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Add phase composition to PVTDriver output (#2772)
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* Add phase composition to PVTDriver output
* Add some doc comments
* Split unit tests into separate new file
* Change test file name
* Reinstate table move to host
* Add compressibility flag
* Refine doc comment
* Some remarks
* Remove component molar weight
* Fix PVT unit test
* Merge branch 'develop' into feature/dkachuma/pvt-driver-extension
  • Loading branch information
dkachuma authored and ouassimkh committed Feb 16, 2024
1 parent bc47917 commit 3892543
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Showing 19 changed files with 805 additions and 46 deletions.
5 changes: 4 additions & 1 deletion src/coreComponents/constitutive/docs/PVTDriver.rst
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Expand Up @@ -102,9 +102,12 @@ The file is a simple ASCII format with a brief header followed by test data:
4.0816e-02 3.0000e+06 3.5000e+02 4.9901e+01 1.0000e+00 4.1563e-11 4.9901e+01 1.0066e+03 1.7778e-05 9.9525e-04
Note that the number of columns will depend on how may phases are present.
Note that the number of columns will depend on how many phases and components are present.
In this case, we have a two-phase, two-component mixture.
The total density is reported in column 4, while phase fractions, phase densities, and phase viscosities are reported in subsequent columns.
If the ``outputCompressibility`` flag is activated, an extra column will be added for the total fluid compressibility after the density.
This is defined as :math:`c_t=\frac{1}{\rho_t}\left(\partial{\rho_t}/\partial P\right)` where :math:`\rho_t` is the total density.
The number of columns will also depend on whether the ``outputPhaseComposition`` flag is activated or not. If it is activated, there will be an extra column for the mole fraction of each component in each phase.
The phase order will match the one defined in the input XML (here, the co2-rich phase followed by the water-rich phase).
This file can be readily plotted using any number of plotting tools. Each row corresponds to one timestep of the driver, starting from initial conditions in the first row.

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Expand Up @@ -463,6 +463,46 @@ class MultiFluidBase : public ConstitutiveBase
PhaseComp::ViewType m_phaseCompFraction;
FluidProp::ViewType m_totalDensity;

* @brief Calculate the total fluid compressibility
* @param i Element index
* @param q Quadrature node index
* @return The total fluid compressibility
real64 totalCompressibility( integer const i, integer const q ) const
real64 const totalFluidDensity = totalDensity()( i, q );
real64 const dTotalFluidDensity_dP = m_totalDensity.derivs( i, q, multifluid::DerivativeOffset::dP );
return 0.0 < totalFluidDensity ? dTotalFluidDensity_dP / totalFluidDensity : 0.0;

* @brief Extract the phase mole fractions for a phase
* @param i Element index
* @param q Quadrature node index
* @param p Phase index
* @param[out] moleFractions The calculated mole fractions
template< typename OUT_ARRAY >
void phaseCompMoleFraction( integer const i,
integer const q,
integer const p,
OUT_ARRAY && moleFractions ) const
integer const numComponents = m_componentMolarWeight.size( 0 );
for( integer ic = 0; ic < numComponents; ++ic )
moleFractions[ic] = m_phaseCompFraction.value( i, q, p, ic );
detail::convertToMoleFractions( numComponents,
moleFractions );


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Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -130,6 +130,42 @@ struct MultiFluidVar

namespace detail
* @brief Utility function to convert mass fractions to mole fractions
* @tparam ARRAY1 the type of array storing the component molar weights
* @tparam ARRAY2 the type of array storing the component mass fractions
* @tparam ARRAY3 the type of array storing the component mole fractions
* @param[in] componentMolarWeight the component molar weights
* @param[in] massFractions the component mass fractions
* @param[out] moleFractions the newly converted component mole fractions
template< typename ARRAY1, typename ARRAY2, typename ARRAY3 >
void convertToMoleFractions( integer numComponents,
ARRAY1 const & componentMolarWeight,
ARRAY2 const & massFractions,
ARRAY3 & moleFractions )
real64 totalMolality = 0.0;
for( integer ic = 0; ic < numComponents; ++ic )
moleFractions[ic] = massFractions[ic] / componentMolarWeight[ic];
totalMolality += moleFractions[ic];

