zathurarc grammar for tree-sitter.
It can be used by:
- Syntax highlight
- editors
- nvim-treesitter: for neovim
- tree-sitter-langs: for emacs
- kak-tree-sitter: for kakoune
- helix
- zed
- atom
- syntax-highlighter: for VS Code
- pagers
- syncat
tree-sitter highlight
: Make sure/the/parent/directory/of/this/repo
of your~/.config/tree-sitter/config.json
- editors
- Language servers
- Libraries
- tree-sitter-zathurarc: for node
- tree-sitter-zathurarc: for rust
- tree-sitter-zathurarc: for python
- tree-sitter-languages: for python
- zathurarc.vim: vim syntax