This application was made by the community for MyTel-U on the modern desktop Windows 10 or 11. Developed using Microsoft’s WinUI3 fluent design, now you can use My Tel-U on your desktop!
This project is open sourced (Uploaded soon) , so any contributions are welcomed! ( ̄︶ ̄)↗
Go to the Release Page > Click At the Assets > Download The Latest Version (Recomended) Or Download Apropriate Version You Need
Please read our Instalation Guide for more detail about instalation process. Also we recommend you download the latest version for a better experience!
Virus Total Check: Virus Total Result
- Home: Application Hub, ported from MyTel-U for mobile devices.
- Attendance: Check attendance periodically during the semester.
- Schedule: Access the current semester’s course schedule.
- Community Tools: Explore tools listed by laboratory websites and community made tool websites.
Win App SDK
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