedral of the Deep] Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53500690
3500800;[Cathedral of the Deep] Ring of the Evil Eye+1;53500800
3500810;[Cathedral of the Deep] Ring of Favor+2;53500810
3500850;[Cathedral of the Deep] Crest Shield;53500850
3500860;[Cathedral of the Deep] Young White Branch;53500860
3500870;[Cathedral of the Deep] Young White Branch;53500870
3500880;[Cathedral of the Deep] Saint-tree Bellvine;53500880
3500890;[Cathedral of the Deep] Saint Bident;53500890
3500950;[Cathedral of the Deep] Archdeacon White Crown;53500950
3500951;[Cathedral of the Deep] Archdeacon Holy Garb;53500950
3500952;[Cathedral of the Deep] Archdeacon Skirt;53500950
3600000;Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53600000
3600010;Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53600010
3600020;Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53600020
3600030;Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53600030
3600040;Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53600040
3600050;Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53600050
3600060;Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53600060
3600070;Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53600070
3600080;Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53600080
3600090;Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53600090
3700000;[Irithyll] Creighton's Steel Mask;53700000
3700001;[Irithyll] Mirrah Chain Mail;53700000
3700002;[Irithyll] Mirrah Chain Gloves;53700000
3700003;[Irithyll] Mirrah Chain Leggings;53700000
3700010;[Irithyll] Homeward Bone;53700010
3700020;[Irithyll] Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53700020
3700030;[Irithyll] Large Titanite Shard;53700030
3700040;[Irithyll] Soul of a Weary Warrior;53700040
3700050;[Irithyll] Soul of a Weary Warrior;53700050
3700060;[Irithyll] Rime-blue Moss Clump;53700060
3700070;[Irithyll] Witchtree Branch;53700070
3700080;[Irithyll] Large Titanite Shard;53700080
3700090;[Irithyll] Estus Shard;53700090
3700100;[Irithyll] Budding Green Blossom;53700100
3700110;[Irithyll] Rime-blue Moss Clump;53700110
3700120;[Irithyll] Large Titanite Shard;53700120
3700130;[Irithyll] Large Titanite Shard;53700130
3700140;[Irithyll] Ring of the Sun's First Born;53700140
3700150;[Irithyll] Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53700150
3700160;[Irithyll] Large Titanite Shard;53700160
3700170;[Irithyll] Large Titanite Shard;53700170
3700180;[Irithyll] Soul of a Weary Warrior;53700180
3700190;[Irithyll] Magic Clutch Ring;53700190
3700200;[Irithyll] Fading Soul;53700200
3700210;[Irithyll] Fading Soul;53700210
3700220;[Anor Londo] Painting Guardian's Curved Sword;53700220
3700230;[Irithyll] Homeward Bone;53700230
3700240;[Irithyll] Undead Bone Shard;53700240
3700250;[Irithyll] Kukri;53700250
3700260;[Irithyll] Rusted Gold Coin;53700260
3700270;[Irithyll] Brass Helm;53700270
3700271;[Irithyll] Brass Armor;53700270
3700272;[Irithyll] Brass Gauntlets;53700270
3700273;[Irithyll] Brass Leggings;53700270
3700280;[Irithyll] Blue Bug Pellet;53700280
3700290;[Irithyll] Shriving Stone;53700290
3700300;[Irithyll] Human Dregs;53700300
3700310;[Irithyll] Roster of Knights;6782
3700320;[Irithyll] Blood Gem;53700320
3700330;[Irithyll] Green Blossom;53700330
3700340;[Irithyll] Ring of Sacrifice;53700340
3700350;[Irithyll] Great Heal;53700350
3700360;[Irithyll] Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53700360
3700370;[Irithyll] Green Blossom;53700370
3700380;[Irithyll] Dung Pie;53700380
3700390;[Irithyll] Dung Pie;53700390
3700400;[Irithyll] Excrement-covered Ashes;53700400
3700410;[Irithyll] Ember;53700410
3700420;[Irithyll] Large Titanite Shard;53700420
3700430;[Irithyll] Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53700430
3700440;[Irithyll] Soul of a Weary Warrior;53700440
3700450;[Irithyll] Large Titanite Shard;53700450
3700460;[Irithyll] Blue Bug Pellet;53700460
3700470;[Irithyll] Ember;53700470
3700480;[Irithyll] Large Titanite Shard;53700480
3700490;[Irithyll] Large Titanite Shard;53700490
3700500;[Irithyll] Soul of a Weary Warrior;53700500
3700510;[Irithyll] Ember;53700510
3700520;[Irithyll] Ember;53700520
3700530;[Irithyll] Large Titanite Shard;53700530
3700540;[Irithyll] Dark Stoneplate Ring;53700540
3700550;[Irithyll] Large Titanite Shard;53700550
3700560;[Irithyll] Green Blossom;53700560
3700600;[Irithyll] Deep Gem;53700600
3700610;[Irithyll] Titanite Scale;53700610
3700620;[Irithyll] Dragonslayer Greatbow;53700620
3700621;[Irithyll] Dragonslayer Greatarrow;53700620
3700630;[Irithyll] Easterner's Ashes;53700630
3700640;[Anor Londo] Painting Guardian Hood;53700640
3700641;[Anor Londo] Painting Guardian Gown;53700640
3700642;[Anor Londo] Painting Guardian Gloves;53700640
3700643;[Anor Londo] Painting Guardian Waistcloth;53700640
3700660;[Anor Londo] Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;53700660
3700670;[Irithyll] Lightning Gem;53700670
3700690;[Anor Londo] Moonlight Arrow;53700690
3700700;[Irithyll] Proof of a Concord Kept;53700700
3700720;[Irithyll] Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53700720
3700740;[Irithyll] Soul of a Weary Warrior;53700740
3700750;[Irithyll] Proof of a Concord Kept;53700750
3700760;[Irithyll] Rusted Gold Coin;53700760
3700770;[Irithyll] Large Soul of a Weary Warrior;53700770
3700800;[Anor Londo] Giant's Coal;53700800
3700810;[Irithyll] Chloranthy Ring+1;53700810
3700820;[Irithyll] Havel's Ring+2;53700820
3700830;[Irithyll] Ring of Favor+1;53700830
3700840;[Irithyll] Sun Princess Ring;53700840
3700850;[Irithyll] Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+1;53700850
3700860;[Irithyll] Wood Grain Ring+2;53700860
3700900;[Irithyll] Divine Blessing;53700900
3700920;[Irithyll] Smough's Great Hammer;53700920
3700940;[Irithyll] Reversal Ring;53700940
3700950;[Irithyll] Yorshka's Spear;53700950
3700960;[Irithyll] Leo Ring;53700960
3800000;[Catacombs of Carthus] Carthus Rouge;53800000
3800010;[Catacombs of Carthus] Sharp Gem;53800010
3800020;[Catacombs of Carthus] Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53800020
3800030;[Catacombs of Carthus] Titanite Shard;53800030
3800040;[Catacombs of Carthus] Bloodred Moss Clump;53800040
3800050;[Catacombs of Carthus] Carthus Milkring;53800050
3800060;[Catacombs of Carthus] Ember;53800060
3800070;[Catacombs of Carthus] Carthus Rouge;53800070
3800080;[Catacombs of Carthus] Ember;53800080
3800090;[Catacombs of Carthus] Carthus Bloodring;53800090
3800100;[Catacombs of Carthus] Titanite Shard;53800100
3800110;[Catacombs of Carthus] Titanite Shard;53800110
3800120;[Catacombs of Carthus] Ember;53800120
3800130;[Catacombs of Carthus] Carthus Pyromancy Tome;53800130
3800140;[Catacombs of Carthus] Large Titanite Shard;53800140
3800150;[Catacombs of Carthus] Large Titanite Shard;53800150
3800160;[Catacombs of Carthus] Yellow Bug Pellet;53800160
3800170;[Catacombs of Carthus] Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53800170
3800180;[Catacombs of Carthus] Black Bug Pellet;53800180
3800190;[Catacombs of Carthus] Grave Warden's Ashes;53800190
3800200;[Catacombs of Carthus] Large Titanite Shard;53800200
3800210;[Catacombs of Carthus] Large Titanite Shard;53800210
3800220;[Catacombs of Carthus] Large Titanite Shard;53800220
3800230;[Catacombs of Carthus] Large Titanite Shard;53800230
3800240;[Catacombs of Carthus] Large Titanite Shard;53800240
3800250;[Catacombs of Carthus] Large Titanite Shard;53800250
3800260;[Catacombs of Carthus] Yellow Bug Pellet;53800260
3800270;[Catacombs of Carthus] Large Titanite Shard;53800270
3800280;[Catacombs of Carthus] Large Titanite Shard;53800280
3800290;[Catacombs of Carthus] Large Titanite Shard;53800290
3800300;[Catacombs of Carthus] Speckled Stoneplate Ring;53800300
3800310;[Catacombs of Carthus] Homeward Bone;53800310
3800330;[Catacombs of Carthus] Ember;53800330
3800340;[Catacombs of Carthus] Chaos Gem;53800340
3800350;[Catacombs of Carthus] Ember;53800350
3800360;[Catacombs of Carthus] Izalith Pyromancy Tome;53800360
3800370;[Catacombs of Carthus] Black Knight Sword;53800370
3800380;[Catacombs of Carthus] Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53800380
3800390;[Catacombs of Carthus] Old Sage's Blindfold;53800390
3800391;[Catacombs of Carthus] Witch's Ring;53800390
3800400;[Catacombs of Carthus] Ember;53800400
3800410;[Catacombs of Carthus] Quelana Pyromancy Tome;53800410
3800420;[Catacombs of Carthus] Izalith Staff;53800420
3800430;[Catacombs of Carthus] White Hair Talisman;53800430
3800440;[Catacombs of Carthus] Toxic Mist;53800440
3800450;[Catacombs of Carthus] Undead Bone Shard;53800450
3800460;[Catacombs of Carthus] Titanite Scale;53800460
3800470;[Catacombs of Carthus] Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53800470
3800500;[Catacombs of Carthus] Grave Warden Pyromancy Tome;53800500
3800510;[Catacombs of Carthus] Grave Warden Pyromancy Tome;53800500
3800520;[Catacombs of Carthus] Shield of Want;53800520
3800530;[Catacombs of Carthus] Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;53800530
3800540;[Catacombs of Carthus] Ember;53800540
3800560;[Catacombs of Carthus] Sacred Flame;53800560
3800570;[Catacombs of Carthus] Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;53800570
3800580;[Catacombs of Carthus] Dragonrider Bow;53800580
3800590;[Catacombs of Carthus] Estus Shard;53800590
3800600;[Catacombs of Carthus] Ring of Steel Protection+2;53800600
3800610;[Catacombs of Carthus] Thunder Stoneplate Ring+1;53800610
3800620;[Catacombs of Carthus] Bloodbite Ring+1;53800620
3800630;[Catacombs of Carthus] Flame Stoneplate Ring+2;53800630
3800760;[Catacombs of Carthus] Large Titanite Shard;53800760
3800900;[Catacombs of Carthus] Undead Bone Shard;53800900
3800910;[Catacombs of Carthus] Dark Gem;53800910
3900000;[Irithyll Dungeon] Large Titanite Shard;53900000
3900010;[Irithyll Dungeon] Fading Soul;53900010
3900030;[Irithyll Dungeon] Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53900030
3900040;[Irithyll Dungeon] Jailbreaker's Key;53900040
3900050;[Irithyll Dungeon] Pale Pine Resin;53900050
3900060;[Irithyll Dungeon] Simple Gem;53900060
3900070;[Irithyll Dungeon] Large Soul of a Nameless Soldier;53900070
3900080;[Irithyll Dungeon] Large Titanite Shard;53900080
3900090;[Irithyll Dungeon] Homeward Bone;53900090
3900100;[Irithyll Dungeon] Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring;53900100
3900110;[Irithyll Dungeon] Soul of a Weary Warrior;53900110
3900120;[Irithyll Dungeon] Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;53900120
3900130;[Irithyll Dungeon] Alva Helm;53900130
3900131;[Irithyll Dungeon] Alva Armor;53900130
3900132;[Irithyll Dungeon] Alva Gauntlets;53900130
3900133;[Irithyll Dungeon] Alva Leggings;53900130
3900140;[Irithyll Dungeon] Lightning Bolt;53900140
3900150;[Irithyll Dungeon] Large Titanite Shard;53900150
3900160;[Irithyll Dungeon] Profaned Flame;53900160
3900180;[Irithyll Dungeon] Large Titanite Shard;53900180
3900190;[Irithyll Dungeon] Soul of a Weary Warrior;53900190
3900200;[Irithyll Dungeon] Dung Pie;53900200
3900210;[Irithyll Dungeon] Purging Stone;53900210
3900220;[Irithyll Dungeon] Ember;53900220
3900230;[Irithyll Dungeon] Ember;53900230
3900240;[Irithyll Dungeon] Profaned Coal;53900240
3900250;[Irithyll Dungeon] Large Titanite Shard;53900250
3900260;[Irithyll Dungeon] Old Sorcerer Hat;53900260
3900261;[Irithyll Dungeon] Old Sorcerer Coat;53900260
3900262;[Irithyll Dungeon] Old Sorcerer Gauntlets;53900260
3900263;[Irithyll Dungeon] Old Sorcerer Boots;53900260
3900270;[Irithyll Dungeon] Large Soul of a Weary Warrior;53900270
3900280;[Profaned Capital] Rusted Coin;53900280
3900290;[Profaned Capital] Rusted Gold Coin;53900290
3900300;[Profaned Capital] Purging Stone;53900300
3900310;[Profaned Capital] Cursebite Ring;53900310
3900320;[Profaned Capital] Poison Gem;53900320
3900330;[Profaned Capital] Shriving Stone;53900330
3900340;[Profaned Capital] Poison Arrow;53900340
3900350;[Profaned Capital] Rubbish;53900350
3900360;[Profaned Capital] Onislayer Greatarrow;53900360
3900370;[Profaned Capital] Large Soul of a Weary Warrior;53900370
