This add-on collects components across the entire org buffer (even in drawers), making it easy to retrieve and sort data. It uses the column special name as a landmark. We will refer to them as ‘Keywords’. The keywords are searched using a string-match function, which gives the ability to have multiple column with the same functionality, but also to use the column name as we would usually with org-mode. For example, we can have ‘tag’ and ‘tag2’, both are recognized by the BOM add-on and can be used in a spreadsheet-like formula without any confusion. The keywords are also case-insensitive. ‘Component’ and ‘component’ will work in the same way.
The BOM is usually used with a dynamic block. (You can use the different functions in emacs-lisp code, but this is beyond the purpose of this tutorial.) Here is the basic dynamic block:
#+BEGIN: bom
And here is what we obtain at this point:
#+BEGIN: bom
, | Section | Tag | Component | Quantity |
, |---------+-----+-----------+----------|
The table is empty, because we have to either:
- Add keywords in a table;
- Add a line-component.
This is the most important keyword and act as the trigger. For this example, let’s say we write down things we want to buy. In this case, a new keyboard for our computer. This is how the table should be:
, | | Material |
, | ! | Component |
, |---+-----------|
, | | Keyboard |
The ‘!’ character is used in org table to specify column name, such as our keyword, ‘component’. And here is what the bill-of-materials for this table is:
#+BEGIN: bom
, | Section | Tag | Component | Quantity |
, |-----------+-----+-----------+----------|
, | Component | | Keyboard | 1 |
As you can see, the heading (Component) was automatically used as the ‘section’, which doesn’t require attention for now. The quantity is, unsurprisingly, 1. There is nothing in the tag column for now, so let’s dismiss it by adding the parameter :no-tag t. This will results in the following:
#+BEGIN: bom :no-tag t
, | Section | Component | Quantity |
, |-----------+-----------+----------|
, | Component | Keyboard | 1 |
Now suppose that our friend too wants a new keyboard.
, | | For | Material |
, | ! | | Component |
, |---+--------+-----------|
, | | Me | Keyboard |
, | | Friend | Keyboard |
#+BEGIN: bom :no-tag t
, | Section | Component | Quantity |
, |-----------+-----------+----------|
, | Component | Keyboard | 2 |
As expected, we get 2 keyboards.
The section is used to separate what would otherwise be an identical component. Suppose we don’t want our friend’s wishes to be in the same BOM as our, but still have them in the same table.
, | | For | Material |
, | ! | Section | Component |
, |---+---------+-----------|
, | | Me | Keyboard |
, | | Friend | Keyboard |
This will results in the following BOM:
#+BEGIN: bom :no-tag t
, | Section | Component | Quantity |
, |---------+-----------+----------|
, | Friend | Keyboard | 1 |
, | Me | Keyboard | 1 |
Please note that when a component is given a section, it isn’t associated with the heading anymore. As an alternative, you can set a ‘:SECTION:’ property in the heading, which will be inherited by all the components without a specified section. Section’s priorities are as follow:
- Given section with the ‘section’ keyword;
- The SECTION property;
- The heading.
With this keyword, it is possible to specify a quantity for the associated component. In our always improving scenario, we now want to give a keyboard to another of our friend (as a gift). This is going to be bought at the same time as our keyboard, so they belong together.
, | | For | Material | |
, | ! | Section | Component | Qty |
, |---+---------+-----------+-----|
, | | Me | Keyboard | 2 |
, | | Friend | Keyboard | 1 |
#+BEGIN: bom :no-tag t
, | Section | Component | Quantity |
, |---------+-----------+----------|
, | Friend | Keyboard | 1 |
, | Me | Keyboard | 2 |
Important: If Qty keyword is present, then any empty field will be considered as zero. This way, multiple column quantity are made quite easily:
, | | For | Material | Personal | Gift |
, | ! | Section | Component | Qty | Qty2 |
, |---+---------+-----------+----------+------|
, | | Me | Keyboard | 1 | 1 |
, | | Friend | Keyboard | 1 | |
#+BEGIN: bom :no-tag t
, | Section | Component | Quantity |
, |---------+-----------+----------|
, | Friend | Keyboard | 1 |
, | Me | Keyboard | 2 |
When a BOM starts to get big, we often need a quick reminder of why we need certain component. Another use is also to identify the component. As the Qty keyword, multiple Tag columns can be associated with a single component. Here we will simply use the tag as a reminder of what we want to look for in the store.