constexpr real64 epsilon = LvArray::NumericLimits< real64 >::epsilon;

real64 const totalMolalityInv = epsilon < totalMolality ? 1.0 / totalMolality : 0.0;
for( integer ic = 0; ic < numComponents; ++ic )
moleFractions[ic] *= totalMolalityInv;

} // namespace detail

} // namespace constitutive

} // namespace geos
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117 changes: 95 additions & 22 deletions src/coreComponents/constitutive/fluid/multifluid/PVTDriver.cpp
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#include "fileIO/Outputs/OutputBase.hpp"
#include "functions/FunctionManager.hpp"
#include "functions/TableFunction.hpp"
#include "codingUtilities/StringUtilities.hpp"

#include <fstream>

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -57,6 +58,15 @@ PVTDriver::PVTDriver( const string & name,
setInputFlag( InputFlags::REQUIRED ).
setDescription( "Function controlling temperature time history" );

registerWrapper( viewKeyStruct::outputCompressibilityString(), &m_outputCompressibility ).
setInputFlag( InputFlags::OPTIONAL ).
setApplyDefaultValue( 0 ).
setDescription( "Flag to indicate that the total compressibility should be output" );

registerWrapper( viewKeyStruct::outputPhaseCompositionString(), &m_outputPhaseComposition ).
setInputFlag( InputFlags::OPTIONAL ).
setApplyDefaultValue( 0 ).
setDescription( "Flag to indicate that phase compositions should be output" );

//todo refactor in mother class
registerWrapper( viewKeyStruct::numStepsString(), &m_numSteps ).
Expand All @@ -76,19 +86,43 @@ PVTDriver::PVTDriver( const string & name,

void PVTDriver::postProcessInput()
// Validate some inputs
GEOS_ERROR_IF( m_outputCompressibility != 0 && m_outputCompressibility != 1,
getWrapperDataContext( viewKeyStruct::outputCompressibilityString() ) <<
": option can be either 0 (false) or 1 (true)" );

GEOS_ERROR_IF( m_outputPhaseComposition != 0 && m_outputPhaseComposition != 1,
getWrapperDataContext( viewKeyStruct::outputPhaseCompositionString() ) <<
": option can be either 0 (false) or 1 (true)" );

// get number of phases and components

ConstitutiveManager & constitutiveManager = this->getGroupByPath< ConstitutiveManager >( "/Problem/domain/Constitutive" );
MultiFluidBase & baseFluid = constitutiveManager.getGroup< MultiFluidBase >( m_fluidName );
constitutive::MultiFluidBase & baseFluid = getFluid();

m_numPhases = baseFluid.numFluidPhases();
m_numComponents = baseFluid.numFluidComponents();

// resize data table to fit number of timesteps and fluid phases:
// (numRows,numCols) = (numSteps+1,4+3*numPhases)
// column order = time, pressure, temp, totalDensity, phaseFraction_{1:NP}, phaseDensity_{1:NP}, phaseViscosity_{1:NP}
// Number of rows in numSteps+1
integer const numRows = m_numSteps+1;

m_table.resize( m_numSteps+1, 3*m_numPhases+4 );
// Number of columns depends on options
// Default column order = time, pressure, temp, totalDensity, phaseFraction_{1:NP}, phaseDensity_{1:NP}, phaseViscosity_{1:NP}
integer numCols = 3*m_numPhases+4;

// If the total compressibility is requested then add a column
if( m_outputCompressibility != 0 )

// If phase compositions are required we add {1:NP*NC} phase compositions
if( m_outputPhaseComposition != 0 )
numCols += m_numPhases * m_numComponents;

// resize data table to fit number of timesteps and fluid phases:
m_table.resize( numRows, numCols );

// initialize functions

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -132,8 +166,7 @@ bool PVTDriver::execute( real64 const GEOS_UNUSED_PARAM( time_n ),
// get the fluid out of the constitutive manager.
// for the moment it is of type MultiFluidBase.