3900380;[Profaned Capital] Rusted Coin;53900380
3900390;[Profaned Capital] Rusted Coin;53900390
3900400;[Profaned Capital] Covetous Gold Serpent Ring;53900400
3900410;[Profaned Capital] Blooming Purple Moss Clump;53900410
3900420;[Profaned Capital] Wrath of the Gods;53900420
3900430;[Irithyll Dungeon] Lightning Blade;53900430
3900440;[Irithyll Dungeon] Large Titanite Shard;53900440
3900450;[Irithyll Dungeon] Rusted Coin;53900450
3900460;[Irithyll Dungeon] Dusk Crown Ring;53900460
3900470;[Irithyll Dungeon] Pickaxe;53900470
3900480;[Irithyll Dungeon] Xanthous Ashes;53900480
3900490;[Irithyll Dungeon] Onislayer Greatbow;53900490
3900500;[Irithyll Dungeon] Rusted Gold Coin;53900500
3900510;[Irithyll Dungeon] Large Titanite Shard;53900510
3900520;[Irithyll Dungeon] Jailer's Key Ring;53900520
3900590;[Irithyll Dungeon] Ember;53900590
3900610;[Irithyll Dungeon] Old Cell Key;53900610
3900710;[Irithyll Dungeon] Flame Stoneplate Ring+1;53900710
3900720;[Irithyll Dungeon] Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+1;53900720
3900730;[Irithyll Dungeon] Magic Stoneplate Ring+2;53900730
3900750;[Irithyll Dungeon] Dragon Torso Stone;53900750
3900800;[Profaned Capital] Court Sorcerer Hood;53900800
3900801;[Profaned Capital] Court Sorcerer Robe;53900800
3900802;[Profaned Capital] Court Sorcerer Gloves;53900800
3900803;[Profaned Capital] Court Sorcerer Trousers;53900800
3900810;[Profaned Capital] Storm Ruler;53900810
3900820;[Irithyll Dungeon] Prisoner Chief's Ashes;53900820
3900900;[Irithyll Dungeon] Undead Bone Shard;53900900
4000010;[Cemetery of Ash] Broken Straight Sword;54000010
4000020;[Cemetery of Ash] Soul of a Deserted Corpse;54000020
4000030;[Cemetery of Ash] Firebomb;54000030
4000050;[Cemetery of Ash] Titanite Shard;54000050
4000060;[Cemetery of Ash] Homeward Bone;54000060
4000070;[Cemetery of Ash] Ember;54000070
4000080;[Cemetery of Ash] Soul of a Deserted Corpse;54000080
4000090;[Cemetery of Ash] East-West Shield;54000090
4000100;[Cemetery of Ash] Homeward Bone;54000100
4000110;[Cemetery of Ash] Soul of an Unknown Traveler;54000110
4000120;[Cemetery of Ash] Ember;54000120
4000140;[Cemetery of Ash] Sneering Mask;54000140
4000141;[Cemetery of Ash] Pale Shade Robe;54000140
4000142;[Cemetery of Ash] Pale Shade Gloves;54000140
4000143;[Cemetery of Ash] Pale Shade Trousers;54000140
4000160;[Cemetery of Ash] Homeward Bone;54000160
4000170;[Cemetery of Ash] Estus Ring;54000170
4000180;[Cemetery of Ash] Estus Shard;54000180
4000190;[Cemetery of Ash] Fire Keeper Soul;54000190
4000200;[Cemetery of Ash] Shriving Stone;54000200
4000220;[Cemetery of Ash] Titanite Chunk;54000220
4000230;[Cemetery of Ash] Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;54000230
4000240;[Cemetery of Ash] Titanite Chunk;54000240
4000250;[Cemetery of Ash] Ashen Estus Ring;54000250
4000260;[Cemetery of Ash] Black Knight Glaive;54000260
4000280;[Cemetery of Ash] Eyes of a Fire Keeper;54000280
4000290;[Cemetery of Ash] Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;54000290
4000300;[Cemetery of Ash] Blacksmith Hammer;54000300
4000310;[Cemetery of Ash] Chaos Blade;54000310
4000320;[Cemetery of Ash] Hollow's Ashes;54000320
4000330;[Cemetery of Ash] Hornet Ring;54000330
4000340;[Cemetery of Ash] Coiled Sword Fragment;54000340
4000350;[Cemetery of Ash] Fire Keeper Robe;54000350
4000351;[Cemetery of Ash] Fire Keeper Gloves;54000350
4000352;[Cemetery of Ash] Fire Keeper Skirt;54000350
4000400;[Cemetery of Ash] Life Ring+3;54000400
4000410;[Cemetery of Ash] Ring of Steel Protection+1;54000410
4000420;[Cemetery of Ash] Speckled Stoneplate Ring+1;54000420
4000430;[Cemetery of Ash] Wolf Ring+2;54000430
4000505;Ashen Estus Flask;6600
4000515;Ashen Estus Flask+1;6600
4000525;Ashen Estus Flask+2;6600
4000535;Ashen Estus Flask+3;6600
4000545;Ashen Estus Flask+4;6600
4000555;Ashen Estus Flask+5;6600
4000565;Ashen Estus Flask+6;6600
4000575;Ashen Estus Flask+7;6600
4000585;Ashen Estus Flask+8;6600
4000595;Ashen Estus Flask+9;6600
4000605;Ashen Estus Flask+10;6600
4000700;[Cemetery of Ash] Covetous Silver Serpent Ring;54000700
4500000;[Ariandel] Rime-blue Moss Clump;54500000
4500010;[Ariandel] Poison Gem;54500010
4500020;[Ariandel] Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;54500020
4500030;[Ariandel] Follower Javelin;54500030
4500040;[Ariandel] Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;54500040
4500050;[Ariandel] Homeward Bone;54500050
4500060;[Ariandel] Blessed Gem;54500060
4500070;[Ariandel] Captain's Ashes;54500070
4500080;[Ariandel] Black Firebomb;54500080
4500090;[Ariandel] Shriving Stone;54500090
4500100;[Ariandel] Millwood Greatbow;54500100
4500101;[Ariandel] Millwood Greatarrow;54500100
4500110;[Ariandel] Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;54500110
4500120;[Ariandel] Rusted Coin;54500120
4500130;[Ariandel] Large Titanite Shard;54500130
4500140;[Ariandel] Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;54500140
4500150;[Ariandel] Crow Quills;54500150
4500160;[Ariandel] Simple Gem;54500160
4500170;[Ariandel] Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;54500170
4500180;[Ariandel] Slave Knight Hood;54500180
4500181;[Ariandel] Slave Knight Armor;54500180
4500182;[Ariandel] Slave Knight Gauntlets;54500180
4500183;[Ariandel] Slave Knight Leggings;54500180
4500190;[Ariandel] Ember;54500190
4500200;[Ariandel] Dark Gem;54500200
4500220;[Ariandel] Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;54500220
4500230;[Ariandel] Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;54500230
4500240;[Ariandel] Rusted Gold Coin;54500240
4500250;[Ariandel] Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;54500250
4500260;[Ariandel] Way of White Corona;54500260
4500270;[Ariandel] Rusted Coin;54500270
4500280;[Ariandel] Young White Branch;54500280
4500290;[Ariandel] Budding Green Blossom;54500290
4500300;[Ariandel] Crow Talons;54500300
4500310;[Ariandel] Prism Stone;54500310
4500320;[Ariandel] Titanite Chunk;54500320
4500330;[Ariandel] Titanite Chunk;54500330
4500340;[Ariandel] Follower Shield;54500340
4500350;[Ariandel] Large Titanite Shard;54500350
4500360;[Ariandel] Quakestone Hammer;54500360
4500370;[Ariandel] Ember;54500370
4500380;[Ariandel] Large Titanite Shard;54500380
4500390;[Ariandel] Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;54500390
4500400;[Ariandel] Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;54500400
4500410;[Ariandel] Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;54500410
4500420;[Ariandel] Earth Seeker;54500420
4500430;[Ariandel] Follower Torch;54500430
4500460;[Ariandel] Dung Pie;54500460
4500470;[Ariandel] Vilhelm's Helm;54500470
4500471;[Ariandel] Vilhelm's Armor;54500470
4500472;[Ariandel] Vilhelm's Gauntlets;54500470
4500473;[Ariandel] Vilhelm's Leggings;54500470
4500480;[Ariandel] Blood Gem;54500480
4500490;[Ariandel] Hollow Gem;54500490
4500530;[Ariandel] Rime-blue Moss Clump;54500530
4500540;[Ariandel] Follower Sabre;54500540
4500550;[Ariandel] Ember;54500550
4500560;[Ariandel] Snap Freeze;54500560
4500570;[Ariandel] Pyromancer's Parting Flame;54500570
4500571;[Ariandel] Homeward Bone;54500570
4500600;[Ariandel] Rime-blue Moss Clump;54500600
4500610;[Ariandel] Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;54500610
4500620;[Ariandel] Ember;54500620
4500630;[Ariandel] Frozen Weapon;54500630
4500640;[Ariandel] Titanite Slab;54500640
4500650;[Ariandel] Homeward Bone;54500650
4500660;[Ariandel] Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;54500660
4500670;[Ariandel] Large Soul of a Weary Warrior;54500670
4500680;[Ariandel] Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;54500680
4500690;[Ariandel] Heavy Gem;54500690
4500800;[Ariandel] Large Soul of a Weary Warrior;54500800
4500810;[Ariandel] Millwood Battle Axe;54500810
4500820;[Ariandel] Ethereal Oak Shield;54500820
4500830;[Ariandel] Soul of a Weary Warrior;54500830
5000000;[Dreg Heap] Ember;55000000
5000010;[Dreg Heap] Soul of a Weary Warrior;55000010
5000020;[Dreg Heap] Titanite Chunk;55000020
5000030;[Dreg Heap] Aquamarine Dagger;55000030
5000040;[Dreg Heap] Twinkling Titanite;55000040
5000050;[Dreg Heap] Murky Hand Scythe;55000050
5000060;[Dreg Heap] Divine Blessing;55000060
5000070;[Dreg Heap] Ring of Steel Protection+3;55000070
5000080;[Dreg Heap] Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;55000080
5000090;[Dreg Heap] Rusted Coin;55000090
5000100;[Dreg Heap] Titanite Chunk;55000100
5000110;[Dreg Heap] Murky Longstaff;55000110
5000120;[Dreg Heap] Ember;55000120
5000130;[Dreg Heap] Great Soul Dregs;55000130
5000140;[Dreg Heap] Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+3;55000140
5000150;[Dreg Heap] Fading Soul;55000150
5000160;[Dreg Heap] Titanite Chunk;55000160
5000170;[Dreg Heap] Homeward Bone;55000170
5000180;[Dreg Heap] Fading Soul;55000180
5000190;[Dreg Heap] Lightning Urn;55000190
5000200;[Dreg Heap] Projected Heal;55000200
5000210;[Dreg Heap] Large Soul of a Weary Warrior;55000210
5000220;[Dreg Heap] Lothric War Banner;55000220
5000230;[Dreg Heap] Titanite Scale;55000230
5000240;[Dreg Heap] Fading Soul;55000240
5000250;[Dreg Heap] Fading Soul;55000250
5000260;[Dreg Heap] Fading Soul;55000260
5000270;[Dreg Heap] Fading Soul;55000270
5000280;[Dreg Heap] Fading Soul;55000280
5000290;[Dreg Heap] Fading Soul;55000290
5000300;[Dreg Heap] Black Firebomb;55000300
5000310;[Dreg Heap] Titanite Chunk;55000310
5000320;[Dreg Heap] Twinkling Titanite;55000320
5000330;[Dreg Heap] Desert Pyromancer Garb;55000330
5000340;[Dreg Heap] Titanite Chunk;55000340
5000350;[Dreg Heap] Giant Door Shield;55000350
5000360;[Dreg Heap] Ember;55000360
5000370;[Dreg Heap] Desert Pyromancer Hood;55000370
5000371;[Dreg Heap] Desert Pyromancer Garb;55000370
5000372;[Dreg Heap] Desert Pyromancer Gloves;55000370
5000373;[Dreg Heap] Desert Pyromancer Skirt;55000370
5000380;[Dreg Heap] Desert Pyromancer Gloves;55000380
5000390;[Dreg Heap] Desert Pyromancer Skirt;55000390
5000400;[Dreg Heap] Titanite Scale;55000400
5000410;[Dreg Heap] Purple Moss Clump;55000410
5000420;[Dreg Heap] Ring of Favor+3;55000420
5000430;[Dreg Heap] Titanite Chunk;55000430
5000440;[Dreg Heap] Large Soul of a Weary Warrior;55000440
5000450;[Dreg Heap] Titanite Slab;55000450
5000460;[Dreg Heap] Titanite Chunk;55000460
5000470;[Dreg Heap] Loincloth;55000470
5000480;[Dreg Heap] Titanite Chunk;55000480
5000490;[Dreg Heap] Large Soul of a Weary Warrior;55000490
5000500;[Dreg Heap] Harald Curved Greatsword;55000500
5000510;[Dreg Heap] Homeward Bone;55000510
5000520;[Dreg Heap] Prism Stone;55000520
5000530;[Dreg Heap] Desert Pyromancer Hood;55000530
5000540;[Dreg Heap] Twinkling Titanite;55000540
5000550;[Dreg Heap] Divine Blessing;55000550
5000560;[Dreg Heap] Ember;55000560
5000600;[Dreg Heap] Small Envoy Banner;55000600
5100000;[Dreg Heap] Titanite Scale;55100000
5100010;[Ringed City] Ruin Helm;55100010
5100011;[Ringed City] Ruin Armor;55100010
5100012;[Ringed City] Ruin Gauntlets;55100010
5100013;[Ringed City] Ruin Leggings;55100010
5100020;[Ringed City] Budding Green Blossom;55100020
5100030;[Ringed City] Titanite Chunk;55100030
5100040;[Ringed City] Ember;55100040
5100050;[Ringed City] Budding Green Blossom;55100050
5100060;[Ringed City] Hidden Blessing;55100060
5100070;[Ringed City] Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;55100070
5100080;[Ringed City] Large Soul of a Weary Warrior;55100080
5100090;[Ringed City] Fading Soul;55100090
5100100;[Ringed City] Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;55100100
5100110;[Ringed City] Ember;55100110
5100120;[Ringed City] Purging Stone;55100120
5100130;[Ringed City] Fading Soul;55100130
5100140;[Ringed City] Fading Soul;55100140
5100150;[Ringed City] Hollow Gem;55100150
5100160;[Ringed City] Titanite Chunk;55100160
5100170;[Ringed City] Twinkling Titanite;55100170
5100180;[Ringed City] Shriving Stone;55100180
5100190;[Ringed City] Shira's Crown;55100190
5100191;[Ringed City] Shira's Armor;55100190
5100192;[Ringed City] Shira's Gloves;55100190
5100193;[Ringed City] Shira's Trousers;55100190
5100200;[Ringed City] Mossfruit;55100200
