Add a study introduction
- Period: From early October to early November (However, the midterm/final exam period will be suspended for 2 weeks)
- Starting with C language, the study will be conducted in Python, c++, and java.
- Conduct a study using Baekjun.
Write a study curriculum.
- 1 week : c language basic code test
- 2 week : if, for, pointer, algorithm
- 3 week : operator, function, algorithm
- 4 week : pointer, algorithm
Organize this week's homework
- following Study Curriculum and weekly beakjoon solve (5 problems)
- Unconditionally study according to the curriculum
Share study reference
- beakjoon
- youtube
- blog
- 열혈 c 프로그래밍
- etc
** 질문은 언제나 환영