ConstitutiveManager & constitutiveManager = this->getGroupByPath< ConstitutiveManager >( "/Problem/domain/Constitutive" );
MultiFluidBase & baseFluid = constitutiveManager.getGroup< MultiFluidBase >( m_fluidName );
constitutive::MultiFluidBase & baseFluid = getFluid();

// depending on logLevel, print some useful info

Expand All @@ -149,6 +182,8 @@ bool PVTDriver::execute( real64 const GEOS_UNUSED_PARAM( time_n ),
GEOS_LOG_RANK_0( " Steps .................. " << m_numSteps );
GEOS_LOG_RANK_0( " Output ................. " << m_outputFile );
GEOS_LOG_RANK_0( " Baseline ............... " << m_baselineFile );
GEOS_LOG_RANK_0( " Output Compressibility . " << m_outputCompressibility );
GEOS_LOG_RANK_0( " Output Phase Comp. ..... " << m_outputPhaseComposition );

// create a dummy discretization with one quadrature point for
Expand All @@ -161,7 +196,7 @@ bool PVTDriver::execute( real64 const GEOS_UNUSED_PARAM( time_n ),
discretization.resize( 1 ); // one element
baseFluid.allocateConstitutiveData( discretization, 1 ); // one quadrature point

// pass the solid through the ConstitutivePassThru to downcast from the
// pass the fluid through the ConstitutivePassThru to downcast from the
// base type to a known model type. the lambda here then executes the
// appropriate test driver. note that these calls will move data to device if available.

Expand All @@ -187,22 +222,42 @@ bool PVTDriver::execute( real64 const GEOS_UNUSED_PARAM( time_n ),
return false;

void PVTDriver::outputResults()
// TODO: improve file path output to grab command line -o directory
// for the moment, we just use the specified m_outputFile directly

FILE * fp = fopen( m_outputFile.c_str(), "w" );

fprintf( fp, "# column 1 = time\n" );
fprintf( fp, "# column 2 = pressure\n" );
fprintf( fp, "# column 3 = temperature\n" );
fprintf( fp, "# column 4 = density\n" );
fprintf( fp, "# columns %d-%d = phase fractions\n", 5, 4+m_numPhases );
fprintf( fp, "# columns %d-%d = phase densities\n", 5+m_numPhases, 4+2*m_numPhases );
fprintf( fp, "# columns %d-%d = phase viscosities\n", 5+2*m_numPhases, 4+3*m_numPhases );
integer columnIndex = 0;
fprintf( fp, "# column %d = time\n", ++columnIndex );
fprintf( fp, "# column %d = pressure\n", ++columnIndex );
fprintf( fp, "# column %d = temperature\n", ++columnIndex );
fprintf( fp, "# column %d = density\n", ++columnIndex );
if( m_outputCompressibility != 0 )
fprintf( fp, "# column %d = total compressibility\n", ++columnIndex );

auto const phaseNames = getFluid().phaseNames();

fprintf( fp, "# columns %d-%d = phase fractions\n", columnIndex+1, columnIndex + m_numPhases );
columnIndex += m_numPhases;
fprintf( fp, "# columns %d-%d = phase densities\n", columnIndex+1, columnIndex + m_numPhases );
columnIndex += m_numPhases;
fprintf( fp, "# columns %d-%d = phase viscosities\n", columnIndex+1, columnIndex + m_numPhases );
columnIndex += m_numPhases;

if( m_outputPhaseComposition != 0 )
string const componentNames = stringutilities::join( getFluid().componentNames(), ", " );
for( integer ip = 0; ip < m_numPhases; ++ip )
fprintf( fp, "# columns %d-%d = %s phase fractions [%s]\n", columnIndex+1, columnIndex + m_numComponents,
phaseNames[ip].c_str(), componentNames.c_str() );
columnIndex += m_numComponents;

for( integer n=0; n<m_table.size( 0 ); ++n )
Expand All @@ -225,8 +280,18 @@ void PVTDriver::compareWithBaseline()