5100210;[Ringed City] Fading Soul;55100210
5100220;[Ringed City] Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;55100220
5100230;[Ringed City] Ringed Knight Spear;55100230
5100240;[Ringed City] Fading Soul;55100240
5100250;[Ringed City] Black Witch Hat;55100250
5100251;[Ringed City] Black Witch Garb;55100250
5100252;[Ringed City] Black Witch Wrappings;55100250
5100253;[Ringed City] Black Witch Trousers;55100250
5100260;[Ringed City] Dragonhead Shield;55100260
5100270;[Ringed City] Titanite Chunk;55100270
5100280;[Ringed City] Mossfruit;55100280
5100290;[Ringed City] Large Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;55100290
5100300;[Ringed City] Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+3;55100300
5100310;[Ringed City] Fading Soul;55100310
5100320;[Ringed City] Fading Soul;55100320
5100330;[Ringed City] Titanite Chunk;55100330
5100340;[Ringed City] Fading Soul;55100340
5100350;[Ringed City] Dark Gem;55100350
5100360;[Ringed City] Prism Stone;55100360
5100370;[Ringed City] Ringed Knight Straight Sword;55100370
5100380;[Ringed City] Havel's Ring+3;55100380
5100390;[Ringed City] Titanite Chunk;55100390
5100400;[Ringed City] Twinkling Titanite;55100400
5100410;[Ringed City] Fading Soul;55100410
5100420;[Ringed City] Soul of a Weary Warrior;55100420
5100430;[Ringed City] Preacher's Right Arm;55100430
5100440;[Ringed City] Rubbish;55100440
5100450;[Ringed City] Titanite Chunk;55100450
5100460;[Ringed City] Black Witch Veil;55100460
5100470;[Ringed City] Church Guardian Shiv;6660
5100480;[Ringed City] Twinkling Titanite;55100480
5100490;[Ringed City] Fading Soul;55100490
5100500;[Ringed City] Fading Soul;55100500
5100510;[Ringed City] Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;55100510
5100520;[Ringed City] White Preacher Head;55100520
5100530;[Ringed City] Fading Soul;55100530
5100540;[Ringed City] Titanite Scale;55100540
5100550;[Ringed City] Titanite Scale;55100550
5100560;[Ringed City] Dragonhead Greatshield;55100560
5100570;[Ringed City] Titanite Scale;55100570
5100580;[Ringed City] Rubbish;55100580
5100590;[Ringed City] Large Soul of a Weary Warrior;55100590
5100600;[Ringed City] Titanite Scale;55100600
5100610;[Ringed City] Titanite Scale;55100610
5100620;[Ringed City] Lightning Gem;55100620
5100630;[Ringed City] Blessed Gem;55100630
5100640;[Ringed City] Simple Gem;55100640
5100650;[Ringed City] Large Soul of a Weary Warrior;55100650
5100660;[Ringed City] Lightning Arrow;55100660
5100670;[Ringed City] Chloranthy Ring+3;55100670
5100680;[Ringed City] Ember;55100680
5100690;[Ringed City] Filianore's Spear Ornament;55100690
5100700;[Ringed City] Antiquated Plain Garb;55100700
5100701;[Ringed City] Violet Wrappings;55100700
5100710;[Ringed City] Soul of a Weary Warrior;55100710
5100720;[Ringed City] Fading Soul;55100720
5100730;[Ringed City] Fading Soul;55100730
5100740;[Ringed City] Fading Soul;55100740
5100750;[Ringed City] Twinkling Titanite;55100750
5100760;[Ringed City] Ritual Spear Fragment;6835
5100770;[Ringed City] Budding Green Blossom;55100770
5100780;[Ringed City] Fading Soul;55100780
5100790;[Ringed City] Fading Soul;55100790
5100800;[Ringed City] Titanite Chunk;55100800
5100810;[Ringed City] Large Soul of a Weary Warrior;55100810
5100820;[Ringed City] Fading Soul;55100820
5100830;[Ringed City] Soul of a Weary Warrior;55100830
5100840;[Ringed City] Fading Soul;55100840
5100850;[Ringed City] Titanite Scale;55100850
5100860;[Ringed City] Soul of a Crestfallen Knight;55100860
5100870;[Ringed City] White Birch Bow;55100870
5100880;[Ringed City] Titanite Chunk;55100880
5100890;[Ringed City] Fading Soul;55100890
5100900;[Ringed City] Young White Branch;55100900
5100910;[Ringed City] Young White Branch;55100910
5100920;[Ringed City] Young White Branch;55100920
10700000;[Skeleton - Scimitar] Scimitar;-1
10700001;[Skeleton - Scimitar] Human Pine Resin;-1
10700100;[Skeleton - Falchion] Falchion;-1
10700101;[Skeleton - Falchion] Human Pine Resin;-1
10701000;[Skeleton - Scimitar] Scimitar;-1
10701001;[Skeleton - Scimitar] Kukri;-1
10701100;[Skeleton - Falchion] Falchion;-1
10701101;[Skeleton - Falchion] Carthus Rouge;-1
10701200;[Skeleton - Bow] Longbow;-1
10701201;[Skeleton - Bow] Fire Arrow;-1
10701300;[Skeleton - Firebomb] Firebomb;-1
10701400;[Skeleton - Ball] Alluring Skull;-1
10701500;[Skeleton - Ball] Alluring Skull;-1
10702000;[Skeleton - Scimitar] Scimitar;-1
10702001;[Skeleton - Scimitar] Yellow Bug Pellet;-1
10702100;[Skeleton - Falchion] Falchion;-1
10702101;[Skeleton - Falchion] Yellow Bug Pellet;-1
10702200;[Skeleton - Bow] Longbow;-1
10702201;[Skeleton - Bow] Fire Arrow;-1
10702300;[Skeleton - Firebomb] Firebomb;-1
10702400;[Skeleton] Alluring Skull;-1
10703000;[Skeleton] Human Pine Resin;-1
10703100;[Skeleton] Human Pine Resin;-1
10900000;[Pus of Man #1] Dark Gem, Titanite Shard;-1
10900001;[Pus of Man #1] Titanite Shard;53000980
10900002;[Pus of Man #1] Ember;-1
10900003;[Pus of Man #1] Ember;53000980
10900010;[Pus of Man #2] Dark Gem, Titanite Shard;-1
10900011;[Pus of Man #2] Titanite Shard;53000981
10900012;[Pus of Man #2] Ember;-1
10900013;[Pus of Man #2] Ember;53000981
10901000;[Pus of Man #3] Dark Gem, Large Titanite Shard, Titanite Chunk;-1
10901001;[Pus of Man #3] Ember;-1
10902000;[Pus of Man #4] Dark Gem, Large Titanite Shard, Titanite Chunk;-1
10902001;[Pus of Man #4] Ember;-1
10903000;[Pus of Man #5] Dark Gem, Large Titanite Shard, Titanite Chunk;-1
10903001;[Pus of Man #5] Ember;-1
11000000;[Hollow Soldier - Sword] Long Sword;-1
11000001;[Hollow Soldier - Sword] Deserter Trousers;-1
11000002;[Hollow Soldier - Sword] Firebomb;-1
11000003;[Hollow Soldier - Sword] Titanite Shard;-1
11000004;[Hollow Soldier - Sword] Raw Gem;-1
11000100;[Hollow Soldier - Hilt] Broken Straight Sword;-1
11000101;[Hollow Soldier - Hilt] Titanite Shard;-1
11000102;[Hollow Soldier - Hilt] Raw Gem;-1
11000200;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Long Sword;-1
11000201;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Iron Round Shield;-1
11000202;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Steel Soldier Helm;-1
11000203;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Deserter Armor;-1
11000204;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Deserter Trousers;-1
11000205;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Firebomb;-1
11000206;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Titanite Shard;-1
11000207;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Raw Gem;-1
11000300;[Hollow Soldier - Lantern] Broken Straight Sword;-1
11000301;[Hollow Soldier - Lantern] Deserter Trousers;-1
11000302;[Hollow Soldier - Lantern] Titanite Shard;-1
11000303;[Hollow Soldier - Lantern] Raw Gem;-1
11000400;[Hollow Soldier - Crossbow] Light Crossbow;-1
11000401;[Hollow Soldier - Crossbow] Steel Soldier Helm;-1
11000402;[Hollow Soldier - Crossbow] Deserter Trousers;-1
11000403;[Hollow Soldier - Crossbow] Standard Bolt;-1
11000404;[Hollow Soldier - Crossbow] Titanite Shard;-1
11000405;[Hollow Soldier - Crossbow] Raw Gem;-1
11000500;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Spear;-1
11000501;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Wooden Shield;-1
11000502;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Steel Soldier Helm;-1
11000503;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Deserter Armor;-1
11000504;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Deserter Trousers;-1
11000505;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Titanite Shard;-1
11000506;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Raw Gem;-1
11000600;[Hollow Assassin] Dagger;-1
11000601;[Hollow Assassin] Deserter Trousers;-1
11000602;[Hollow Assassin] Throwing Knife;-1
11000603;[Hollow Assassin] Titanite Shard;-1
11000604;[Hollow Assassin] Raw Gem;-1
11001000;[Hollow Soldier - Sword] Long Sword;-1
11001001;[Hollow Soldier - Sword] Deserter Trousers;-1
11001002;[Hollow Soldier - Sword] Firebomb;-1
11001003;[Hollow Soldier - Sword] Large Titanite Shard;-1
11001004;[Hollow Soldier - Sword] Titanite Chunk;-1
11001005;[Hollow Soldier - Sword] Raw Gem;-1
11001100;[Hollow Soldier - Hilt] Broken Straight Sword;-1
11001101;[Hollow Soldier - Hilt] Large Titanite Shard;-1
11001102;[Hollow Soldier - Hilt] Titanite Chunk;-1
11001103;[Hollow Soldier - Hilt] Raw Gem;-1
11001200;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Long Sword;-1
11001201;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Iron Round Shield;-1
11001202;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Steel Soldier Helm;-1
11001203;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Deserter Armor;-1
11001204;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Deserter Trousers;-1
11001205;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Firebomb;-1
11001206;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Large Titanite Shard;-1
11001207;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Titanite Chunk;-1
11001208;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Raw Gem;-1
11001300;[Hollow Soldier - Lantern] Broken Straight Sword;-1
11001301;[Hollow Soldier - Lantern] Deserter Trousers;-1
11001302;[Hollow Soldier - Lantern] Large Titanite Shard;-1
11001303;[Hollow Soldier - Lantern] Titanite Chunk;-1
11001304;[Hollow Soldier - Lantern] Raw Gem;-1
11001400;[Hollow Soldier - Crossbow] Light Crossbow;-1
11001401;[Hollow Soldier - Crossbow] Steel Soldier Helm;-1
11001402;[Hollow Soldier - Crossbow] Deserter Trousers;-1
11001403;[Hollow Soldier - Crossbow] Standard Bolt;-1
11001404;[Hollow Soldier - Crossbow] Large Titanite Shard;-1
11001405;[Hollow Soldier - Crossbow] Titanite Chunk;-1
11001406;[Hollow Soldier - Crossbow] Raw Gem;-1
11001500;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Spear;-1
11001501;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Wooden Shield;-1
11001502;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Steel Soldier Helm;-1
11001503;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Deserter Armor;-1
11001504;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Deserter Trousers;-1
11001505;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Large Titanite Shard;-1
11001506;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Titanite Chunk;-1
11001507;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Raw Gem;-1
11001600;[Hollow Assassin] Dagger;-1
11001601;[Hollow Assassin] Deserter Trousers;-1
11001602;[Hollow Assassin] Throwing Knife;-1
11001603;[Hollow Assassin] Large Titanite Shard;-1
11001604;[Hollow Assassin] Titanite Chunk;-1
11001605;[Hollow Assassin] Raw Gem;-1
11002000;[Hollow Soldier - Sword] Long Sword;-1
11002001;[Hollow Soldier - Sword] Deserter Trousers;-1
11002002;[Hollow Soldier - Sword] Firebomb;-1
11002003;[Hollow Soldier - Sword] Large Titanite Shard;-1
11002004;[Hollow Soldier - Sword] Titanite Chunk;-1
11002100;[Hollow Soldier - Hilt] Broken Straight Sword;-1
11002101;[Hollow Soldier - Hilt] Large Titanite Shard;-1
11002102;[Hollow Soldier - Hilt] Titanite Chunk;-1
11002200;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Long Sword;-1
11002201;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Iron Round Shield;-1
11002202;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Steel Soldier Helm;-1
11002203;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Deserter Armor;-1
11002204;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Deserter Trousers;-1
11002205;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Firebomb;-1
11002206;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Large Titanite Shard;-1
11002207;[Hollow Soldier - Sword & Shield] Titanite Chunk;-1
11002400;[Hollow Soldier - Crossbow] Light Crossbow;-1
11002401;[Hollow Soldier - Crossbow] Steel Soldier Helm;-1
11002402;[Hollow Soldier - Crossbow] Deserter Trousers;-1
11002403;[Hollow Soldier - Crossbow] Standard Bolt;-1
11002404;[Hollow Soldier - Crossbow] Large Titanite Shard;-1
11002405;[Hollow Soldier - Crossbow] Titanite Chunk;-1
11002500;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Spear;-1
