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Unless you are a GLYCAM-Web developer, you probably want GMML2, see here:


The GLYCAM Molecular Modeling Library (GMML) can be used as a library accessed by GEMS (GLYCAM Extensible Modeling Script).



Obtaining the software

Compiling the Library

Testing the Library



GMML provides a library for common molecular modeling tasks. It is particularly well-tuned for models of carbohydrates and systems that contain carbohydrates.

Used by GLYCAM-Web

This code also serves as the main molecular modeling engine for GLYCAM-Web.

Funding Sources

We are very grateful to our funders.
Please check them out!


In order to build GMML, you are required to have the following software available on your system:

  • libssl1.1
  • libssl-dev
  • cmake (Version >= 3.13.4)
  • boost (this may no longer be necessary?)
  • g++ (Version >= 7.0)
  • make
  • git
  • libeigen3-dev (Version >= 3.3.7)

In order to wrap it up into python and use it with gems (if you're just looking for gmml you can ignore this):

  • swig (Version 4.0.2)
  • python3.9 (Version 3.9.12)
  • python3.9-dev (Version 3.9.12)

Installation instructions will vary according to what package manager your distro uses. If you are using apt as a package manager on a linux system, you should be able to use a command like this (note the last two are optional for gems):

sudo apt-get update &&\
sudo apt-get install libssl1.1 libssl-dev git cmake g++ git-all libeigen3-dev &&\
sudo apt-get install python3.9 python3.9-dev &&\
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev &&\

For other linux distros, please follow the instructions for the package managment software included with your system.

Please note that swig 4.0.2 must be installed from their website

Obtaining the software

The following does not require root access, but it does require one has git installed.

  1. Navigate to the directory that you would like to have gmml live. Please note that in order to use the produced library with gems the gmml directory must be placed within the gems directory.

  2. Clone gmml from the git repo and place into a folder named gmml.

git clone gmml
  1. If you need to be on a particular branch like gmml-test do:
cd gmml &&\
git checkout gmml-test

Compiling the Library

To compile the library first make sure you are still in the gmml directory.


To control the number of processors used during the make process, use the -j flag for our, so to run with 8 cores we would run ./ -j 8.

Also, we have the option to wrap our code using swig. This is the default.


If you just want to compile gmml without wrapping it into python for gems:

$./ -d no_wrap

At this point if there were no issues you can jump down to ## Testing the Library.

This will create the needed cmake files and will add the following directories within the gmml directory:

  • lib (Contains: the gmml shared object libary,
  • cmakeBuild (Contains: all files produced by the cmake command, a compile_commands.json file to be used with tools of your choice, and all files contained within the directories listed above)

You can either use the file within the lib directory or the file within the cmakeBuild directory. They are the exact same.

Both the build and lib directories must remain untouched because gems utilizes them both and expects both to be in the state that ./ leaves them.

Please enter ./ -h for help regarding the make script.

Updating file lists and whatnot

DO NOT JUST FIRE THE SCRIPT AND NOT KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON. The method implemented is done in order to avoid a nasty "typical" cmake pattern; if the script is just fired off too many times we will have to remove the pattern in order to avoid possible undefined behavior. Please note that not only for cmake, but for all compilers, one should not just grab every file present and compile; these type of things must have some thought to them. The reason why one should never just glob files that one thinks are what one needs to compile is due to the huge increase in chances of introducing unknown behavior.

So what is the usual method people use for cmake that I am trying to avoid? Well, first off the "typical" cmake pattern is very annoying and I am lazy so we do this workaround. Typically you have to have a CMakeLists.txt in every single directory that you add with the add_subdirectory(<DIR HERE>) cmake command. That is super annoying, but it has some merrits; mostly being that we know what is going on with out code. Another method that is extremely frowned upon is using cmake globbing in the CMakeLists.txt file to get all our .cc/.cpp/.h/hpp files in the whole source tree. This is bad because by auto grabbing files to build with the user knowing nothing about what files are being used greatly reduces our knowledge of what is going on with our code. So I did a middle of the ground method, we run a diff on the command that's used to grab the data that's in the file lists and on the file lists themselves. If the diff is different we update the lists, if not we dont update the lists. Thats about it. You can also pass a -t flag to the so it grabs all the test code files which we would want to do when we are running code analysis on our code base so we can lint the code and code. When you run the script, make sure you know whats going on and why each file is either being removed or added to file lists. Basically treat this the same way as one treats using git add --all as bad practice due to priming the code base to have a bunch of random files (that should not be pushed) added to the repo; instead of being able to directly avoid git add --all and using git add <YOUR_SPECIFIC_FILES> instead, YOU must be the difference between that logic if you call the script check the git.

