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Merge pull request #161 from FriesI23/weblate-translation #165

Merge pull request #161 from FriesI23/weblate-translation

Merge pull request #161 from FriesI23/weblate-translation #165

GitHub Actions / flutter test succeeded Apr 10, 2024 in 1s

99 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped

Tests passed successfully

✅ test_report.log

99 tests were completed in 20s with 99 passed, 0 failed and 0 skipped.

Test suite Passed Failed Skipped Time
test/common_test/math_test.dart 5✅ 46ms
test/common_test/utils_test.dart 7✅ 76ms
test/model_test/contributor_test.dart 8✅ 75ms
test/model_test/custom_date_format_test.dart 5✅ 49ms
test/model_test/habit_reminder_test.dart 21✅ 136ms
test/model_test/habits_test.dart 3✅ 35ms
test/model_test/records_test.dart 2✅ 32ms
test/model_test/score_test.dart 24✅ 122ms
test/viewmodel_test/app_theme_test.dart 2✅ 52ms
test/viewmodel_test/habit_form_test.dart 22✅ 135ms

✅ test/common_test/math_test.dart

test intervalTrans
  ✅ intervalTrans 01
  ✅ intervalTrans 02
test habitGrowCurve
  ✅ baisc 10
  ✅ baisc 66
test habitCrowCurveInverse
  ✅ basic 10

✅ test/common_test/utils_test.dart

test combineIterables
  ✅ test normal combine
test clamp
  ✅ clamp should return value within range
  ✅ clamp should return min when value is less than min
  ✅ clamp should return max when value is greater than max
test clampInt
  ✅ clampInt should return value within range
  ✅ clampInt should return min when value is less than min
  ✅ clampInt should return max when value is greater than max

✅ test/model_test/contributor_test.dart

test ContributorInfo
  ✅ init
  ✅ fromJson
test ContributorCollectionConverter
  ✅ fromJson
  ✅ fromJson with _contributor
test Contributors
  ✅ locales
  ✅ getTranslations
  ✅ getTranslations not found
  ✅ getContributors

✅ test/model_test/custom_date_format_test.dart

  ✅ Test constructor
  ✅ Test getFormatter with system format
  ✅ Test getFormatter with custom format
  ✅ Test getFormatter with custom format
  ✅ Test getFormatter with custom format and month with name

✅ test/model_test/habit_reminder_test.dart

Test HabitReminder getNextRemindDate Per Month
  ✅ Next remind date after current date with 5th, 10th, and 20th extra
  ✅ Next remind date after current date with 20th extra only
  ✅ Next remind date after current date with no extra
  ✅ Next remind date after current date is the same day as current date
  ✅ Creating HabitReminder with invalid extra day should throw assertion error [<=0]
  ✅ Creating HabitReminder with invalid extra day should throw assertion error [>31]
Test HabitReminder getNextRemindDate Per Week
  ✅ weekly reminder without extra days
  ✅ weekly reminder with extra days
  ✅ weekly reminder with extra days, time passed
  ✅ weekly reminder with extra days, same day
  ✅ weekly reminder with extra days, same day after time
  ✅ weekly reminder with invalid extra day [<=0]
  ✅ weekly reminder with invalid extra day [>7]
Test HabitReminder getNextRemindDate Daily
  ✅ daily reminder should return next date
  ✅ daily reminder should return next date with extra field
  ✅ daily reminder should return today date if time has not passed
  ✅ daily reminder should return tomorrow date if time has passed
Test HabitReminder getNextRemindDate when Needed
  ✅ getNextRemindDateWithNeeded should return the correct date
  ✅ whenNeeded reminder should have correct type and extra data
  ✅ getNextRemindDateWithNeeded should return null when lastUntrackDate is null
  ✅ getNextRemindDateWithNeeded should handle lastUntrackDate and current date with different timezones

✅ test/model_test/habits_test.dart

  ✅ Constructor::fromMap
  ✅ toMap
  ✅ toString

✅ test/model_test/records_test.dart

  ✅ toMap
  ✅ toString

✅ test/model_test/score_test.dart

test HabitScore factory
  ✅ getImp returns instance of NormalHabitScore
test NormalHabitScore
  ✅ NormalHabitScore::init
  ✅ NormalHabitScore::calcRealScoreExtra
  ✅ NormalHabitScore::calcRealScoreExtra with extendedVal
  ✅ NormalHabitScore::calcDecreasedPrt:noAutoComplete
  ✅ NormalHabitScore::calcDecreasedPrt:autoComplete
  ✅ NormalHabitScore::calcIncreasedDay:noAutoComplete
  ✅ NormalHabitScore::calcIncreasedDay:autoComplete
  ✅ NormalHabitScore::calcHabitGrowCurveValue
test NegativeHabitScore
  ✅ NormalHabitScore::init
  ✅ NormalHabitScore::calcRealScoreExtra
  ✅ NormalHabitScore::calcRealScoreExtra with extendedVal
test HabitScoreCalculator calc total score
  ✅ HabitScoreCalculator calc normal
  ✅ HabitScoreCalculator calc with some failed
  ✅ HabitScoreCalculator calc with automarked
test HabitScoreCalculator sub methods
  ✅ calcEachScoreBetweenRecordDate
  ✅ calcScoreAfterLastRecordToEnd
  ✅ calcIncreaseDaysBetweenRecordDate, no record
  ✅ calcIncreaseDaysBetweenRecordDate, with record
  ✅ calcDecreasePrtBetweenRecordDate, no record
  ✅ calcDecreasePrtBetweenRecordDate, with record
  ✅ triggerScoreChangedEvent
test ArchivedHabitScoreCalculator calc total score
  ✅ ArchivedHabitScoreCalculator calc normal
test ArchivedHabitScoreCalculator sub methods
  ✅ calcScoreAfterLastRecordToEnd

✅ test/viewmodel_test/app_theme_test.dart

  ✅ getThemeType
  ✅ getMatertialThemeType

✅ test/viewmodel_test/habit_form_test.dart

  ✅ name
  ✅ colorType
  ✅ dailyGoal
  ✅ dailyGoalUnit
  ✅ dailyFrequency
  ✅ dailyStartDate
  ✅ dailyTargetDays
  ✅ dailyDescribtion
  ✅ Constructor
  ✅ Constructor.daily
  ✅ Constructor.weekly
  ✅ Constructor.monthly
  ✅ ==override
  ✅ toString
  ✅ toMap:monthly
  ✅ toMap:weekly
  ✅ toMap:daily
  ✅ toMapError
  ✅ fromMap:monthly
  ✅ fromMap:weekly
  ✅ fromMap:custom
  ✅ fromMap:error