11002501;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Wooden Shield;-1
11002502;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Steel Soldier Helm;-1
11002503;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Deserter Armor;-1
11002504;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Deserter Trousers;-1
11002505;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Large Titanite Shard;-1
11002506;[Hollow Soldier - Spear and Shield] Titanite Chunk;-1
11050000;[Large Hollow Soldier - Greataxe] Greataxe;-1
11050001;[Large Hollow Soldier - Greataxe] Titanite Shard;-1
11050002;[Large Hollow Soldier - Greataxe] Raw Gem;-1
11050100;[Large Hollow Soldier - Halberd] Halberd;-1
11050101;[Large Hollow Soldier - Halberd] Titanite Shard;-1
11050102;[Large Hollow Soldier - Halberd] Raw Gem;-1
11051000;[Large Hollow Soldier - Greataxe] Greataxe;-1
11051001;[Large Hollow Soldier - Greataxe] Large Titanite Shard;-1
11051002;[Large Hollow Soldier - Greataxe] Titanite Chunk;-1
11051003;[Large Hollow Soldier - Greataxe] Raw Gem;-1
11051100;[Large Hollow Soldier - Halberd] Halberd;-1
11051101;[Large Hollow Soldier - Halberd] Large Titanite Shard;-1
11051102;[Large Hollow Soldier - Halberd] Titanite Chunk;-1
11051103;[Large Hollow Soldier - Halberd] Raw Gem;-1
11300000;[Unk16] Poison Gem;-1
11300001;[Unk16] Heavy Gem;-1
11301000;[Unk16] Dark Gem;-1
11700000;[Carthus Swordsman - Sword] Carthus Curved Sword;-1
11700001;[Carthus Swordsman - Sword] Carthus Shield;-1
11700002;[Carthus Swordsman - Sword] Sharp Gem, Titanite Shard, Large Titanite Shard;-1
11700003;[Carthus Swordsman - Sword] Vertebra Shackle, Ember;-1
11700100;[Carthus Swordsman - Greatsword] Carthus Curved Greatsword;-1
11700101;[Carthus Swordsman - Greatsword] Sharp Gem, Titanite Shard, Large Titanite Shard;-1
11700102;[Carthus Swordsman - Greatsword] Vertebra Shackle, Ember;-1
11700103;[Carthus Swordsman - Greatsword] Carthus Rouge;-1
11700200;[Carthus Swordsman - Bow] Longbow;-1
11700201;[Carthus Swordsman - Bow] Fire Arrow;-1
11700202;[Carthus Swordsman - Bow] Sharp Gem, Titanite Shard, Large Titanite Shard;-1
11700203;[Carthus Swordsman - Bow] Vertebra Shackle, Ember;-1
11800000;[Carthus Swordsman - Shotel] Carthus Shotel;-1
11800001;[Carthus Swordsman - Shotel] Sharp Gem, Titanite Shard, Large Titanite Shard;-1
11800002;[Carthus Swordsman - Shotel] Vertebra Shackle, Ember;-1
11800003;[Carthus Swordsman - Shotel] Kukri;-1
11800100;[Carthus Swordsman - Shotel] Carthus Shotel;-1
11800101;[Carthus Swordsman - Shotel] Sharp Gem, Titanite Shard, Large Titanite Shard;-1
11800102;[Carthus Swordsman - Shotel] Vertebra Shackle, Ember;-1
11801000;[Carthus Swordsman - Shotel] Carthus Shotel;-1
11801001;[Carthus Swordsman - Shotel] Sharp Gem, Titanite Shard, Large Titanite Shard;-1
11801002;[Carthus Swordsman - Shotel] Vertebra Shackle, Ember;-1
11801003;[Carthus Swordsman - Shotel] Yellow Bug Pellet;-1
11801100;[Carthus Swordsman - Shotel] Carthus Shotel;-1
11801101;[Carthus Swordsman - Shotel] Sharp Gem, Titanite Shard, Large Titanite Shard;-1
11801102;[Carthus Swordsman - Shotel] Vertebra Shackle, Ember;-1
11801103;[Carthus Swordsman - Shotel] Yellow Bug Pellet;-1
11900000;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Great Mace;-1
11900001;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Cathedral Knight Greatshield;-1
11900002;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Cathedral Knight Helm;-1
11900003;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Cathedral Knight Armor;-1
11900004;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Cathedral Knight Gauntlets;-1
11900005;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Cathedral Knight Leggings;-1
11900006;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Titanite Shard, Ember;-1
11900100;[Cathedral Knight - Greatsword] Cathedral Knight Greatsword;-1
11900101;[Cathedral Knight - Greatsword] Cathedral Knight Helm;-1
11900102;[Cathedral Knight - Greatsword] Cathedral Knight Armor;-1
11900103;[Cathedral Knight - Greatsword] Cathedral Knight Gauntlets;-1
11900104;[Cathedral Knight - Greatsword] Cathedral Knight Leggings;-1
11900105;[Cathedral Knight - Greatsword] Titanite Shard, Ember;-1
11900200;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Great Mace;-1
11900201;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Cathedral Knight Greatshield;-1
11900202;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Heavy Crossbow;-1
11900203;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Cathedral Knight Helm;-1
11900204;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Cathedral Knight Armor;-1
11900205;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Cathedral Knight Gauntlets;-1
11900206;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Cathedral Knight Leggings;-1
11900207;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Heavy Bolt;-1
11900208;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Titanite Shard, Ember;-1
11901000;[Cathedral Knight - Greatsword] Great Mace;-1
11901001;[Cathedral Knight - Greatsword] Cathedral Knight Greatshield;-1
11901002;[Cathedral Knight - Greatsword] Cathedral Knight Helm;-1
11901003;[Cathedral Knight - Greatsword] Cathedral Knight Armor;-1
11901004;[Cathedral Knight - Greatsword] Cathedral Knight Gauntlets;-1
11901005;[Cathedral Knight - Greatsword] Cathedral Knight Leggings;-1
11901006;[Cathedral Knight - Greatsword] Large Titanite Shard, Titanite Chunk, Ember;-1
11901100;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Cathedral Knight Greatsword;-1
11901101;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Cathedral Knight Helm;-1
11901102;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Cathedral Knight Armor;-1
11901103;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Cathedral Knight Gauntlets;-1
11901104;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Cathedral Knight Leggings;-1
11901105;[Cathedral Knight - Mace] Large Titanite Shard, Titanite Chunk, Ember;-1
11901110;[Cathedral Knight - Greatsword] Cathedral Knight Greatsword;-1
11901111;[Cathedral Knight - Greatsword] Cathedral Knight Helm;-1
11901112;[Cathedral Knight - Greatsword] Cathedral Knight Armor;-1
11901113;[Cathedral Knight - Greatsword] Cathedral Knight Gauntlets;-1
11901114;[Cathedral Knight - Greatsword] Cathedral Knight Leggings;-1
11901120;[Cathedral Knight - Oceiros] Magic Stoneplate Ring;53010955
12000000;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Thrall Axe;-1
12000001;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Thrall Hood;-1
12000002;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Titanite Shard;-1
12000100;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Thrall Hood;-1
12000101;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Titanite Shard;-1
12000200;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Flamberge;-1
12000201;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Thrall Hood;-1
12000202;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Titanite Shard;-1
12000300;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Thrall Hood;-1
12000301;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Titanite Shard;-1
12001000;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Thrall Axe;-1
12001001;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Thrall Hood;-1
12001002;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Titanite Shard, Deep Gem;-1
12001100;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Thrall Hood;-1
12001101;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Titanite Shard, Deep Gem;-1
12001200;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Flamberge;-1
12001201;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Thrall Hood;-1
12001202;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Titanite Shard, Deep Gem;-1
12001300;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Thrall Hood;-1
12001301;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Titanite Shard, Deep Gem;-1
12002000;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Thrall Axe;-1
12002001;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Thrall Hood;-1
12002002;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Crystal Gem, Titanite Chunk;-1
12002100;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Thrall Hood;-1
12002101;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Crystal Gem, Titanite Chunk;-1
12002200;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Flamberge;-1
12002201;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Thrall Hood;-1
12002202;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Crystal Gem, Titanite Chunk;-1
12002300;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Thrall Hood;-1
12002301;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Crystal Gem, Titanite Chunk;-1
12003000;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Thrall Axe;-1
12003001;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Thrall Hood;-1
12003002;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Titanite Chunk;-1
12003100;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Thrall Hood;-1
12003101;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Titanite Chunk;-1
12003200;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Flamberge;-1
12003201;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Thrall Hood;-1
12003202;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Titanite Chunk;-1
12003300;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Thrall Hood;-1
12003301;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Titanite Chunk;-1
12004000;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Thrall Hood;-1
12004001;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Titanite Chunk, Titanite Chunk;-1
12004100;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Thrall Hood;-1
12004101;[Hollow Slave - Axe] Titanite Chunk, Titanite Chunk;-1
12004200;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Thrall Hood;-1
12004201;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Titanite Chunk, Titanite Chunk;-1
12004210;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Thrall Hood;-1
12004211;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Titanite Chunk, Titanite Chunk;-1
12004220;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Thrall Hood;-1
12004221;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Titanite Chunk, Titanite Chunk;-1
12004222;[Hollow Slave - Flamberge] Titanite Chunk;-1
12100000;[Ghru - Spear] Rotten Ghru Spear;-1
12100001;[Ghru - Spear] Ghru Rotshield;-1
12100002;[Ghru - Spear] Titanite Shard;-1
12100003;[Ghru - Spear] Poison Gem;-1
12100004;[Ghru - Spear] Rotten Pine Resin;-1
12100005;[Ghru - Spear] Wolf's Blood Swordgrass;-1
12100100;[Ghru - Curved Sword] Rotten Ghru Curved Sword;-1
12100101;[Ghru - Curved Sword] Titanite Shard;-1
12100102;[Ghru - Curved Sword] Poison Gem;-1
12100103;[Ghru - Curved Sword] Rotten Pine Resin;-1
12100104;[Ghru - Curved Sword] Wolf's Blood Swordgrass;-1
12100200;[Ghru - Dagger] Rotten Ghru Dagger;-1
12100201;[Ghru - Dagger] Titanite Shard;-1
12100202;[Ghru - Dagger] Heavy Gem;-1
12100203;[Ghru - Dagger] Black Bug Pellet;-1
12100204;[Ghru - Dagger] Wolf's Blood Swordgrass;-1
12100300;[Mad Ghru] Titanite Shard;-1
12100301;[Mad Ghru] Heavy Gem;-1
12100302;[Mad Ghru] Black Bug Pellet;-1
12100303;[Mad Ghru] Wolf's Blood Swordgrass;-1
12100400;[Smouldering Ghru - Spear] Titanite Shard;-1
12101000;[Smouldering Ghru - Spear] Rotten Ghru Spear;-1
12101001;[Smouldering Ghru - Spear] Ghru Rotshield;-1
12101002;[Smouldering Ghru - Spear] Titanite Shard;-1
12101003;[Smouldering Ghru - Spear] Large Titanite Shard;-1
12101100;[Smouldering Ghru - Curved Sword] Rotten Ghru Curved Sword;-1
12101101;[Smouldering Ghru - Curved Sword] Titanite Shard;-1
12101102;[Smouldering Ghru - Curved Sword] Large Titanite Shard;-1
12101200;[Smouldering Ghru - Dagger] Rotten Ghru Dagger;-1
12101201;[Smouldering Ghru - Dagger] Titanite Shard;-1
12101202;[Smouldering Ghru - Dagger] Large Titanite Shard, Fire Gem;-1