TL;DR - Do not just fire off the in order to try and fix a compile issue, and if you do fire off the script take note of what has changed and ensure that the changes make sense by git-diffing the file and reading each changed line. Sometimes there can be files that are generated from a bug, which has happened before, and by just calling the and adding those generated files/folders to the file-lists then commiting can break compilation and end up breaking GMML for everyone and do so in a manner that also introduces extra files to our repo that should never be there. Whenever you run the you must run a git diff, or something similar, and ensure all changed lines actually make sense. If this ends up becomming an issue we will be forced to remove the workaround in order to increase code stability.

The cmakeFileLists directory contains the ouput from our ./ script. This script goes through and grabs all our files that we want to compile. There are 3 types:

  • cFileList.txt - this contains all of our cpp files and where they be

  • hDirectoryList.txt - this contains all of the directories that OUR source headers are. In the compiler this gets passed -I flag

  • externalHDirectoryList.txt - this contains all the directoires of the EXTERNAL source code headers. For example, the eigen library. This is done so our compile_commands.json will use all these files with the -isystem flag which makes running tools much easier.

Testing the Library

From within the gmml directory, you must change your current working directory to the gmml/tests directory.

gmml$ cd tests/
gmml/tests$ ./compile_run_tests.bash

If you have a bunch of cpus you can make the tests run in parallel like:

gmml$ cd tests/
gmml/tests$ ./compile_run_tests.bash -j10

Please note that running GMML on bare metal instead of from within our development environment will cause test 016 to fail. This is of no concern because these tests need some extra things running to check, but those are internal for now.

The output will tell you whether or not the library is behaving appropriately and if all tests are passed the output will look similar to the following, but note that the number of tests has changed since this was written:

Number of tests found: 18
Beginning testing.

Using test file: 
Testing buildBySequence... Test passed.

Using test file: 
Testing buildBySequenceMeta... Test passed.

Using test file: 
Testing create_Assembly_WritePDB... Test passed.

Using test file: 
Testing superimposition_Eigen... Test passed.

Using test file: 
Testing PDBPreprocessor... Test passed.

Using test file: 
Testing Overlaps function... Test passed.

Using test file: 
Testing BFMP Ring Shape Calculation... Test passed.

Using test file: 
Testing detectSugars... Test passed.

Using test file: 
Testing pdb2glycam and molecule subgraph matching... Iupac name: DGalpb1-4DGlcpNAcb1-3DGalpb1-4DGlcpb1-ROH
Test passed.

Using test file: 
Testing Sequence reordering and labeling... Test passed.

Using test file: 
Testing buildBySequenceRotamer... Test passed.

Using test file: 
Testing writing original and new residue numbers into a PDB file... Test passed.

Using test file: 
Testing 012.AddSolventNeutralize... Test passed.

Using test file: 
Testing buildOligosaccharide library... Test passed.

Using test file: 
Testing Test passed.

Using test file: 
Testing Test FAILED!. Output file different

Using test file: 
ls: cannot access '*.svg': No such file or directory
Test FAILED!. Output file different

Using test file: 
Testing 017.test.GlycoproteinBuilder.cpp... Test passed.

18 tests were attempted
16 tests passed 
18 were required


The official documentation for both GEMS and GMML can be found on the main GLYCAM website:

Depreciated Instructions

The GLYCAM Molecular Modeling Library (GMML) was designed to be used as a library accessed by GEMS (GLYCAM Extensible Modeling Script), but can be used as a standalone library.

More information about GEMS can be found here:


To get started, follow the Download and Install instructions. These instructions will walk you through the steps to obtain and configure the software, and also test the installation.

To compile and use the programs that are based on gmml (e.g. the carbohydrate or glycoprotein builders) go to their subfolders (e.g. internalPrograms/GlycoproteinBuilder/) and follow the compilation instructions in the readme there.