An Android library that provides a set of APIs for architecting and developing Android applications:
- Robopupu.MVP: A Model-View-Presenter (MVP) API.
- Robopupu.Dependency: A dependency injection/pulling API.
- Robopupu.FSM: A simple library for implementing hierachical Finite State Machines that support most of the UML state diagram features, including: entry points, choice points, and history points.
- Robopupu.Plugin: A plugin framework that supports dependency injection (DI) and allows decouples communication between components without requiring the components to explicitly register with one another.
- Robopupu.Feature: A flow controller type of architectural design pattern for using components that encapsulate navigation and configuration logic for application features.
- Robopupu.FRP: A simple to use API for Functional Reactive Programming (FRP). API is based on constructing a graph of functional nodes to perform a specified computation. Use of Retrolambda for lambda expressions recommend.
- Robopupu.Util: A collection of utility classes.
Check out the Robopupu project website for further information.
To minimize writing of any boiler plate code, Robopupu utilises declarative annotations and a set of API specific annotation processors which generate code for using the APIs. The source codes for Robopupu Compiler and the instructions for getting started are available in Github :
The sample application build from source codes the app module is also available in Google Play Store.
Use the following dependencies into your application module's build.gradle
dependencies {
compile 'com.robopupu:robopupu:0.5.7'
apt 'com.robopupu:robopupu-compiler:0.5.7'
apt 'com.squareup:javapoet:1.9.0'
In addition, since the Robopupu Compiler utilises annotation processing we need to use android-apt plugin. For this reason, you need to declare the plugin in your into your application module's build.gradle
apply plugin: ''
apply plugin: ''
Finally, you need to declare the following classpath
for the android-apt plugin in your project's build.gradle
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath ''
classpath 'com.neenbedankt.gradle.plugins:android-apt:1.8'
- Minor bug fixes. Upgraded Android Support library versions. Prepapring for support of RxJava 2 based MVP.
- Bug fixes and improvements for both the Feature API and Dependency API. A Feature was not re-started correctly in some cases when a FeatureFragment was popped from a backstack. An another problem in those cases was caused by a bug in Dependency API which caused extra instance of the popped FeatureFragment to be created.
- Fixed a bug that prevented removing a dependency from its container DependencyScope in certain situations.
- Added FeatureFragment#onRestartFeature() and FeatureCompatFragment#onRestartFeature which can be used to restart a Feature if necessary when a Fragment is restarted from back stack.
- Minor fixes and extensions.
- Added support for using type parameters in interfaces annotated with @PluginInterface.
- Extensions to Feature API. A Feature may have a parent Feature and child Features to facilitate e.g. implementation of navigation.
- New utility classes, e.g. com.robopupu.api.util.Id
- Minor fixes and extensions.
- Support for using generic methods with type parameters in interfaces annotated with @PluginInterface.
- Minor fixes and extensions.
- Modifications on MVP Model classes.
- Renamed fields by removing Hungarian notation.
- Implemented the first version of the support to use Fragment classes (e.g. MapFragment) as Views using delegate classes ViewFragmentDelegate, ViewCompatFragmentDelegate, FeatureViewFragmentDelagate, and FeatureViewCompatFragmentDelagate.
- Fixed the class FeatureDialogFragment to be extended from ViewDialogFragment instead of ViewCompatDialogFragment.
- Added initial support to use Fragment classes (e.g. MapFragment) as Views using delegate classes ViewFragmentDelegate and FeatureViewFragmentDelagate.
- Updated Javadocs
- Extensions in Feature API. Added new API methods for opening Views and starting Features in FeatureContainers.
- Added a sample feature Multiple Views for demonstrating how to use FeatureContainers to show multiple Views (i.e. Fragments) in a single Activity.
- Updated Javadocs
- Bug fix in Dependency API.
- Improvements and API changes in Model classes in MVP API.
- Bux fixes in DependencyScope.
- Streamlined PluginBus class: Now all methods are static.
- Extended Dependency class with new getAll(...) methods that can be used to request all dependencies of specified type.
- Updated Javadocs
- Fixed a bug in StateEngine class.
- Improvements on Feature API
- Elaborated Javadoc comments
- Updated some libraries versions and took Google Volley 1.0.0 via JCenter into use (in demo app).
- A fix for issue #8
- Added support for using non-compatibility Activities and Fragments.
- Improvements for Feature API, e.g., support for removing Views.
- Minor fixes.
- Added basic threading support to Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) API
- Fix issue with resolving Presenter in View after a configuration change
- Other minor fixes
- Added new Robopupu API: Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) API
- Added new Robopupu API : Light-weight REST API for specifying Google Volley requests
- Initial open source release
Copyright (C) 2008-2016 Marko Salmela
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at;
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.