12101300;[Smouldering Mad Ghru] Titanite Shard;-1
12101301;[Smouldering Mad Ghru] Large Titanite Shard, Fire Gem;-1
12101400;[Smouldering Mad Ghru] Titanite Shard;-1
12101401;[Smouldering Mad Ghru] Large Titanite Shard;-1
12300000;[Cathedral Evangelist] Spiked Mace;-1
12300001;[Cathedral Evangelist] Evangelist Hat;-1
12300002;[Cathedral Evangelist] Evangelist Robe;-1
12300003;[Cathedral Evangelist] Evangelist Gloves;-1
12300004;[Cathedral Evangelist] Evangelist Trousers;-1
12300005;[Cathedral Evangelist] Titanite Shard;-1
12300006;[Cathedral Evangelist] Blessed Gem;-1
12301000;[Cathedral Evangelist #2] Spiked Mace;-1
12301001;[Cathedral Evangelist #2] Evangelist Hat;-1
12301002;[Cathedral Evangelist #2] Evangelist Robe;-1
12301003;[Cathedral Evangelist #2] Evangelist Gloves;-1
12301004;[Cathedral Evangelist #2] Evangelist Trousers;-1
12301005;[Cathedral Evangelist #2] Titanite Shard;-1
12301006;[Cathedral Evangelist #2] Blessed Gem;-1
12302000;[Cathedral Evangelist #3] Spiked Mace;-1
12302001;[Cathedral Evangelist #3] Evangelist Hat;-1
12302002;[Cathedral Evangelist #3] Evangelist Robe;-1
12302003;[Cathedral Evangelist #3] Evangelist Gloves;-1
12302004;[Cathedral Evangelist #3] Evangelist Trousers;-1
12302005;[Cathedral Evangelist #3] Titanite Shard;-1
12302006;[Cathedral Evangelist #3] Blessed Gem;-1
12303000;[Cathedral Evangelist #4] Spiked Mace;-1
12303001;[Cathedral Evangelist #4] Evangelist Hat;-1
12303002;[Cathedral Evangelist #4] Evangelist Robe;-1
12303003;[Cathedral Evangelist #4] Evangelist Gloves;-1
12303004;[Cathedral Evangelist #4] Evangelist Trousers;-1
12303010;[Cathedral Evangelist #4] Dorhys' Gnawing;53700975
12400000;[Peasant Hollow - Axe] Firebomb;-1
12400001;[Peasant Hollow - Axe] Worker Hat;-1
12400002;[Peasant Hollow - Axe] Worker Garb;-1
12400003;[Peasant Hollow - Axe] Worker Gloves;-1
12400004;[Peasant Hollow - Axe] Worker Trousers;-1
12400005;[Peasant Hollow - Axe] Charcoal Pine Resin;-1
12400100;[Peasant Hollow - Lantern] Firebomb;-1
12400101;[Peasant Hollow - Lantern] Worker Hat;-1
12400102;[Peasant Hollow - Lantern] Worker Garb;-1
12400103;[Peasant Hollow - Lantern] Worker Gloves;-1
12400104;[Peasant Hollow - Lantern] Worker Trousers;-1
12400105;[Peasant Hollow - Lantern] Fire Gem;-1
12400200;[Peasant Hollow - Sickle] Harpe;-1
12400201;[Peasant Hollow - Sickle] Worker Garb;-1
12400202;[Peasant Hollow - Sickle] Worker Gloves;-1
12400203;[Peasant Hollow - Sickle] Worker Trousers;-1
12400204;[Peasant Hollow - Sickle] Charcoal Pine Bundle;-1
12400300;[Peasant Hollow - Mallet] Great Wooden Hammer;-1
12400301;[Peasant Hollow - Mallet] Worker Garb;-1
12400302;[Peasant Hollow - Mallet] Worker Gloves;-1
12400303;[Peasant Hollow - Mallet] Worker Trousers;-1
12400304;[Peasant Hollow - Mallet] Titanite Shard;-1
12400400;[Peasant Hollow - Hoe] Four-Pronged Plow;-1
12400401;[Peasant Hollow - Hoe] Worker Hat;-1
12400402;[Peasant Hollow - Hoe] Worker Garb;-1
12400403;[Peasant Hollow - Hoe] Worker Gloves;-1
12400404;[Peasant Hollow - Hoe] Worker Trousers;-1
12400405;[Peasant Hollow - Hoe] Rubbish;-1
12410000;[Giant Slave] Firebomb;-1
12410001;[Giant Slave] Large Titanite Shard;-1
12410002;[Giant Slave] Dung Pie;-1
12410100;[Giant Slave #2] Firebomb;-1
12410101;[Giant Slave #2] Large Titanite Shard;-1
12410102;[Giant Slave #2] Dung Pie;-1
12410200;[Giant Slave #3] Large Titanite Shard;-1
12410201;[Giant Slave #3] Dung Pie;-1
12410300;[Giant Slave #4] Large Titanite Shard;-1
12410301;[Giant Slave #4] Dung Pie;-1
12410400;[Giant Slave #5] Large Titanite Shard;-1
12410401;[Giant Slave #5] Dung Pie;-1
12410500;[Giant Slave #6] Large Titanite Shard;-1
12410501;[Giant Slave #6] Dung Pie;-1
12500000;[Cathedral Grave Warden] Warden Twinblades;-1
12500001;[Cathedral Grave Warden] Grave Warden Hood;-1
12500002;[Cathedral Grave Warden] Grave Warden Robe;-1
12500003;[Cathedral Grave Warden] Grave Warden Wrap;-1
12500004;[Cathedral Grave Warden] Grave Warden Skirt;-1
12500005;[Cathedral Grave Warden] Titanite Shard;-1
12500006;[Cathedral Grave Warden] Bloodred Moss Clump;-1
12501000;[Cathedral Grave Warden #2] Warden Twinblades;-1
12501001;[Cathedral Grave Warden #2] Grave Warden Hood;-1
12501002;[Cathedral Grave Warden #2] Grave Warden Robe;-1
12501003;[Cathedral Grave Warden #2] Grave Warden Wrap;-1
12501004;[Cathedral Grave Warden #2] Grave Warden Skirt;-1
12501005;[Cathedral Grave Warden #2] Large Titanite Shard, Titanite Chunk;-1
12600000;[Hollow Manservant - Saw] Great Machete;-1
12600001;[Hollow Manservant - Saw] Titanite Shard;-1
12600002;[Hollow Manservant - Saw] Rubbish;-1
12600100;[Hollow Manservant - Pot] Great Machete;-1
12600101;[Hollow Manservant - Pot] Titanite Shard;-1
12600102;[Hollow Manservant - Pot] Rubbish;-1
12600200;[Hollow Manservant - Pot #2] Great Machete;-1
12600201;[Hollow Manservant - Pot #2] Titanite Shard;-1
12600202;[Hollow Manservant - Pot #2] Rubbish;-1
12601100;[Hollow Manservant - Pot #3] Great Machete;-1
12601101;[Hollow Manservant - Pot #3] Titanite Shard;-1
12601102;[Hollow Manservant - Pot #3] Rubbish;-1
12800000;[Lothric Knight - Sword and Shield] Lothric Knight Sword;-1
12800001;[Lothric Knight - Sword and Shield] Knight's Crossbow;-1
12800002;[Lothric Knight - Sword and Shield] Lothric Knight Shield;-1
12800003;[Lothric Knight - Sword and Shield] Lothric Knight Helm;-1
12800004;[Lothric Knight - Sword and Shield] Lothric Knight Armor;-1
12800005;[Lothric Knight - Sword and Shield] Lothric Knight Gauntlets;-1
12800006;[Lothric Knight - Sword and Shield] Lothric Knight Leggings;-1
12800007;[Lothric Knight - Sword and Shield] Titanite Shard;-1
12800008;[Lothric Knight - Sword and Shield] Ember;-1
12800100;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Shield] Lothric Knight Sword;-1
12800101;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Shield] Lothric Knight Shield;-1
12800102;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Shield] Lothric Knight Helm;-1
12800103;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Shield] Lothric Knight Armor;-1
12800104;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Shield] Lothric Knight Gauntlets;-1
12800105;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Shield] Lothric Knight Leggings;-1
12800106;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Shield] Titanite Shard;-1
12800107;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Shield] Ember;-1
12800108;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Shield] Refined Gem;-1
12800200;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Greatshield] Lothric Knight Long Spear;-1
12800201;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Greatshield] Lothric Knight Greatshield;-1
12800202;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Greatshield] Lothric Knight Helm;-1
12800203;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Greatshield] Lothric Knight Armor;-1
12800204;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Greatshield] Lothric Knight Gauntlets;-1
12800205;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Greatshield] Lothric Knight Leggings;-1
12800206;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Greatshield] Titanite Shard;-1
12800207;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Greatshield] Ember;-1
12800300;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Greatshield] Lothric Knight Long Spear;-1
12800301;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Greatshield] Lothric Knight Greatshield;-1
12800302;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Greatshield] Lothric Knight Helm;-1
12800303;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Greatshield] Lothric Knight Armor;-1
12800304;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Greatshield] Lothric Knight Gauntlets;-1
12800305;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Greatshield] Lothric Knight Leggings;-1
12800306;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Greatshield] Titanite Shard;-1
12800307;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Greatshield] Ember;-1
12800308;[Lothric Knight - Spear and Greatshield] Refined Gem;-1
12800400;[Lothric Knight] Lothric Knight Sword;-1
12800401;[Lothric Knight] Knight's Crossbow;-1
12800402;[Lothric Knight] Lothric Knight Shield;-1
12800403;[Lothric Knight] Lothric Knight Helm;-1
12800404;[Lothric Knight] Lothric Knight Armor;-1
12800405;[Lothric Knight] Lothric Knight Gauntlets;-1
12800406;[Lothric Knight] Lothric Knight Leggings;-1
12800407;[Lothric Knight] Titanite Shard;-1
12800408;[Lothric Knight] Ember;-1
12800409;[Lothric Knight] Raw Gem;-1
12800420;[Lothric Knight] Raw Gem;53010980
12801000;[Lothric Knight #1 - Lothric Castle] Lothric Knight Sword;-1
12801001;[Lothric Knight #1 - Lothric Castle] Knight's Crossbow;-1
12801002;[Lothric Knight #1 - Lothric Castle] Lothric Knight Shield;-1
12801003;[Lothric Knight #1 - Lothric Castle] Lothric Knight Helm;-1
12801004;[Lothric Knight #1 - Lothric Castle] Lothric Knight Armor;-1
12801005;[Lothric Knight #1 - Lothric Castle] Lothric Knight Gauntlets;-1
12801006;[Lothric Knight #1 - Lothric Castle] Lothric Knight Leggings;-1
12801007;[Lothric Knight #1 - Lothric Castle] Large Titanite Shard, Titanite Chunk;-1
12801008;[Lothric Knight #1 - Lothric Castle] Ember;-1
12801009;[Lothric Knight #1 - Lothric Castle] Sunlight Medal;-1
12801100;[Lothric Knight #2 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801101;[Lothric Knight #2 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801102;[Lothric Knight #2 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801103;[Lothric Knight #2 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801104;[Lothric Knight #2 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801105;[Lothric Knight #2 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801106;[Lothric Knight #2 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801107;[Lothric Knight #2 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801108;[Lothric Knight #2 - Lothric Castle] Sunlight Medal;-1
12801109;[Lothric Knight #3 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801200;[Lothric Knight #3 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801201;[Lothric Knight #3 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801202;[Lothric Knight #3 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801203;[Lothric Knight #3 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801204;[Lothric Knight #3 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801205;[Lothric Knight #3 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801206;[Lothric Knight #3 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801207;[Lothric Knight #3 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801208;[Lothric Knight #3 - Lothric Castle] Sunlight Medal;-1
12801300;[Lothric Knight #4 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801301;[Lothric Knight #4 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801302;[Lothric Knight #4 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801303;[Lothric Knight #4 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801304;[Lothric Knight #4 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801305;[Lothric Knight #4 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801306;[Lothric Knight #4 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801307;[Lothric Knight #4 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801308;[Lothric Knight #4 - Lothric Castle] Sunlight Medal;-1
12801309;[Lothric Knight #5 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801400;[Lothric Knight #5 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801401;[Lothric Knight #5 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801402;[Lothric Knight #5 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801403;[Lothric Knight #5 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801404;[Lothric Knight #5 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801405;[Lothric Knight #5 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801406;[Lothric Knight #5 - Lothric Castle];-1
