is a lightweight and easy-to-use neural network library designed to provide a PyTorch-like API for training neural networks in C.
The library focuses on basic array/tensor operations, supporting essential functionalities such as matrix multiplication
, addition
, initialization with ones or zeros
, thresholding
, and subtraction
. You can easily define arbitrary-length neural networks using this library.
- This repo is heavily inspired by Tsodings' streams.
- 3blue1brown's series on neural networks.
- Matrix Operations: Perform matrix multiplication and basic array operations.
- Initialization: Initialize tensors with ones, zeros or random values for convenience.
- Activation Functions: Current version supports
activation functions. - Autograd (Backpropagation): Implement automatic differentiation for efficient backpropagation with a pytorch like api.
To use nn.h
in your C project, simply include the single header file in your source code:
#include <time.h>
#include "nn.h"
To create a new Tensor
/* Create a 2 by 4 tensor */
size_t rows = 2;
size_t cols = 4;
// by default new_tensor() initializes a Tensor with all zero values
Tensor tensor = new_tensor(rows,cols);
// to populate the tensor with random values
rand_tensor(tensor,-1,1); // will randomize elements of the tensor with values between -1 and 1
PRINT_T(tensor); // print the tensor
tensor = [
To create a multi-layer
neural network
// Create a neural network
// create a neurla network with 2 hidden layers and 1 input layer
// input layer accepts (1,2) inputs, first hidden layer shape = (1,2),
// last hidden layer (output) shape = (1,1)
size_t layer_sizes[] = {2, 2, 1};
size_t count = ARRAY_SIZE(layer_sizes);
// defien activation function of the hidden layers
Activation activations[] = {RELU, SIGMOID};
// initialize neural net
Net neural_net = fully_connected_layer(layer_sizes, count, activations);
To train the network on some data
#define NUM_SAMPLES 4
#define NUM_INPUTS 2
#define NUM_OUTPUTS 1
int main(){
// train loop
size_t epochs = 100;
float lr = 1e-3;
/* an Xor dataset */
float xor_input[NUM_SAMPLES][NUM_INPUTS] = {{0, 0}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}, {1, 1}};
float xor_output[NUM_SAMPLES][NUM_OUTPUTS] = {{0}, {1}, {1}, {0}};
Tensor xor_input_tensor = new_tensor(NUM_SAMPLES, NUM_INPUTS);
set_tensor(xor_input_tensor, NUM_SAMPLES, NUM_INPUTS, xor_input);
Tensor xor_output_tensor = new_tensor(NUM_SAMPLES, 1);
set_tensor(xor_output_tensor, NUM_SAMPLES, 1, xor_output);
for (size_t epoch = 0; epoch < epochs; ++epoch)
for (size_t i = 0; i < NUM_SAMPLES; ++i)
Tensor x = new_tensor(1, NUM_INPUTS);
Tensor y = new_tensor(1, NUM_OUTPUTS);
float temp_vals[1][NUM_INPUTS];
for (size_t j = 0; j < NUM_INPUTS; ++j)
temp_vals[0][j] = VALUE_AT(x_train, i, j);
set_tensor(x, 1, NUM_INPUTS, temp_vals);
VALUE_AT(y, 0, 0) = VALUE_AT(y_train, i, 0);
// forward pass
_forward(neural_net, x);
// backprop
_backward(neural_net, y);
// update the weights
_update(neural_net, lr, NUM_SAMPLES);
// empty gradients
| Explore the
folder for training examples on some public datasets
- Batch processing
- Softmax activation
- Cross-entropy optimization