EarthQuake is a Java Project, built to simulate/map the effects of an Earth Quake.
Credit goes to the AP Computer Science course at GKHS & CSE142 Winter 2016 at UW
Completed sometime during jounior year in highschool, 2017.
git clone
cd EarthQuake
$ java
How many Cities?
$ 5
with in 0,0 (top left) and 499, 499 (bottom right)
Enter the x and y cordinate for City 1: $ 350 260
Enter the x and y cordinate for City 2: $ 280 480
Enter the x and y cordinate for City 3: $ 160 80
Enter the x and y cordinate for City 4: $ 420 160
Enter the x and y cordinate for City 5: $ 50 320
What is the epicenter (x,y)? $ 250 250
What is the radius? $ 100
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.