12801407;[Lothric Knight #5 - Lothric Castle] Sunlight Medal;-1
12801408;[Lothric Knight #5 - Lothric Castle];-1
12802100;[Lothric Knight #1 - Grand Archives] Lothric Knight Sword;-1
12802101;[Lothric Knight #1 - Grand Archives];-1
12802102;[Lothric Knight #1 - Grand Archives];-1
12802103;[Lothric Knight #1 - Grand Archives];-1
12802104;[Lothric Knight #1 - Grand Archives];-1
12802105;[Lothric Knight #1 - Grand Archives];-1
12802106;[Lothric Knight #1 - Grand Archives];-1
12802107;[Lothric Knight #1 - Grand Archives];-1
12802108;[Lothric Knight #1 - Grand Archives] Raw Gem;-1
12802300;[Lothric Knight #2 - Grand Archives] Lothric Knight Long Spear;-1
12802301;[Lothric Knight #2 - Grand Archives];-1
12802302;[Lothric Knight #2 - Grand Archives];-1
12802303;[Lothric Knight #2 - Grand Archives];-1
12802304;[Lothric Knight #2 - Grand Archives];-1
12802305;[Lothric Knight #2 - Grand Archives];-1
12802306;[Lothric Knight #2 - Grand Archives];-1
12802307;[Lothric Knight #2 - Grand Archives];-1
12802308;[Lothric Knight #2 - Grand Archives] Raw Gem;-1
12802400;[Lothric Knight #3 - Grand Archives] Lothric Knight Greatsword;-1
12802401;[Lothric Knight #3 - Grand Archives];-1
12802402;[Lothric Knight #3 - Grand Archives];-1
12802403;[Lothric Knight #3 - Grand Archives];-1
12802404;[Lothric Knight #3 - Grand Archives];-1
12802405;[Lothric Knight #3 - Grand Archives];-1
12802406;[Lothric Knight #3 - Grand Archives];-1
12802407;[Lothric Knight #3 - Grand Archives] Lightning Gem;-1
12830000;[Lothric Knight #4 - Grand Archives] Lothric Knight Sword;-1
12830001;[Lothric Knight #4 - Grand Archives];-1
12830002;[Lothric Knight #4 - Grand Archives];-1
12830003;[Lothric Knight #4 - Grand Archives];-1
12830004;[Lothric Knight #4 - Grand Archives];-1
12830005;[Lothric Knight #4 - Grand Archives];-1
12830006;[Lothric Knight #4 - Grand Archives] Titanite Chunk;-1
12830007;[Lothric Knight #4 - Grand Archives];-1
12830008;[Lothric Knight #4 - Grand Archives] Raw Gem;-1
12830100;[Lothric Knight #5 - Grand Archives] Lothric Knight Greatshield;-1
12830101;[Lothric Knight #5 - Grand Archives];-1
12830102;[Lothric Knight #5 - Grand Archives];-1
12830103;[Lothric Knight #5 - Grand Archives];-1
12830104;[Lothric Knight #5 - Grand Archives];-1
12830105;[Lothric Knight #5 - Grand Archives] Titanite Chunk;-1
12830106;[Lothric Knight #5 - Grand Archives];-1
12830107;[Lothric Knight #5 - Grand Archives] Raw Gem;-1
12830300;[Lothric Knight #6 - Grand Archives] Lothric Knight Greatsword;-1
12830301;[Lothric Knight #6 - Grand Archives];-1
12830302;[Lothric Knight #6 - Grand Archives];-1
12830303;[Lothric Knight #6 - Grand Archives];-1
12830304;[Lothric Knight #6 - Grand Archives];-1
12830305;[Lothric Knight #6 - Grand Archives] Titanite Chunk;-1
12830306;[Lothric Knight #6 - Grand Archives];-1
12830307;[Lothric Knight #6 - Grand Archives] Lightning Gem;-1
12900000;[Winged Knight - High Wall] Winged Knight Halberd;-1
12900001;[Winged Knight - High Wall] Titanite Shard;-1
12900002;[Winged Knight - High Wall] Blessed Gem;-1
12901000;[Winged Knight #1 - Lothric Castle] Winged Knight Halberd;-1
12901001;[Winged Knight #1 - Lothric Castle] Titanite Shard, Titanite Chunk;-1
12901002;[Winged Knight #1 - Lothric Castle] Blessed Gem;-1
12901100;[Winged Knight #2 - Lothric Castle] Winged Knight Twinaxes;-1
12901101;[Winged Knight #2 - Lothric Castle] Titanite Shard, Titanite Chunk;-1
12901102;[Winged Knight #2 - Lothric Castle] Blessed Gem;-1
12902000;[Winged Knight #1 - Grand Archives] Winged Knight Halberd;-1
12902001;[Winged Knight #1 - Grand Archives] Titanite Shard, Titanite Chunk;-1
12902002;[Winged Knight #1 - Grand Archives] Blessed Gem;-1
12902100;[Winged Knight #2 - Grand Archives] Winged Knight Twinaxes;-1
12902101;[Winged Knight #2 - Grand Archives] Titanite Shard, Titanite Chunk;-1
12902102;[Winged Knight #2 - Grand Archives] Blessed Gem;-1
12902200;[Winged Knight #3 - Grand Archives] Titanite Slab;53410900
13000000;[Black Knight #1] Black Knight Greatsword;-1
13000001;[Black Knight #1];-1
13000002;[Black Knight #1];-1
13000003;[Black Knight #1];-1
13000004;[Black Knight #1];-1
13000005;[Black Knight #1];-1
13000006;[Black Knight #1] Ember;-1
13000100;[Black Knight #2] Black Knight Greataxe;-1
13000101;[Black Knight #2];-1
13000102;[Black Knight #2];-1
13000103;[Black Knight #2];-1
13000104;[Black Knight #2];-1
13000105;[Black Knight #2];-1
13000106;[Black Knight #2] Ember;-1
13001000;[Black Knight #3] Black Knight Greatsword;-1
13001001;[Black Knight #3];-1
13001002;[Black Knight #3];-1
13001003;[Black Knight #3];-1
13001004;[Black Knight #3];-1
13001005;[Black Knight #3];-1
13001006;[Black Knight #3] Ember;-1
13001100;[Black Knight #4] Black Knight Greataxe;-1
13001101;[Black Knight #4];-1
13001102;[Black Knight #4];-1
13001103;[Black Knight #4];-1
13001104;[Black Knight #4];-1
13001105;[Black Knight #4];-1
13001106;[Black Knight #4] Ember;-1
13002000;[Black Knight #5] Black Knight Greatsword;-1
13002001;[Black Knight #5];-1
13002002;[Black Knight #5];-1
13002003;[Black Knight #5];-1
13002004;[Black Knight #5];-1
13002005;[Black Knight #5];-1
13002006;[Black Knight #5] Ember;-1
13002100;[Black Knight #6] Black Knight Greataxe;-1
13002101;[Black Knight #6];-1
13002102;[Black Knight #6];-1
13002103;[Black Knight #6];-1
13002104;[Black Knight #6];-1
13002105;[Black Knight #6];-1
13002106;[Black Knight #6] Ember;-1
13100000;[Boreal Outrider Knight] Irithyll Straight Sword;-1
13101000;[Boreal Outrider Knight] Outrider Knight Helm;53410905
13101001;[Boreal Outrider Knight] Outrider Knight Armor;53410905
13101002;[Boreal Outrider Knight] Outrider Knight Gauntlets;53410905
13101003;[Boreal Outrider Knight] Outrider Knight Leggings;53410905
13102000;[Boreal Outrider Knight] Irithyll Straight Sword;53100980
13103000;[Boreal Outrider Knight] Irithyll Rapier;53010995
13210000;[Crystal Sage] Crystal Scroll;53410908
13400000;[Archive Scholar] Scholar's Candlestick;-1
13400001;[Archive Scholar] Scholar's Robe;-1
13400002;[Archive Scholar] Crystal Gem;-1
13400100;[Archive Scholar #2] Scholar's Candlestick;-1
13400101;[Archive Scholar #2] Scholar's Robe;-1
13400102;[Archive Scholar #2] Crystal Gem;-1
13500000;[Irithyllian Slave] Blood Gem;-1
13500001;[Irithyllian Slave] Blue Bug Pellet;-1
13500100;[Irithyllian Slave #2] Blood Gem;-1
13500101;[Irithyllian Slave #2] Blue Bug Pellet;-1
13500200;[Irithyllian Slave #3] Blood Gem;-1
13500201;[Irithyllian Slave #3] Blue Bug Pellet;-1
13500300;[Irithyllian Slave #4] Blood Gem;-1
13500301;[Irithyllian Slave #4] Blue Bug Pellet;-1
13500400;[Irithyllian Slave #5] Blood Gem;-1
13500401;[Irithyllian Slave #5] Claymore;-1
13600000;[Lycanthrope] Titanite Shard;-1
13600001;[Lycanthrope] Ember;-1
13700000;[Lycanthrope Hunter] Titanite Shard;-1
13700001;[Lycanthrope Hunter] Pike;-1
13800000;[Serpent-man Summoner] Mendicant's Staff;-1
13900000;[Serpent-man] Large Titanite Shard, Titanite Chunk;-1
13900001;[Serpent-man] Lightning Gem;-1
13900100;[Serpent-man #2] Man Serpent Hatchet;-1
13900101;[Serpent-man #2] Small Leather Shield;-1
13900102;[Serpent-man #2] Large Titanite Shard, Titanite Chunk;-1
13900103;[Serpent-man #2] Lightning Gem;-1
13900200;[Serpent-man #3] Man Serpent Hatchet;-1
13900201;[Serpent-man #3] Large Titanite Shard, Titanite Chunk;-1
13900202;[Serpent-man #3] Lightning Gem;-1
13900300;[Serpent-man #4] Man Serpent Hatchet;-1
13900301;[Serpent-man #4] Large Titanite Shard, Titanite Chunk;-1
13900302;[Serpent-man #4] Lightning Gem;-1
13901000;[Serpent-man #5] Large Titanite Shard, Titanite Chunk;-1
13910000;[Giant Serpent-man #1] Large Titanite Shard, Titanite Chunk;-1
13910001;[Giant Serpent-man #1] Lightning Gem;-1
13910100;[Giant Serpent-man #2] Large Titanite Shard, Titanite Chunk;-1
13910101;[Giant Serpent-man #2] Lightning Gem;-1
14100000;[Silver Knight #1] Silver Knight Shield;-1
14100001;[Silver Knight #1];-1
14100002;[Silver Knight #1];-1
14100003;[Silver Knight #1];-1
14100004;[Silver Knight #1];-1
14100005;[Silver Knight #1];53700983
14100006;[Silver Knight #1];53700983
14100100;[Silver Knight #2];-1
14100101;[Silver Knight #2];-1
14100102;[Silver Knight #2];-1
14100103;[Silver Knight #2];-1
14100104;[Silver Knight #2];-1
14100105;[Silver Knight #2];53700984
14100200;[Silver Knight #3];-1
14100201;[Silver Knight #3];-1
14100202;[Silver Knight #3];-1
14100203;[Silver Knight #3];-1
14100204;[Silver Knight #3];-1
14100205;[Silver Knight #3];-1
14100206;[Silver Knight #3];53700985
14101000;[Silver Knight #4];-1
14101001;[Silver Knight #4];-1
14101002;[Silver Knight #4];-1
14101003;[Silver Knight #4];-1
14101004;[Silver Knight #4];-1
14101005;[Silver Knight #4];-1
14101006;[Silver Knight #4] Proof of a Concord Kept;-1
14101100;[Silver Knight #5];-1
14101101;[Silver Knight #5];-1
14101102;[Silver Knight #5];-1
14101103;[Silver Knight #5];-1
14101104;[Silver Knight #5];-1
14101105;[Silver Knight #5] Proof of a Concord Kept;-1
14101200;[Silver Knight #6];-1
14101201;[Silver Knight #6];-1
14101202;[Silver Knight #6];-1
14101203;[Silver Knight #6];-1
14101204;[Silver Knight #6];-1
14101205;[Silver Knight #6];-1
14101206;[Silver Knight #6];-1
14101207;[Silver Knight #6] Proof of a Concord Kept;-1
14101300;[Silver Knight #7];-1
14101301;[Silver Knight #7];-1
14101302;[Silver Knight #7];-1
14101303;[Silver Knight #7];-1
14101304;[Silver Knight #7];-1
14101305;[Silver Knight #7];-1
14101306;[Silver Knight #7] Proof of a Concord Kept;-1
14300000;[Undead Cleric #1 - Cemetery of Ash] Cleric's Sacred Chime;-1
14300001;[Undead Cleric #1 - Cemetery of Ash] Fading Soul;-1
14300100;[Undead Cleric #2 - Cemetery of Ash] Cleric's Sacred Chime;-1
14300101;[Undead Cleric #2 - Cemetery of Ash] Fading Soul;-1
14300200;[Undead Cleric #3 - Cemetery of Ash] Cleric's Sacred Chime;-1
14300201;[Undead Cleric #3 - Cemetery of Ash] Fading Soul;-1
14300300;[Undead Cleric #4 - Cemetery of Ash] Cleric's Sacred Chime;-1
14300301;[Undead Cleric #4 - Cemetery of Ash] Fading Soul;-1
14300400;[Undead Cleric #5 - Cemetery of Ash] Cleric's Sacred Chime;-1
14300401;[Undead Cleric #5 - Cemetery of Ash] Fading Soul;-1
14300500;[Undead Cleric #6 - Cemetery of Ash] Cleric's Sacred Chime;-1
14300501;[Undead Cleric #6 - Cemetery of Ash] Fading Soul;-1
14300600;[Undead Cleric #7 - Cemetery of Ash] Cleric's Sacred Chime;-1
14300601;[Undead Cleric #7 - Cemetery of Ash] Fading Soul;-1
14301000;[Undead Cleric #1 - Untended Graves] Cleric's Sacred Chime;-1
14301001;[Undead Cleric #1 - Untended Graves] Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse;-1
14301100;[Undead Cleric #2 - Untended Graves] Cleric's Sacred Chime;-1
14301101;[Undead Cleric #2 - Untended Graves] Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse;-1
14301200;[Undead Cleric #3 - Untended Graves] Cleric's Sacred Chime;-1
14301201;[Undead Cleric #3 - Untended Graves] Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse;-1
14301300;[Undead Cleric #4 - Untended Graves] Cleric's Sacred Chime;-1
14301301;[Undead Cleric #4 - Untended Graves] Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse;-1
14301400;[Undead Cleric #5 - Untended Graves] Cleric's Sacred Chime;-1
14301401;[Undead Cleric #5 - Untended Graves] Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse;-1
14301500;[Undead Cleric #6 - Untended Graves] Cleric's Sacred Chime;-1
14301501;[Undead Cleric #6 - Untended Graves] Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse;-1
14301600;[Undead Cleric #7 - Untended Graves] Cleric's Sacred Chime;-1
14301601;[Undead Cleric #7 - Untended Graves] Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse;-1
14400000;[Sage Prentice #1] Long Sword;-1
14400001;[Sage Prentice #1] Firebomb;-1
14400002;[Sage Prentice #1] Crystal Gem;-1
14400100;[Sage Prentice #2] Broken Straight Sword;-1
14400101;[Sage Prentice #2] Crystal Gem;-1
14400200;[Sage Prentice #3] Long Sword;-1
14400201;[Sage Prentice #3] Firebomb;-1
14400202;[Sage Prentice #3] Crystal Gem;-1
14400300;[Sage Prentice #4] Broken Straight Sword;-1
14400301;[Sage Prentice #4] Crystal Gem;-1
