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Command Reference: Definitions

gdm-hanoverwork edited this page Mar 16, 2022 · 4 revisions

GAM Variable Definitions

Adapted with love from the GAM Cheat Sheet

General Notes

Fields enclosed in <angle brackets> are mandatory

Fields enclosed in [square brackets] are optional. In most cases, multiple optional fields may be included in a single gam command.

Global Fields

These fields are used in various places in GAM. If you see them referenced in the command references, you may look up what they refer to here.


  • user <user email>
  • group <group email>
  • group_inde <group email>
  • ou <ou-name>
  • ou_and_child <ou-name>
  • ou_and_children <ou-name>
  • org
  • all users

Qualifications to some options:

"group_inde" sets GAM to include derived memberships in the group.

For "group", "org", "ou", "ou_and_child", and "ou_and_children" you can append:

  • "_ns" to exclude suspended
  • OR
  • "_susp" to include suspended


RFC3339 formatted date and time, e.g. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.000Z

<user email>

A user in the domain

<group email>

A group in the domain

<email address>

Any email address

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