Simple, lightweight RPC calls with RabbitMQ and Node.js based on amqplib.
The RmqRpc class features an easy API for the producer and consumer of the RPC call.
npm install rmq-rpc
Require the module:
const RmqRpc = require('rmq-rpc');
Implement the consumer (server):
const mq = new RmqRpc(`amqp://user:password@host`);
// Create connection and channel
await mq.init();
// Initialize an exchange and queue 'square'
await mq.setupQueue('square');
// Wait for requests
mq.listenForMessages(async (request) => {
// Handle request
return Math.pow(Number(request), 2);
}).then(() => {
console.log('Server ready.')
Implement the producer (client):
const num = Math.random();
const mq = new RmqRpc(`amqp://${user}:${password}@localhost`);
// Create connection and channel
await mq.init();
// Send request and await result
const result = await mq.sendRpc('square', num);
console.log(`Num: ${num}, Square: ${result}`);