14400400;[Sage Prentice #5] Light Crossbow;-1
14400401;[Sage Prentice #5] Standard Bolt;-1
14400402;[Sage Prentice #5] Crystal Gem;-1
14400500;[Sage Prentice #6] Pike;-1
14400501;[Sage Prentice #6] Wooden Shield;-1
14400502;[Sage Prentice #6] Crystal Gem;-1
14400600;[Sage Prentice #7] Dagger;-1
14400601;[Sage Prentice #7] Throwing Knife;-1
14400602;[Sage Prentice #7] Crystal Gem;-1
14401000;[#1] Long Sword;-1
14401001;[#1] Firebomb, Red Bug Pellet;-1
14401100;[#2] Broken Straight Sword;-1
14401200;[#3] Long Sword;-1
14401201;[#3] Firebomb, Red Bug Pellet;-1
14401300;[#4] Broken Straight Sword;-1
14401301;[#4] Red Bug Pellet;-1
14401400;[#5] Light Crossbow;-1
14401401;[#5] Standard Bolt;-1
14401500;[#6] Spear;-1
14401501;[#6] Wooden Shield;-1
14401502;[#6] Red Bug Pellet;-1
14401600;[#7] Dagger;-1
14401601;[#7] Throwing Knife;-1
14401602;[#7] Red Bug Pellet;-1
14401700;[#8] Arbalest;-1
14401701;[#8] Heavy Bolt;-1
14401702;[#8] Red Bug Pellet;-1
14402000;[#1] Blessed Gem;-1
14403000;[#1] Blessed Gem;-1
14450000;[#1] Greataxe;-1
14450001;[#1] Crystal Gem;-1
14450100;[#2] Halberd;-1
14450101;[#2] Crystal Gem;-1
14460000;[Sage's Devout] Sorcerer's Staff;-1
14460001;[Sage's Devout] Crystal Gem;-1
14700000;[Bonewheel Skeleton] Bonewheel Shield;-1
14700001;[Bonewheel Skeleton] Large Titanite Shard;-1
20200000;[Undead Dog - High Wall] None;-1
20201000;[Large Undead Dog - High Wall] None;-1
20202000;[Undead Dog] None;-1
20203000;[Undead Dog] None;-1
20204000;[Undead Dog] None;-1
20210000;[Small Undead Dog - High Wall] None;-1
20211000;[Small Undead Dog - High Wall] None;-1
20212000;[Undead Dog] None;-1
20213000;[Undead Dog] None;-1
20300000;[Pontiff Knight #1] Pontiff Knight Curved Sword;-1
20300001;[Pontiff Knight #1] Pontiff Knight Shield;-1
20300002;[Pontiff Knight #1] Pontiff Knight Crown;-1
20300003;[Pontiff Knight #1] Pontiff Knight Armor;-1
20300004;[Pontiff Knight #1] Pontiff Knight Gauntlets;-1
20300005;[Pontiff Knight #1] Pontiff Knight Leggings;-1
20300006;[Pontiff Knight #1] Large Titanite Shard;-1
20300100;[Pontiff Knight #2] Pontiff Knight Curved Sword;-1
20300101;[Pontiff Knight #2] Pontiff Knight Crown;-1
20300102;[Pontiff Knight #2] Pontiff Knight Armor;-1
20300103;[Pontiff Knight #2] Pontiff Knight Gauntlets;-1
20300104;[Pontiff Knight #2] Pontiff Knight Leggings;-1
20300105;[Pontiff Knight #2] Large Titanite Shard;-1
20300200;[Pontiff Knight #3] Pontiff Knight Great Scythe;-1
20300201;[Pontiff Knight #3] Pontiff Knight Crown;-1
20300202;[Pontiff Knight #3] Pontiff Knight Armor;-1
20300203;[Pontiff Knight #3] Pontiff Knight Gauntlets;-1
20300204;[Pontiff Knight #3] Pontiff Knight Leggings;-1
20300205;[Pontiff Knight #3] Large Titanite Shard;-1
20400000;[Monstrosity of Sin #1] Dung Pie;-1
20400001;[Monstrosity of Sin #1] Dung Pie;-1
20400010;[Monstrosity of Sin #2] Dung Pie;-1
20400011;[Monstrosity of Sin #2] Dung Pie;-1
20400020;[Monstrosity of Sin #3] Eleonora;53900910
20600000;[Corpse-grub #1] Soul of a Deserted Corpse, Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse;-1
20601000;[Corpse-grub #2] None;-1
20601010;[Corpse-grub #2] Great Magic Shield;53900920
20700000;[Wretch #1] Pale Pine Resin;-1
20700100;[Wretch #2] Tailbone Spear;-1
20700101;[Wretch #2] Pale Pine Resin;-1
20700200;[Wretch #3] Tailbone Short Sword;-1
20700201;[Wretch #3] Pale Pine Resin;-1
21000000;[Sewer Centipede - Irithyll] Green Blossom, Budding Green Blossom;-1
21001000;[Sewer Centipede - Profaned Capital] Purging Stone;-1
21100000;[Hound-rat] Soul of a Deserted Corpse;-1
21101000;[Hound-rat] Soul of a Deserted Corpse;-1
21102000;[Hound-rat] Soul of a Deserted Corpse;-1
21103000;[Hound-rat] Soul of a Deserted Corpse;-1
21200000;[Mimic] Symbol of Avarice;53500981
21200001;[Mimic] Deep Braille Divine Tome;53500980
21201000;[Mimic] Symbol of Avarice;53010951
21201001;[Mimic] Sunlight Straight Sword;53010950
21201100;[Mimic] Symbol of Avarice;53010961
21201101;[Mimic] Titanite Scale;53010960
21202000;[Mimic] Symbol of Avarice;53800945
21202001;[Mimic] Black Blade;53800940
21203000;[Mimic] Symbol of Avarice;53900941
21203001;[Mimic] Dragonslayer Lightning Arrow;53900940
21203010;[Mimic] Symbol of Avarice;53900951
21203011;[Mimic] Titanite Scale;53900950
21203020;[Mimic] Symbol of Avarice;53900961
21203021;[Mimic] Rusted Gold Coin;53900960
21203030;[Mimic] Symbol of Avarice;53900971
21203031;[Mimic] Court Sorcerer's Staff;53900970
21203040;[Mimic] Symbol of Avarice;53900981
21203041;[Mimic] Greatshield of Glory;53900980
21203050;[Mimic] Symbol of Avarice;53900996
21203051;[Mimic] Estus Shard;53900995
21203100;[Mimic] Symbol of Avarice;53900991
21203101;[Mimic] Dark Clutch Ring;53900990
21204000;[Mimic] Symbol of Avarice;53700981
21204001;[Mimic] Golden Ritual Spear;53700980
21205000;[Mimic] Symbol of Avarice;53000961
21205001;[Mimic] Deep Battle Axe;53000960
21206000;[Mimic] Symbol of Avarice;55100985
21206001;[Mimic] Ring of the Evil Eye +3;55100986
21300000;[Writhing Rotten Flesh] Titanite Shard;-1
21301000;[Writhing Rotten Flesh] Titanite Shard;-1
21310000;[Writhing Rotten Flesh] Titanite Shard;-1
21311000;[Writhing Rotten Flesh] Titanite Shard;-1
21320000;[Smouldering Rotten Flesh] Titanite Shard;-1
21320001;[Smouldering Rotten Flesh] Fire Gem;-1
21400000;[Basilisk] Mossfruit;-1
21401000;[Basilisk] Mossfruit;-1
21402000;[Basilisk] Mossfruit;-1
21500000;[Crystal Lizard] Raw Gem;-1
21501000;[Crystal Lizard] Sharp Gem;-1
21501010;[Crystal Lizard] Heavy Gem;-1
21502000;[Crystal Lizard] Crystal Gem;-1
21502010;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21502020;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21502030;[Crystal Lizard] Large Titanite Shard;-1
21502040;[Crystal Lizard] Large Titanite Shard;-1
21502050;[Crystal Lizard] Heavy Gem;-1
21502060;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21503000;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21503010;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21504000;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21504010;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21505000;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21505001;[Crystal Lizard] Chaos Gem;-1
21505010;[Crystal Lizard] Crystal Gem;-1
21505011;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21505020;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21505030;[Crystal Lizard] Titanite Scale;-1
21505040;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21505041;[Crystal Lizard] Heavy Gem;-1
21505050;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21505051;[Crystal Lizard] Sharp Gem;-1
21505060;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21505061;[Crystal Lizard] Refined Gem;-1
21505070;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21506000;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21506010;[Crystal Lizard] Fire Gem;-1
21506020;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21506030;[Crystal Lizard] Titanite Chunk;-1
21506040;[Crystal Lizard] Chaos Gem;-1
21507000;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21507010;[Crystal Lizard] Simple Gem;-1
21507020;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21507030;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21507040;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21508000;[Crystal Lizard] Titanite Chunk;-1
21508010;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21508020;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21508030;[Crystal Lizard] Titanite Scale;-1
21509000;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21509500;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21509600;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21509610;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21509620;[Crystal Lizard] Large Titanite Shard;-1
21509630;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21509640;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21509650;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21509660;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21509670;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21509680;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21509690;[Crystal Lizard] Large Titanite Shard;-1
21509700;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21509800;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21509801;[Crystal Lizard] Titanite Scale;-1
21509810;[Crystal Lizard] Titanite Scale;-1
21509820;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21509830;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21509840;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21509850;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21509860;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21509861;[Crystal Lizard] Titanite Scale;-1
21509870;[Crystal Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
21800000;[Yellowfinger Heysel] Undead Hunter Charm;-1
21800010;[Yellowfinger Heysel] Heysel Pick;53500960
21800011;[Yellowfinger Heysel] Xanthous Crown;53500960
21800100;Duel Charm;-1
21800110;Red Sign Soapstone;6781
21801000;Undead Hunter Charm;-1
21801100;Duel Charm;-1
21900000;[Gargoyle - Profaned Capital] Gargoyle Flame Hammer;-1
21900100;[Gargoyle - Profaned Capital] Gargoyle Flame Spear;-1
21910000;[Gargoyle - Grand Archives] Gargoyle Flame Hammer;-1
21910100;[Gargoyle - Grand Archives] Gargoyle Flame Spear;-1
22000000;[Carthus Sandworm] Lightning Stake;53800941
22000001;[Carthus Sandworm] Undead Bone Shard;53800941
22100000;[Corvian #1 - Road of Sacrifices] Corvian Greatknife;-1
22100001;[Corvian #1 - Road of Sacrifices] Shriving Stone;-1
22100100;[Corvian #2 - Road of Sacrifices] Great Corvian Scythe;-1
22100101;[Corvian #2 - Road of Sacrifices] Shriving Stone;-1
22100200;[Corvian #3 - Road of Sacrifices] Storyteller's Staff;-1
22100201;[Corvian #3 - Road of Sacrifices] Hollow Gem;-1
22101000;[Corvian #1 - Farron Keep] Corvian Greatknife;-1
22101001;[Corvian #1 - Farron Keep] Shriving Stone;-1
22101100;[Corvian #2 - Farron Keep] Great Corvian Scythe;-1
22101101;[Corvian #2 - Farron Keep] Shriving Stone;-1
22101200;[Corvian #3 - Farron Keep] Storyteller's Staff;-1
22101201;[Corvian #3 - Farron Keep] Hollow Gem;-1
22102000;[Corvian #1 - Irithyll] Corvian Greatknife;-1
22102001;[Corvian #1 - Irithyll] Shriving Stone;-1
22102100;[Corvian #2 - Irithyll] Great Corvian Scythe;-1
22102101;[Corvian #2 - Irithyll] Shriving Stone;-1
22102200;[Corvian #3 - Irithyll] Storyteller's Staff;-1
22102201;[Corvian #3 - Irithyll] Hollow Gem;-1
22103000;[Corvian #1 - Untended Graves] Corvian Greatknife;-1
22103001;[Corvian #1 - Untended Graves];-1
22103100;[Corvian #2 - Untended Graves];-1
22103101;[Corvian #2 - Untended Graves];-1
22103200;[Corvian #3 - Untended Graves];-1
22103201;[Corvian #3 - Untended Graves];-1
22300000;[Jailer #1] Soldering Iron;-1
22300001;[Jailer #1] Aristocrat's Mask;-1
22300002;[Jailer #1] Jailer Robe;-1
22300003;[Jailer #1] Jailer Gloves;-1
22300004;[Jailer #1] Jailer Trousers;-1
22300005;[Jailer #1] Magic Gem;-1
22300010;[Jailer #2] Jailer's Key Ring;53900930
22300100;[Jailer Handmaid #1] Handmaid's Dagger;-1
22300101;[Jailer Handmaid #1] Rusted Coin, Rusted Gold Coin;-1
22500000;[Sulyvahn's Beast #1] Pontiff's Right Eye;53700995
22501000;[Sulyvahn's Beast #2] None;-1
22501010;[Sulyvahn's Beast #2] Ring of Favor;53700990
22700000;[Great Crab - Road of Sacrifices] Titanite Shard;-1
22700010;[Great Crab - Road of Sacrifices] Titanite Shard;-1
22700020;[Great Crab - Road of Sacrifices] Great Swamp Ring;53300990
22701000;[Great Crab - Smouldering Lake] Titanite Shard;-1
22701001;[Great Crab - Smouldering Lake] Large Titanite Shard;-1
22702000;[Great Crab - Farron Keep] Titanite Shard;-1
22702010;[Great Crab - Farron Keep] Lingering Dragoncrest Ring;53300991
22710000;[Lesser Crab] Bloodred Moss Clump, Purple Moss Clump;-1
22711000;[Lesser Crab] Blooming Purple Moss Clump, Rime-blue Moss Clump;-1
22800000;[Giant Rat] Bloodbite Ring;53100228
22800010;[Giant Rat] Large Soul of a Deserted Corpse;-1
22801000;[Giant Rat] Soul of an Unknown Traveler;-1
