- MVP is an open-source software for preprocessing mass spectrometry data
- MVP is based on the R language and can be installed easily
- Users can set their own parameters to obtain preprocessed data for various situations.
- Duplicate record and missing value problems are alleviated by MVP
- Data preprocessed with MVP can improve the performance of statistical tests
We checked installation from Windows, Ubuntu OS.
We will deposit MVP package to CRAN or Bioconductor.
After submission, we will announce the method to download CRAN or Bioconductor.
In the package, we previde three example datasets that is reformated by first step.
Users can access example dataset from this command.
Example data has form like this:
`Primary ID Source` `Retention time (min)` Mass `VIP[2]` CType1 CType2 CType3 CType4 CType5
<chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Metabolite1 11.3610 413.2665 75.6566 NA 801.22500 658.9790 829.51200 850.962000
2 Metabolite2 11.3610 803.5420 52.9068 NA 385.30700 287.1710 461.28300 443.445000
3 Metabolite3 11.3069 413.2666 50.4704 638.85000 1.94153 658.9790 1.80367 4.719440
4 Metabolite4 11.3069 803.5420 34.9375 277.13400 NA 287.1710 NA NA
5 Metabolite5 10.6577 379.2823 31.4945 5.82057 49.79090 2.2531 45.17050 7.397180
6 Metabolite6 9.7380 496.3401 26.8513 532.74500 622.35500 428.0600 553.41500 546.130000
7 Metabolite7 1.5148 100.0764 25.5866 78.38820 83.93800 67.1396 113.81900 73.692600
8 Metabolite8 9.7380 991.6699 23.5732 112.42800 184.42900 60.4640 165.55200 138.506000
9 Metabolite9 10.8200 524.3715 22.7365 193.15100 228.16600 147.8830 203.60400 190.575000
10 Metabolite10 3.4083 775.8630 19.5246 NA NA NA NA 0.001488
# ... with 3,898 more rows, and 173 more variables: CType6 <dbl>, CType7 <dbl>, CType8 <dbl>, CType9 <dbl>
Each raw MS data has different format. For example, expression of missing value can be different (0, 1, NaN, ...). Also, MVP need to know metadata (num of columns, intensity ratio columns ...) Thus, before applying MVP, users should execute preparation method below.
reformated_data <- MVP::preprocess_input_data("Foo/MS_Data_Path", c(3, 2), 5:181, 0)
From example data format, we can see identifiers of MS data
The second and third column shows retention time and m/z ratio respectively
And from 5th to final column represent intensity signal of each patient.
First argument represent the path of input MS file
Second argument shows index of identifier (m/z, retention time ...) column
Third argument should be set index of intensity signal column
Fourth argument is expression of missing value in raw data file
Another example is shown in below, for obtain this reformated data, users can input this command
CompID CompMW MZ Time Frames MS2s GoodIDs Composition Control1 Control2 Control3 Control4 Control5
<chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 Compound1 110.1094 111.1167 16.45 4 0 0 C8H15 5451919 5859771 5607642 5596205 5622329
2 Compound2 113.0586 114.0659 0.98 8 0 0 C4H8ON3 8872545 7635595 8179503 6046026 5472458
3 Compound3 115.063 116.0703 0.99 6 1 0 C5H10O2N 18811215 22871758 19382179 20754701 25320232
4 Compound4 117.0577 118.0650 5.64 4 15 0 C8H8N 2497441 2360456 1714853 2196303 1682624
5 Compound5 117.0788 118.0860 1.00 8 194 0 C5H12O2N 25683704 25805455 25316523 22763418 25395905
6 Compound6 117.9717 118.9789 0.15 5 133 0 C5N2P 2567835 2341199 2539197 2489484 2644816
7 Compound7 117.9715 118.9788 0.41 1 0 0 C5N2P 2567519 2342544 2534912 2489798 2647408
8 Compound8 117.9716 118.9788 0.70 4 0 0 C5N2P 2681419 2422994 2662704 2599097 2765844
9 Compound9 117.9717 118.9790 6.82 2 933 0 C5N2P 30033529 31089689 30635252 32062554 33248868
10 Compound10 117.9716 118.9789 6.92 3 683 0 C5N2P 73795605 75341181 75415681 78072006 80433690
# ... with 3,224 more rows, and 115 more variables: Control6 <dbl>, Control7 <dbl>, Control8 <dbl>, Control9 <dbl>
We can see that 3rd column is m/z ratio and 4th column is retention time
Therefore, this command can be executed for getting reformated data
reformated_data2 <- MVP::preprocess_input_data("Foo/MS_Data_Path", c(3, 4), 9:127, 0)
MVP provide many user specified parameters.
To obtain dirty preprocessed data, execute this command
preprocessed_data_0.7 <- MVP::apply_clique_method(ToF_Positive_Ion_Cardiovascular_Patient, c(3, 2), c(0.001, 0.3), 5:181, 0.7)
[1] "Start Iteration 1"
|======================================================================| 100%
[1] "# of records (Before): 3908 -> # of records (After): 3589"
[1] "Start Iteration 2"
|======================================================================| 100%
[1] "# of records (Before): 3589 -> # of records (After): 3567"
[1] "Start Iteration 3"
|======================================================================| 100%
[1] "# of records (Before): 3567 -> # of records (After): 3567"
First argument represent the reformated data from first step
Second argument shows index of identifier (m/z, retention time ...) column
Third argument is the similarity threshold of each identifier
Fourth argument should be set index of intensity signal column
Fifth argument is record similarity when merging duplicate candidate records
Users can specify parameters like this form
preprocessed_data_0.3 <- MVP::apply_clique_method(ToF_Positive_Ion_Cardiovascular_Patient, c(3, 2), c(0.001, 0.3), 5:181, 0.3)
preprocessed_data_different_threshold_of_identifier <- MVP::apply_clique_method(ToF_Positive_Ion_Cardiovascular_Patient, c(3, 2), c(0.004, 0.1), 5:181, 0.7)