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fixes #80, fixes #82
  • Loading branch information
ItsLogic committed May 24, 2024
1 parent 15de774 commit cd0c826
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Showing 8 changed files with 856 additions and 390 deletions.
332 changes: 203 additions & 129 deletions XAU/Util/Memory/Methods/AoB.cs

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

40 changes: 29 additions & 11 deletions XAU/Util/Memory/Methods/Read.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,20 +1,38 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using static Memory.Imps;

namespace Memory;

public partial class Mem
namespace Memory
public string ReadStringMemory(nuint address, int length = 32, bool zeroTerminated = true, Encoding? stringEncoding = null)
public partial class Mem
stringEncoding ??= Encoding.UTF8;

var memoryNormal = new byte[length];
if (ReadProcessMemory(MProc.Handle, address, memoryNormal, (UIntPtr)length, 0))
/// <summary>
/// Read a string value from an address.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="code">address, module + pointer + offset, module + offset OR label in .ini file.</param>
/// <param name="file">path and name of ini file. (OPTIONAL)</param>
/// <param name="length">length of bytes to read (OPTIONAL)</param>
/// <param name="zeroTerminated">terminate string at null char</param>
/// <param name="stringEncoding">System.Text.Encoding.UTF8 (DEFAULT). Other options: ascii, unicode, utf32, utf7</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string ReadString(string code, string file = "", int length = 32, bool zeroTerminated = true, System.Text.Encoding stringEncoding = null)

Check warning on line 22 in XAU/Util/Memory/Methods/Read.cs

View workflow job for this annotation

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Cannot convert null literal to non-nullable reference type.
return zeroTerminated ? stringEncoding.GetString(memoryNormal).Split('\0')[0] : stringEncoding.GetString(memoryNormal);
if (stringEncoding == null)
stringEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8;

return "";
byte[] memoryNormal = new byte[length];
UIntPtr theCode = GetCode(code, file);
if (theCode == null || theCode == UIntPtr.Zero || theCode.ToUInt64() < 0x10000)
return "";

if (ReadProcessMemory(mProc.Handle, theCode, memoryNormal, (UIntPtr)length, IntPtr.Zero))
return (zeroTerminated) ? stringEncoding.GetString(memoryNormal).Split('\0')[0] : stringEncoding.GetString(memoryNormal);
return "";
56 changes: 0 additions & 56 deletions XAU/Util/Memory/Methods/Utils.cs

This file was deleted.

205 changes: 114 additions & 91 deletions XAU/Util/Memory/Structures/Imports.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,97 +1,120 @@
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Text;

namespace Memory;

public static partial class Imps
namespace Memory
public static partial nint OpenProcess(uint dwDesiredAccess, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] bool bInheritHandle, int dwProcessId);

[LibraryImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "VirtualQueryEx")]
public static partial nuint Native_VirtualQueryEx(nint hProcess, nuint lpAddress, out MemoryBasicInformation32 lpBuffer, nuint dwLength);

[LibraryImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "VirtualQueryEx")]
public static partial nuint Native_VirtualQueryEx(nint hProcess, nuint lpAddress, out MemoryBasicInformation64 lpBuffer, nuint dwLength);

public static partial void GetSystemInfo(out SystemInfo lpSystemInfo);

[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static partial void ReadProcessMemory(IntPtr hProcess, UIntPtr lpBaseAddress, IntPtr lpBuffer, UIntPtr nSize, out ulong lpNumberOfBytesRead);

[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static partial bool ReadProcessMemory(IntPtr hProcess, UIntPtr lpBaseAddress, byte[] lpBuffer, UIntPtr nSize, IntPtr lpNumberOfBytesRead);

[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)]
public static partial bool IsWow64Process(nint hProcess, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] out bool lpSystemInfo);

public const uint MemCommit = 0x00001000;

public const uint Readonly = 0x02;
public const uint Readwrite = 0x04;
public const uint WriteCopy = 0x08;
public const uint ExecuteReadwrite = 0x40;
public const uint ExecuteWriteCopy = 0x80;
public const uint Execute = 0x10;
public const uint ExecuteRead = 0x20;

public const uint Guard = 0x100;
public const uint NoAccess = 0x01;

public const uint MemPrivate = 0x20000;
public const uint MemImage = 0x1000000;
public const uint MemMapped = 0x40000;

public struct SystemInfo
public ushort ProcessorArchitecture;
private ushort _reserved;
public uint PageSize;
public nuint MinimumApplicationAddress;
public nuint MaximumApplicationAddress;
public nint ActiveProcessorMask;
public uint NumberOfProcessors;
public uint ProcessorType;
public uint AllocationGranularity;
public ushort ProcessorLevel;
public ushort ProcessorRevision;

public struct MemoryBasicInformation32
public nuint BaseAddress;
public nuint AllocationBase;
public uint AllocationProtect;
public uint RegionSize;
public uint State;
public uint Protect;
public uint Type;

public struct MemoryBasicInformation64
public nuint BaseAddress;
public nuint AllocationBase;
public uint AllocationProtect;
public uint Alignment1;
public ulong RegionSize;
public uint State;
public uint Protect;
public uint Type;
public uint Alignment2;

public struct MemoryBasicInformation
public class Imps
public nuint BaseAddress;
public nuint AllocationBase;
public uint AllocationProtect;
public long RegionSize;
public uint State;
public uint Protect;
public uint Type;
public static extern IntPtr OpenProcess(
UInt32 dwDesiredAccess,
bool bInheritHandle,
Int32 dwProcessId

[DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "VirtualQueryEx")]
public static extern UIntPtr Native_VirtualQueryEx(IntPtr hProcess, UIntPtr lpAddress,
out MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION32 lpBuffer, UIntPtr dwLength);

[DllImport("kernel32.dll", EntryPoint = "VirtualQueryEx")]
public static extern UIntPtr Native_VirtualQueryEx(IntPtr hProcess, UIntPtr lpAddress,
out MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION64 lpBuffer, UIntPtr dwLength);

public static extern void GetSystemInfo(out SYSTEM_INFO lpSystemInfo);

[DllImport("kernel32.dll", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode)]
public static extern uint GetPrivateProfileString(
string lpAppName,
string lpKeyName,
string lpDefault,
StringBuilder lpReturnedString,
uint nSize,
string lpFileName);

public static extern bool ReadProcessMemory(IntPtr hProcess, UIntPtr lpBaseAddress, [Out] byte[] lpBuffer, UIntPtr nSize, IntPtr lpNumberOfBytesRead);

public static extern bool ReadProcessMemory(IntPtr hProcess, UIntPtr lpBaseAddress, [Out] IntPtr lpBuffer, UIntPtr nSize, out ulong lpNumberOfBytesRead);

public static extern bool IsWow64Process(IntPtr hProcess, out bool lpSystemInfo);

// used for memory allocation
public const uint MEM_FREE = 0x10000;
public const uint MEM_COMMIT = 0x00001000;
public const uint MEM_RESERVE = 0x00002000;

public const uint PAGE_READONLY = 0x02;
public const uint PAGE_READWRITE = 0x04;
public const uint PAGE_WRITECOPY = 0x08;
public const uint PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE = 0x40;
public const uint PAGE_EXECUTE_WRITECOPY = 0x80;
public const uint PAGE_EXECUTE = 0x10;
public const uint PAGE_EXECUTE_READ = 0x20;

public const uint PAGE_GUARD = 0x100;
public const uint PAGE_NOACCESS = 0x01;

public const uint MEM_PRIVATE = 0x20000;
public const uint MEM_IMAGE = 0x1000000;
public const uint MEM_MAPPED = 0x40000;

public struct SYSTEM_INFO
public ushort processorArchitecture;
ushort reserved;
public uint pageSize;
public UIntPtr minimumApplicationAddress;
public UIntPtr maximumApplicationAddress;
public IntPtr activeProcessorMask;
public uint numberOfProcessors;
public uint processorType;
public uint allocationGranularity;
public ushort processorLevel;
public ushort processorRevision;

public UIntPtr BaseAddress;
public UIntPtr AllocationBase;
public uint AllocationProtect;
public uint RegionSize;
public uint State;
public uint Protect;
public uint Type;

public UIntPtr BaseAddress;
public UIntPtr AllocationBase;
public uint AllocationProtect;
public uint __alignment1;
public ulong RegionSize;
public uint State;
public uint Protect;
public uint Type;
public uint __alignment2;

public UIntPtr BaseAddress;
public UIntPtr AllocationBase;
public uint AllocationProtect;
public long RegionSize;
public uint State;
public uint Protect;
public uint Type;
17 changes: 12 additions & 5 deletions XAU/Util/Memory/Structures/MemoryRegionResult.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,15 @@
namespace Memory;
using System;

internal struct MemoryRegionResult
namespace Memory
public nuint CurrentBaseAddress { get; init; }
public long RegionSize { get; init; }
public nuint RegionBase { get; init; }
/// <summary>
/// AoB scan information.
/// </summary>
struct MemoryRegionResult
public UIntPtr CurrentBaseAddress { get; set; }
public long RegionSize { get; set; }
public UIntPtr RegionBase { get; set; }

18 changes: 12 additions & 6 deletions XAU/Util/Memory/Structures/Process.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

namespace Memory;

public class Proc
namespace Memory
public Process Process { get; set; } = new();
public nint Handle { get; set; }
public bool Is64Bit { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Information about the opened process.
/// </summary>
public class Proc
public Process Process { get; set; }
public IntPtr Handle { get; set; }
public bool Is64Bit { get; set; }
public ProcessModule MainModule { get; set; }

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