is a JavaScript library that lets you easily manage session history anywhere JavaScript runs. history
abstracts away the differences in various environments and provides a minimal API that lets you manage the history stack, navigate, confirm navigation, and persist state between sessions.
Using npm:
$ npm install --save history
Then with a module bundler like webpack, use as you would anything else:
// using an ES6 transpiler, like babel
import histrory from 'history'
// not using an ES6 transpiler
var createHistory = require('history').createHistory
The UMD build is also available on npmcdn:
<script src="https://npmcdn.com/history/dist/lib/index.js"></script>
You can find the library on window.History
A "history" encapsulates navigation between different screens in your app, and notifies listeners when the current screen changes.
import history from 'history'
const history = history.createHistory()
// Get the current location
const location = history.getCurrentLocation()
// Listen for changes to the current location
const unlisten = history.listen(location => {
// Push a new entry onto the history stack
pathname: '/the/path',
search: '?a=query',
// Extra location-specific state may be kept in session
// storage instead of in the URL query string!
state: { the: 'state' }
// When you're finished, stop the listener
You can find many more examples in the documentation!
A big thank-you to Dan Shaw for letting us use the history
npm package name! Thanks Dan!
Also, thanks to BrowserStack for providing the infrastructure that allows us to run our build in real browsers.