, | | For | Material | Personal | Gift | Need |
, | ! | Section | Component | Qty | Qty2 | Tag |
, |---+---------+-----------+----------+------+--------------------|
, | | Me | Keyboard | 1 | 1 | Matching colors |
, | | Friend | Keyboard | 1 | | Dinosaurs pictures |
To show the tag column in the BOM, we simply remove the no-tag parameter.
#+BEGIN: bom
, | Section | Tag | Component | Quantity |
, |---------+--------------------+-----------+----------|
, | Friend | Dinosaurs pictures | Keyboard | 1 |
, | Me | Matching colors | Keyboard | 2 |
If two Tag columns are present for a single Component column, the tags will be associated with this component, separated by a comma.
It is possible to rename the BOM columns with the following parameters:
- col-name-component
- col-name-section
- col-name-quantity
- col-name-tag
- col-name-description
- col-name-price
This is how our renamed BOM would look like:
#+BEGIN: bom :col-name-section For :col-name-tag Need :col-name-component Stuff :col-name-quantity Qty
, | For | Need | Stuff | Qty |
, |--------+--------------------+----------+-----|
, | Friend | Dinosaurs pictures | Keyboard | 1 |
, | Me | Matching colors | Keyboard | 2 |
There is two way to add components in a section. Either by adding other rows with the same section’s name, or by adding other columns. Both have their uses and they should come to you quite naturally. In our example, we want more stuff.
, | | For | Material | Personal | Gift | Need | Stuff | More stuff | Much more stuff | How many |
, | ! | Section | Component | Qty | Qty2 | Tag | Component | Component | Component | Qty |
, |---+---------+-----------+----------+------+--------------------+-----------+------------+-----------------+----------|
, | | Me | Keyboard | 1 | 1 | Matching colors | Mouse | Headset | USB flash drive | 23 |
, | | Friend | Keyboard | 1 | | Dinosaurs pictures | | | | |
, | | Friend | | | | | | | CDs | 50 |
, | | Friend | Mouse | 1 | | | | | | |
This is beginning to get interesting. Note that even if we can name the additional columns ‘Component2’ or ‘ComponentAAA’, there’s no use to do it if no table-formula uses the column names.
Now suppose we want to get OUR to-buy list. Simply specify the section’s parameter :section Me:
#+BEGIN: bom :section Me
, | Tag | Component | Quantity |
, |-----------------+-----------------+----------|
, | | Headset | 1 |
, | Matching colors | Keyboard | 2 |
, | | Mouse | 1 |
, | | USB flash drive | 23 |
Wait, where’s the section column? Well we don’t need it anymore, as we specified one.
A ‘+’ sign will specify we want more than a single section. :section Me+Friend will select both section, and add the quantity and tags for each component.
#+BEGIN: bom :section Me+Friend
, | Tag | Component | Quantity |
, |-------------------------------------+-----------------+----------|
, | | CDs | 50 |
, | | Headset | 1 |
, | Dinosaurs pictures, Matching colors | Keyboard | 3 |
, | | Mouse | 2 |
, | | USB flash drive | 23 |
Do not put a whitespace between the section name and the ‘+’ sign. Speaking of whitespace, if you need one in a section name, simply put it in a string:
#+BEGIN: bom :section "Section with whitespace"
We can also return every section that matches at least what we provide. To activate this, use :part-match t. With this, if we write “fr”, the Friend section is returned. If we had another section named “Frosting”, than Friend and Frosting would have been merged and we would have a total for both section.
