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Semantic versioning

GFlisch edited this page Dec 22, 2023 · 2 revisions

Before the version 8 of Arc4u, the versioning was following a strategy based on the versioning of the .NET framework.

Arc4u was a version based on the framework 6.0.22. The versioning was based on x.y.z.w where: => x is the version of the framework supported. => y is for a breaking change in the framework. => z is the minimal version of the .NET framework. => w is for minor changes.

As the framework is supporting the supported versions of .NET the x has less meaning and introduces confusion. The same for the z. It is also impossible to understand when a new version is coming with a new feature or simply updated to a specific version of the .NET framework.

As a nuget package for Wpf and Prism exist with the version 7.2.x.y I have decided to start with semantic versioning starting from the magic number 8. This is a pure hazard even this is the first version with the version 8.0.0 of .NET.

From the version 8.0.0 of Arc4u we are starting with the classical Semantic versioning. It means x.y.z where: => x is for the major versions (meaning breaking changes). => y is for minor versions (new features & bug fixing). => z is only for bug fixing.

All the dependencies for the frameworks will be set to 6.0.0, 7.0.0 or 8.0.0 meaning that the Sdk installed on your pc or build server will decide which version of the framework will be used!

Hope this is clear now.

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