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Hack-o-protoquest is a platform that allows students to turn their ideas into reality while also supporting society with their useful solutions through the development of real-time projects.

More information at HACK-O-PROTOQUEST

How To Use

To submit your prototype & PPT through your repo on GitHub, you'll need Git and Latest Version of any web browser installed on your computer. Follow all the steps carefully to get your submission COUNT!

  # Fork this repo using FORK button on top-right
  # Go to the forked repo
  # Click on the CODE button and Copy the https link
  # Open Git Bash
    1. Change directory to the desired location
    2. clone the repo using command:
       $ git clone
  # Create a branch with the name of your TEAM
  # Add all files and then commit.
  # Push the changes to your remote repo.
  # Compare and create a Pull Request.


Step 1: Fork this repository.

Fork button

Step 2: Go to your repository.

Your repository will look like this: {your-username}/Hack-o-Protoquest your repository

Step 3: Copy the link to YOUR repo.

Now, on your repo page, click the CODE button and copy the https link. Click on Code button and copy https link to your repo

Step 4: Open Git Bash.

Change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory.

Step 5: Type git clone, and then paste the URL you copied earlier.

$ git clone

Step 6: Press Enter to create your local clone.

$ git clone
Cloning into 'Hack-o-Protoquest'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 3, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
remote: Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (3/3), done.

Step 7: Go to the Folder

  `$ cd Hack-o-Protoquest`

Then, check the status using git status

$ git status  
On branch main  
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean  

There is nothing to commit now as there are no changes done by you.

Step 8: Create a branch with your TEAM-NAME

Create a new brach with team name (say, Team: Power_Codhers) using command $ git checkout -b {branch-name}

$ git checkout -b Power_Codhers
Switched to a new branch 'Power_Codhers'

Step 9: Add files (PROTOTYPE & Power Point Presentation) in the cloned folder.

Add the prototype file and PPT into the folder cloned.
Check the status of your repo after adding all the required files. Added files in the status

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Added prototype and Presentation"

After adding all the files, COMMIT with a message. Then, PUSH the branch to remote repository using git push -u origin {branch-name}

$ git push -u origin Power_Codhers

Push Changes on remote repo

Step 10: Create Pull Request

Click on Compare and Pull Request button to create a PR Compare and Create PR option Add comments specifying your TEAM-NAME and files you added. Add comments and Create PR

There you go! Your PROTOTYPE and PPT, both files are successfully Submitted! Let's meet in the event NOW! P.S.: Any queries? Ask in the WhatsApp group itself. !(Pull Request DONE)[]


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