#+BEGIN: bom :section fr :part-match t
, | Tag | Component | Quantity |
, |--------------------+-----------+----------|
, | | CDs | 50 |
, | Dinosaurs pictures | Keyboard | 1 |
, | | Mouse | 1 |
It is also possible to specify that we don’t want any section containing “fr”. For this, use the parameter :remove t.
#+BEGIN: bom :section fr :part-match t :remove t
, | Tag | Component | Quantity |
, |-----------------+-----------------+----------|
, | | Headset | 1 |
, | Matching colors | Keyboard | 2 |
, | | Mouse | 1 |
, | | USB flash drive | 23 |
In this case, getting all sections not containing “fr” is the equivalent of choosing the section “Me”.
If you simply want the components from the current heading, use the parameter :local-only t. This will return components with the current heading as their section, which is the default of every component if no section is provided. If a section has been provided to a component (and is not exactly equal to the heading), the component will not be returned.
Here, we don’t have any component under this heading:
#+BEGIN: bom :local-only t
, | Tag | Component | Quantity |
, |-----+-----------+----------|
This is all really interesting, but when we’re in a shop, we want to know how many of each item we have to buy, we need a total. For this, simply add the :total t parameter. We will also remove the tags once again by using :no-tag t.
#+BEGIN: bom :total t :no-tag t
, | Component | Quantity |
, |-----------------+----------|
, | CDs | 50 |
, | Headset | 1 |
, | Keyboard | 3 |
, | Mouse | 2 |
, | USB flash drive | 23 |
This is the equivalent of merging every sections together.
There is another option you might need. If you ever want to
add a component without a table, use the #+BOM
commentary. As any
other org-mode commentary, this one won’t appear when exported to
another document (pdf, html, docbook..). It will, however, enable
you to add a single component in the bill-of-materials. Here is an
#+BOM: Keyboard :section Need :tag "Matching colors"
As with the table components, you can simply give a component name if you desire. If no section is given, it will be inherited as an ordinary component in a table: a section property or the current heading.
The way of associating components to sections by using the table, properties or headings is quick, but can lack some required precision. If there’s a component you want to move to another section, use the #+BOM-XFER commentary.
Everything before the keys :FROM-SECTION, :TO-SECTION, :PART-MATCH and :EVERYTHING is considered to be the component’s name, except the last whitespaces. The only required key is the :TO-SECTION. It specifies in which section the component must be sent. Unless :FROM-SECTION is provided, the section from which to transfer the components will be following the usual rules in ORG-BOM. A :PART-MATCH argument can be provided. To disregard the :FROM-SECTION altogether and simply take every instance of a component in the entire database, provide :EVERYTHING non-nil.”
There is two way to add details to a BOM. The first one is to setq `org-bom-details’ with a plist containing, depending on your needs, :description, :datasheetPdf and :price. You must, however, at least have the component name in the :name property. Here is an example on how to set this variable:
(setq org-bom-details '((:name "Keyboard" :description
"Something" :price "40")
(:name "CDs" :description "Not
DVDs" :datasheetPdf "CD.pdf")))
Please note that the price is a string.
The other method, valid for the current buffer only, is to give one or more bom-details table. It is recognized when a table is named as such:
#+TBLNAME: bom-details
Once again, the column names are used. Contrary to the normal BOM keywords however, these are case-sensitive and must be written exactly as their property name. For example, the column of the property ‘:name’ must be ‘name’.
#+TBLNAME: bom-details
, | ! | name | description | datasheetPdf | price |
, |---+----------+--------------+------------------+-------|
, | | Keyboard | Used to type | | 40 |
, | | CDs | Burn it! | CD-datasheet.pdf | |
Any bom-details table will temporarily overshadow the `org-bom-details’ variable, but won’t erase or modify it. This means you can safely use a bom-details table if you need to change some local buffer description, while using `org-bom-details’ in multiple buffer.
Look at the CDs description. When a field is empty, it is not used and BOM falls back to the property in the `org-bom-details’ variable.