22802000;[Giant Rat] Large Soul of an Unknown Traveler;-1
30200000;[Giant Slave #1 - Irithyll] Stalk Dung Pie;-1
30200001;[Giant Slave #1 - Irithyll] Titanite Shard, Large Titanite Shard;-1
30200100;[Giant Slave #2 - Irithyll] Stalk Dung Pie;-1
30200101;[Giant Slave #2 - Irithyll] Titanite Shard, Large Titanite Shard;-1
30210000;[Giant Slave - Cathedral of the Deep] Large Titanite Shard;-1
30210001;[Giant Slave - Cathedral of the Deep] Dung Pie;-1
30211000;[Giant Slave - Irithyll Dungeon] Titanite Chunk;-1
30211001;[Giant Slave - Irithyll Dungeon] Dung Pie;-1
30600000;[Demon] Fire Gem;53100985
30601000;[Demon] Soul of a Demon;-1
30700000;[Demon Cleric] Chaos Gem;-1
30700001;[Demon Cleric] Titanite Shard, Large Titanite Shard;-1
30900000;[Cage Spider] Fading Soul;-1
30901000;[Cage Spider] Fading Soul;-1
31000000;[#] Titanite Scale;-1
31001000;[#] Titanite Scale;-1
31002000;[#] Titanite Scale;-1
31004000;[#] Titanite Scale;-1
31100000;[Deep Acursed] Aldrich's Sapphire;-1
31101000;[#] Titanite Shard, Large Titanite Shard, Titanite Chunk;-1
31102000;[Deep Acursed] Aldrich's Ruby;-1
31200000;[Elder Ghru #1] Poison Gem, Heavy Gem;-1
31200001;[Elder Ghru #1] Stone Greatshield;-1
31200002;[Elder Ghru #1] Ember;-1
31200100;[Elder Ghru #2] Poison Gem, Heavy Gem;-1
31200101;[Elder Ghru #2] Stone Greatshield;-1
31200102;[Elder Ghru #2] Ember;-1
31200110;[Elder Ghru #3] Pharis's Hat;53300995
31200200;[Elder Ghru #3] Poison Gem, Heavy Gem;-1
31200201;[Elder Ghru #3] Stone Greatshield;-1
31200202;[Elder Ghru #3] Ember;-1
31200210;[Elder Ghru #4] Black Bow of Pharis;53300996
31410000;[Ancient Wyvern] Large Titanite Shard;53000985
31411000;[Ancient Wyvern] Titanite Chunk;53010990
31411001;[Ancient Wyvern] Ember;53010990
31411100;[Ancient Wyvern] Titanite Chunk;53010991
31411101;[Ancient Wyvern] Ember;53010991
31412000;[Ancient Wyvern] Titanite Chunk;-1
31412001;[Ancient Wyvern] Titanite Scale;-1
31412002;[Ancient Wyvern] Twinkling Titanite;-1
31600000;[Dragonslayer Armour] Iron Dragonslayer Helm;55100987
31600001;[Dragonslayer Armour] Iron Dragonslayer Armor;55100987
31600002;[Dragonslayer Armour] Iron Dragonslayer Gauntlets;55100987
31600003;[Dragonslayer Armour] Iron Dragonslayer Leggings;55100987
31700000;[Darkwraith #1] Dark Sword;-1
31700001;[Darkwraith #1] Dark Mask;-1
31700002;[Darkwraith #1] Dark Armor;-1
31700003;[Darkwraith #1] Dark Gauntlets;-1
31700004;[Darkwraith #1] Dark Leggings;-1
31700005;[Darkwraith #1] Pale Tongue;-1
31700006;[Darkwraith #1] Cracked Red Eye Orb;-1
31701000;[Darkwraith #2] Dark Sword;-1
31701001;[Darkwraith #2] Dark Mask;-1
31701002;[Darkwraith #2] Dark Armor;-1
31701003;[Darkwraith #2] Dark Gauntlets;-1
31701004;[Darkwraith #2] Dark Leggings;-1
31701005;[Darkwraith #2] Pale Tongue;-1
32100000;[Poisonhorn Bug] Rotten Pine Resin;-1
32200000;[Rock Lizard] Titanite Scale;-1
32200001;[Rock Lizard] Twinkling Titanite;-1
52000000;[Stray Demon] Soul of a Stray Demon;-1
52210000;[Deacon #1] None;-1
52210100;[Deacon #1] None;-1
52210200;[Deacon #2] Deep Gem;-1
52210201;[Deacon #2] Deacon Robe;-1
52210202;[Deacon #2] Deacon Skirt;-1
52220000;[Deacon #3] None;-1
52220100;[Deacon #3] None;-1
52220200;[Deacon #3] Deep Gem;-1
52220201;[Deacon #3] Deacon Robe;-1
52220202;[Deacon #3] Deacon Skirt;-1
52230000;[Deacon #4] None;-1
52230100;[Deacon #5] None;-1
52230200;[Deacon #6] Deep Gem;-1
52230201;[Deacon #6] Deacon Robe;-1
52230202;[Deacon #6] Deacon Skirt;-1
52230310;[Deacon #1 - Irithyll] Deep Ring;53500970
52250000;[Deacon #2 - Irithyll] Deep Gem;-1
52250001;[Deacon #2 - Irithyll] Deacon Robe;-1
52250002;[Deacon #2 - Irithyll] Deacon Skirt;-1
52250003;[Deacon #2 - Irithyll] Human Dregs;-1
52250100;[Deacon #3 - Irithyll] Deep Gem;-1
52250101;[Deacon #3 - Irithyll] Deacon Robe;-1
52250102;[Deacon #3 - Irithyll] Deacon Skirt;-1
52250103;[Deacon #4 - Irithyll] Human Dregs;-1
52260000;[Deacon #4 - Irithyll] Deep Gem;-1
52260001;[Deacon #4 - Irithyll] Deacon Robe;-1
52260002;[Deacon #4 - Irithyll] Deacon Skirt;-1
52260003;[Deacon #5 - Irithyll] Human Dregs;-1
52260100;[Deacon #5 - Irithyll] Deep Gem;-1
52260101;[Deacon #5 - Irithyll] Deacon Robe;-1
52260102;[Deacon #5 - Irithyll] Deacon Skirt;-1
52260103;[Deacon #5 - Irithyll] Human Dregs;-1
52270000;[Deacon #1 - Anor Londo] Deep Gem;-1
52270001;[Deacon #1 - Anor Londo] Deacon Robe;-1
52270002;[Deacon #1 - Anor Londo] Deacon Skirt;-1
52270003;[Deacon #1 - Anor Londo] Human Dregs;-1
52270100;[Deacon #2 - Anor Londo] Deep Gem;-1
52270101;[Deacon #2 - Anor Londo] Deacon Robe;-1
52270102;[Deacon #2 - Anor Londo] Deacon Skirt;-1
52270103;[Deacon #2 - Anor Londo] Human Dregs;-1
52400000;[Irithyll Fire Witch] Immolation Tinder;-1
52400001;[Irithyll Fire Witch] Fire Witch Helm;-1
52400002;[Irithyll Fire Witch] Fire Witch Armor;-1
52400003;[Irithyll Fire Witch] Fire Witch Gauntlets;-1
52400004;[Irithyll Fire Witch] Fire Witch Leggings;-1
52400005;[Irithyll Fire Witch] Large Titanite Shard;-1
62300001;Human Dregs;-1
62300011;Human Dregs;-1
62310001;Human Dregs;-1
62310011;Human Dregs;-1
62600004;Filianore's Spear Ornament;-1
95040001;Fading Soul;-1
95040002;Fading Soul;-1
95040003;Fading Soul;-1
203000030;Large Soul of a Proud Paladin;53000030
203000040;Soul of a Proud Paladin;53000040
203000110;Soul of a Proud Paladin;53000110
203000240;Soul of a Proud Paladin;53000240
203000310;Large Soul of a Proud Paladin;53000310
203000340;Soul of a Proud Paladin;53000340
203000370;Large Soul of a Proud Paladin;53000370
203000410;Soul of a Proud Paladin;53000410
203000450;Soul of a Proud Paladin;53000450
203000540;Soul of a Proud Paladin;53000540
203000610;Soul of a Proud Paladin;53000610
203010090;Soul of a Champion;53010090
203010210;Soul of a Venerable Old Hand;53010210
203010230;Soul of a Champion;53010230
203010260;Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53010260
203010290;Soul of a Venerable Old Hand;53010290
203010320;Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53010320
203010420;Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53010420
203100070;Soul of an Intrepid Hero;53100070
203100130;Large Soul of a Proud Paladin;53100130
203100150;Large Soul of a Proud Paladin;53100150
203100200;Soul of an Intrepid Hero;53100200
203100240;Soul of an Intrepid Hero;53100240
203100380;Soul of an Intrepid Hero;53100380
203100550;Large Soul of a Proud Paladin;53100550
203100610;Large Soul of a Proud Paladin;53100610
203100650;Large Soul of a Proud Paladin;53100650
203100680;Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53100680
203100770;Large Soul of a Proud Paladin;53100770
203200040;Soul of an Old Hand;53200040
203200080;Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53200080
203200110;Soul of a Venerable Old Hand;53200110
203200120;Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53200120
203200180;Soul of an Old Hand;53200180
203200190;Soul of a Champion;53200190
203200270;Soul of a Great Champion;53200270
203300050;Soul of an Intrepid Hero;53300050
203300080;Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero;53300080
203300100;Soul of an Intrepid Hero;53300100
203300545;Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53300545
203300555;Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53300555
203300600;Soul of an Intrepid Hero;53300600
203300700;Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53300700
203300710;Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero;53300710
203410020;Soul of a Champion;53410020
203410060;Soul of a Champion;53410060
203410070;Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53410070
203410210;Soul of a Great Champion;53410210
203410260;Soul of an Old Hand;53410260
203410330;Soul of a Great Champion;53410330
203500070;Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero;53500070
203500270;Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53500270
203500300;Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero;53500300
203500330;Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero;53500330
203500340;Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero;53500340
203500460;Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero;53500460
203500490;Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53500490
203500560;Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53500560
203500690;Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero;53500690
203700020;Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53700020
203700040;Soul of an Old Hand;53700040
203700050;Soul of an Old Hand;53700050
203700150;Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53700150
203700180;Soul of an Old Hand;53700180
203700360;Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53700360
203700430;Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53700430
203700440;Soul of an Old Hand;53700440
203700500;Soul of an Old Hand;53700500
203700660;Soul of a Champion;53700660
203700720;Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53700720
203700740;Soul of an Old Hand;53700740
203700770;Soul of a Venerable Old Hand;53700770
203800020;Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53800020
203800170;Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53800170
203800380;Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53800380
203800470;Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53800470
203800530;Soul of a Champion;53800530
203800570;Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero;53800570
203900030;Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53900030
203900070;Large Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;53900070
203900110;Soul of an Old Hand;53900110
203900120;Soul of a Champion;53900120
203900190;Soul of an Old Hand;53900190
203900270;Soul of a Venerable Old Hand;53900270
203900370;Soul of a Venerable Old Hand;53900370
204000020;Soul of a Proud Paladin;54000020
204000080;Soul of an Intrepid Hero;54000080
204000110;Soul of an Intrepid Hero;54000110
204000230;Soul of a Champion;54000230
204000290;Soul of a Champion;54000290
204500020;Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero;54500020
204500040;Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero;54500040
204500110;Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero;54500110
204500140;Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero;54500140
204500170;Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero;54500170
204500220;Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero;54500220
204500230;Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero;54500230
204500250;Soul of a Champion;54500250
204500390;Soul of a Champion;54500390
204500400;Soul of a Champion;54500400
204500410;Soul of a Great Champion;54500410
204500610;Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero;54500610
204500660;Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero;54500660
204500670;Soul of a Venerable Old Hand;54500670
204500680;Large Soul of an Intrepid Hero;54500680
204500800;Soul of a Venerable Old Hand;54500800
204500830;Soul of an Old Hand;54500830
205000010;Soul of an Old Hand;55000010
205000080;Soul of a Champion;55000080
205000210;Soul of a Venerable Old Hand;55000210
205000440;Soul of a Venerable Old Hand;55000440
205000490;Soul of a Venerable Old Hand;55000490
205100070;Soul of a Champion;55100070
205100080;Soul of a Venerable Old Hand;55100080
205100220;Soul of a Great Champion;55100220
205100290;Soul of a Great Champion;55100290
205100420;Soul of an Old Hand;55100420
205100510;Soul of a Champion;55100510
205100590;Soul of a Venerable Old Hand;55100590
205100650;Soul of a Venerable Old Hand;55100650
205100710;Soul of an Old Hand;55100710
205100810;Soul of a Venerable Old Hand;55100810
205100830;Soul of an Old Hand;55100830
205100860;Soul of a Champion;55100860
210900000;Throwing Knife;-1
263300001;Soul of an Intrepid Hero;-1
263300002;Soul of a Seasoned Warrior;-1
263300003;Soul of a Champion;-1
503400040;Green Blossom;53400040
603400040;Throwing Knife;53400040
703400040;Charcoal Pine Resin;53400040

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