Qompoter v0.3
An attempt of dependency manager for Qt / C++, because I am sick of managing each C++ piece of code separately!
The current version is still a work in progress but it is now usable for non-critical projects!
Qompoter is good for:
- easily share the required source dependencies of your Qt / C++ project with a team
- describe them in a "qompoter.json" file
- let Qompoter search and download them for you into a "vendor" directory
- share C++ code to the inqlude repository, a development forge (like Github) or any local or remote Qompotist-fs repository
- ease the repetability of the build
- work with several platforms (Linux, Windows, Mac, ...)
- keep it simple
Qompoter is also useful to share library (or binary) dependencies of you Qt / C++ project. However, keep in mind this is not that simple, this requires precompiling these dependencies somewhere for all the required targets (x86, x86_64, ARM, ...).