Typescript wrapper around the riot games api and utility functions so I can win more games of ranked tft.
- Automatically Extract late game builds from grandmaster players
- Display Useful statistics from games such as gold spent and other things.
- Possibly useful for data science.
- Pull Info from games I win and/or lose
- Get a sense of how common certain builds are.
Get a summoner by account ID.
Get a summoner by summoner name.
Get a summoner by PUUID.
Get a summoner by summoner ID.
Get match list by summoner PUUID.
Get match list details.
Get the challenger league for given queue.
Get league entries in all queues for a given summoner ID.
Get all the league entries.
Get league with given ID, including inactive entries.
Get the master league for given queue.
Eth: 0x9d18acAB9Fe749Cbf899B2FD63Bf25e64829bbF3
PS, don't expect anyone to actually donate.