The idea is to showcase how to use python analytic instruments inside IRIS and visualise the result
- Download the package
- From root directory run
docker compose up -d
and wait till all work is done - After that go to
- You all set!
The main difference with a Docker installation is that you can install KPI classes inside any other IRIS application.
And get access to it without downloading whole new package
- Run instance if InterSystems IRIS with ZPM package on it
- In the terminal run IRIS console
docker compose exec -it iris iris session iris -U ANALYTICS
- Then start the ZPM by input
- After that install the package
install demo-pandas-analytics
- After the installation is complete, open IRIS UI and procced to Management Portal->Analytics->User Portal
- Create new dashboard and three widgets using new KPI data sources
- When all widgets are created proceed to
- If everything done correctly you should see three pandas based widgets