- Mapnik configuration in Javascript adding all benefits of scripting (preventing repetition, programatic style generation, …)
- Map tile serving (TMS)
- PDF output
- Configurable map pre-rendering
- On-demand tile rendering (if tile is not rendered yet)
- Detection of dirty tiles (based on changes reported by imposm3) and rendering scheduling
- Easy style development and debugging (save and reload)
- Many features are configurable
const { startMapserver } = require('freemap-mapserver');
const { mapnikConfig, generateFreemapStyle } = require('./style');
const { legend } = require('./legend');
startMapserver(mapnikConfig, generateFreemapStyle, legend);
- stringified Mapnik XMLgenerateFreemapStyle
- function returning stringified Mapnik XML; used for PDF export. Parameters:- shading (bool)
- contours (bool)
- hikingTrails (bool)
- bicycleTrails (bool)
- skiTrails (bool)
Your app must use node-config
library with configuration of the following structure:
db: {
type: 'postgis',
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
user: 'gis',
dbname: 'gis',
password: 'secret',
dirs: {
tiles: 'tiles',
expires: 'expires',
fonts: 'fonts',
server: {
port: 4000,
workers: {
// min: 8, commented out = use num of cpus
// max: 8, commented out = use num of cpus
forceTileRendering: false, // useful for style development
dumpXml: false,
limits: {
minZoom: 0,
maxZoom: 19,
polygon: 'limits.geojson',
scales: [1, 1.5, 2, 3],
cleanup: true, // to delete cached tiles out of limits on startup
prerender: {
// set to null to disable pre-rendering
// workers: 8, commented out = use num of cpus
minZoom: 8,
maxZoom: 16,
polygon: 'limits.geojson',
zoomPrio: [12, 13, 14, 15, 11, 16, 10, 9, 8],
rerenderOlderThanMs: 0, // use 0 to disable
renderToPdfConcurrency: 1,
pngquantOptions: [], // set to null to skip pngquant
notFoundAsTransparent: true,
format: {
extension: 'png',
mimeType: 'image/png',
codec: 'png',
minExpiredBatchSize: 500, // batch size when deleting expired files; set to null to delete without batching,
expiresZoom: 14, // on which zoom does imposm3 marks tiles as expired,
prerenderMaxZoom: 14, // we need to know it even in on-demand only instance for creating index files
// how long to delay rendering a tile when expiring tiles
// this is to prevent drastical fi i/o slowdown when prerendering eats 100% cpu
// set to zero to prevent this feature
prerenderDelayWhenExpiring: 50,
- On request
- renders IF tile is missing OR tile is older than
- caches result to
- renders IF tile is missing OR tile is older than
On startup all tiles out of
are deleted -
On startup scans all scale-1 tiles within
limits and adds tile to Dirty Tiles Register if:- scale-1 tile is missing
- scale-1 tile is older than
- for tile exists a dirty-file
On request render tile IF tile is missing OR (is older than
AND is out ofprerender
Dirty tiles marker:
- reads from
dir and computes tiles of all zooms fromlimits
- every such tile out of
limits is deleted - if tile exists then it creates its dirty-file and stores it to Dirty Tiles Register
- loops over Dirty Tiles Register
- for every dirty tile pre-render it
- TODO if dirty-file render all scales else only missing scales