For reading, creating and updating ARB files from XLSX files.
pub global activate arb_excel
pub global run arb_excel
arb_sheet [OPTIONS] path/to/file/name
-n, --new New translation sheet
-a, --arb Export to ARB files
-e, --excel Import ARB files to sheet. Specify directory or name of main ARB file to import.
-m, --merge Merge data from excel file into ARB file. Specify name of Excel and ARB file to import.
-f, --filter Filter ARB resources to export depending on meta tag. Example: -f x-reviewed:false.
-t, --targetLocales An optional comma separated list of locale names to be included in the Excel file created.
-o, --output Name of the output file to create. If not specified, the name is derived from the input file name.
-l, --leadLocale The primary locale (aka lead or developer locale). When generating Excel files, it is assumed, this is the source locale.
-i, --includeLeadLocale Whether the ARB file for the lead locale should be extracted from the Excel as well.
Creates a XLSX template file.
pub global run arb_excel -n app.xlsx
Generates ARB files from a XLSX file.
pub global run arb_excel -a app.xlsx
Creates a XLSX file from ARB files.
pub global run arb_excel -e app_en.arb