You can add a description column in a BOM by adding the :description t parameter.
#+BEGIN: bom :total t :no-tag t :description t
, | Component | Quantity | Description |
, |-----------------+----------+--------------|
, | CDs | 50 | Not DVDs |
, | Headset | 1 | N/A |
, | Keyboard | 3 | Used to type |
, | Mouse | 2 | N/A |
, | USB flash drive | 23 | N/A |
See how the CDs’ description wasn’t the empty field from the bom-details table.
You can add a price column in a BOM by adding the :price t parameter.
#+BEGIN: bom :total t :no-tag t :description t :price t
, | Component | Quantity | Price | Description |
, |-----------------+----------+-------+--------------|
, | CDs | 50 | | Not DVDs |
, | Headset | 1 | | N/A |
, | Keyboard | 3 | 120 | Used to type |
, | Mouse | 2 | | N/A |
, | USB flash drive | 23 | | N/A |
, |-----------------+----------+-------+--------------|
, | TOTAL: | | 120 | |
#+TBLFM: @>$3=vsum(@I..@>>)
The price is automatically multiplied by the quantity of each component. In addition, a total row is added at the table’s bottom with a vertical sum formula.
This is a special property and must be used only if you intend to export in a pdf document. See LaTeX mode and bom-datasheet for more details.
Here is a list of all the parameters usable in a BOM dynamic block, as seen throughout this tutorial:
- no-tag
- Remove the tags column
- section
- Select this section (or more if there’s a + sign)
- part-match
- Select every section with at least the string provided for the section parameter
- remove
- Select every sections except the one(s) provided
- descripton
- Add the description column
- price
- Add the price column and a total row at the bottom of the table
- col-name-***
- Rename the associated column
Each BOM dynamic block scans the entire buffer individually. While it is necessary that each block be able to update itself, it becomes a waste when the command `org-update-all-dblocks’ is used. (The components usually aren’t changing from a dblock evaluation to another.)
In order to speed up updates, there’s a variable that can be used to stop each BOM dblock from doing a buffer-wide scan. To disable the scans, set `org-bom-update-enable’ to nil.
The author uses a function similar to this one to speed up updates:
(defun reg-update-project (&optional latex-mode)
"Update every table and dynamic block in the buffer. If latex-mode
is non-nil, various latex commands will be inserted."
(org-bom-total); manually update the BOM database
(let ((org-bom-update-enable nil)
(org-bom-latex-mode t)
(org-bom-details (copy-tree org-bom-details)));so we don't overwrite
(org-bom-check-for-details-table); manually update `org-bom-details'
(message "Project updated"))
This mode isn’t fully integrated to org-mode and should be seen as a hack. It is however useful to the author, which is why it is explained here.
Set the `org-bom-latex-mode’ variable to non-nil in order to activate the latex-mode. If set, all BOM dynamic block will insert some latex commands.
These commands targets:
- Tags
- When there is more tags than `org-bom-latex-max-tags’ per component, the remaining tags are put in a pdf comment.
- Component name
- If a datasheet exists for the component, its name will become a link to its datasheet.
If you ever activate the LaTeX mode, use the bom-datasheet dynamic block at the end of your document. The optional parameter :description t will add a summary of all the components used in this buffer with their description, just before the datasheets.
#+BEGIN: bom-datasheet :description t
, | Component | Description |
, |----------------------------------+--------------|
, | \hyperref[CD-datasheet.pdf]{CDs} | Burn it! |
, | Headset | N/A |
, | Keyboard | Used to type |
, | Mouse | N/A |
, | USB flash drive | N/A |
#+LaTeX: \includepdf[pages=-,landscape=true,addtotoc={1, subsection, 1, CDs,CD-datasheet.pdf}]{/CD-datasheet.pdf}
If you want to put all your datasheets in another directory, simply
configure the org-bom-latex-datasheetPath
variable as shown below:
(setq org-bom-latex-datasheetPath "C:\my-precious-datasheets\")