Step 1: install Rtools first. Rtools provides tool to compile source files in the packages.
Step 2: For manual installation, you need to install the dependencies, then download the source package file or binary package file from Release and install it locally. Source package file needs compilation, but binary package does not. If the technique detail of algorithm is not your interests, binary package is more recommended for users.
For remote installation, install remotes
package and then use install_github
function to install bayesQVAR
. The dependencies will be installed automatically.
# Manual Installation
# install dependencies
c("Rcpp", "parallel", "GIGrvg", "LaplacesDemon", "S7", "patchwork", "ggplot2", "stringr")
# If you download source package file
"path to your download folder/bayesQVAR_1.0.1.tar.gz",
type = "source"
# if you download binary package file
"path to your download folder/",
type = "binary"
# Remote installation
Please refer to user manual.