// discard file header

integer headerRows = 7;
if( m_outputCompressibility )
if( m_outputPhaseComposition )
headerRows += getFluid().numFluidPhases();

string line;
for( integer row=0; row < 7; ++row )
for( integer row=0; row < headerRows; ++row )
getline( file, line );
Expand All @@ -245,9 +310,10 @@ void PVTDriver::compareWithBaseline()
file >> value;

real64 const error = fabs( m_table[row][col]-value ) / ( fabs( value )+1 );
GEOS_THROW_IF( error > MultiFluidConstants::baselineTolerance, "Results do not match baseline at data row " << row+1
<< " (row " << row+m_numColumns << " with header)"
<< " and column " << col+1, std::runtime_error );
GEOS_THROW_IF( error > MultiFluidConstants::baselineTolerance,
"Results do not match baseline at data row " << row+1
<< " (row " << row+headerRows << " with header)"
<< " and column " << col+1, std::runtime_error );

Expand All @@ -266,6 +332,13 @@ void PVTDriver::compareWithBaseline()

constitutive::MultiFluidBase &
ConstitutiveManager & constitutiveManager = this->getGroupByPath< ConstitutiveManager >( "/Problem/domain/Constitutive" );
MultiFluidBase & baseFluid = constitutiveManager.getGroup< MultiFluidBase >( m_fluidName );
return baseFluid;

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23 changes: 18 additions & 5 deletions src/coreComponents/constitutive/fluid/multifluid/PVTDriver.hpp
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Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,11 @@
namespace geos

namespace constitutive
class MultiFluidBase;

* @class PVTDriver
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -68,6 +73,11 @@ class PVTDriver : public TaskBase


* @brief Get the fluid model from the catalog
constitutive::MultiFluidBase & getFluid();

* @struct viewKeyStruct holds char strings and viewKeys for fast lookup
Expand All @@ -80,17 +90,20 @@ class PVTDriver : public TaskBase
constexpr static char const * outputString() { return "output"; }
constexpr static char const * baselineString() { return "baseline"; }
constexpr static char const * feedString() { return "feedComposition"; }
constexpr static char const * outputCompressibilityString() { return "outputCompressibility"; }
constexpr static char const * outputPhaseCompositionString() { return "outputPhaseComposition"; }

integer m_numSteps; ///< Number of load steps
integer m_numColumns; ///< Number of columns in data table (depends on number of fluid phases)
integer m_numPhases; ///< Number of fluid phases
integer m_numComponents; ///< Number of fluid components

string m_fluidName; ///< Fluid identifier
string m_pressureFunctionName; ///< Time-dependent function controlling pressure
string m_temperatureFunctionName; ///< Time-dependent function controlling temperature
string m_outputFile; ///< Output file (optional, no output if not specified)
string m_fluidName; ///< Fluid identifier
string m_pressureFunctionName; ///< Time-dependent function controlling pressure
string m_temperatureFunctionName; ///< Time-dependent function controlling temperature
string m_outputFile; ///< Output file (optional, no output if not specified)
integer m_outputCompressibility{0}; ///< Flag to indicate that the total compressibility should be output
integer m_outputPhaseComposition{0}; ///< Flag to indicate that phase compositions should be output

array1d< real64 > m_feed; ///< User specified feed composition
array2d< real64 > m_table; ///< Table storing time-history of input/output
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