Create a new Blogger instance like this:
$myBlogger = new Blogger();
With this new blogger instance different data can be accessed. For example you can get all Entries with a function or just a single one. For now blogger only gives you access to the data it created, this means that you're responsible for your urls and how they are handled. See examples.
// get all entries
$allEntries = $myBlogger->getEntries();
// $allEntries looks like this
0 => array(
"id" => 1,
"categoryId" => 1,
"categoryName" => "DefaultCategory",
"tags" => array(
0 => array(
"id" => 1,
"tag" => "DefaultTag"
1 => array(
"id" => 2,
"tag" => "ExtraTag"
"status" => 0,
"postedBy" => "admin",
"postedAt" => "2017-07-07 12:30:00",
"content" => array(
1 => array(
"clang" => 1,
"title" => "Die andere Welt",
"text" => "<p>Von einer anderen Welt.</p>",
"preview" => "",
"gallery" => ""
2 => array(
"clang" => 2,
"title" => "The other World",
"text" => "<p>From another World</p>",
"preview" => "",
"gallery" => ""
// or give a limit to if you only want to show 10 entries per page
$pageEntries = $myBlogger->getEntries("0, 10");
$nextPageEntries = $myBlogger->getEntries("10, 10");
// you can use getLastEntries() with the same use but the output is orderd
// with the latest entries coming first
// similiar, this would look like $allEntries[0]
$singleEntry = $myBlogger->getEntry(1);
If you need the tags and categories, e.g. so the user can select all entries from a specific category, you can get the data through these functions.
// returns array( array( 'id' => 1, 'name' => 'myCategory' ), ... )
// returns array( array( 'id' => 1, 'tag' => 'myTag' ), ... )
The same works for the year and/or month of the post date.
// returns array( array( 'year' => 2017, 'month' => 7 ), ... )
You can use the Blogger::getEntriesBy
function to query for specific entries with an associative array.
$entriesFrom = $myBlogger->getEntriesBy(array(
'category' => 1,
'tags' => [1, 2, 4]
'year' => 2017,
'month' => 3,
'author' => 'admin',
'limit' => '0, 10',
'latest' => true, // default false
'includeOfflines' => true // default false
// You don't have to use everything.
// If you call getEntriesBy without any parameters, you'll just get all entries.
contains the meta-data for all entries
- rex_blogger_entries
- id
- category
- tags
- status
- postedBy
- postedAt
contains the content for each entry in diffrent languages
- rex_blogger_content
- id
- pid
- clang
- title
- text
- preview
- gallery
categories every entry can have
- rex_blogger_categories
- id
- name
tags every entry can have
- rex_blogger_tags
- id
- tag
MIT Lizenz, siehe
Umsetzung: AndyBitz