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Control Tower: API Gateway on Steroids

PRs Welcome

Getting started

You only have to follow 4 steps:

1 - Clone the repository

git clone && cd control-tower

2 - Create and complete your dev.env file with your configuration. The meaning of the variables is available in this section. You can find an example .env file in the project root.

3 - Raise Control Tower with Docker. You'll of course need Docker, and also Docker Compose installed in your machine. If you need to install it, visit this web. You only need to execute the following command to run Control tower:

./ develop

4 - It's recommended to add the following line to your /etc/hosts (if you are in Windows, the hosts file is located in c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts and you'll need to 'Run as administrator' your editor):

mymachine   <yourIP>

Enjoy your brand new Control Tower!!!

To check if Control Tower works, you can do a request to http://mymachine:9000 and the response should be 404 if you haven't registered already a microservice.

./ develop



A JWT token contains the following information:

  "id": "1a10d7c6e0a37126611fd7a7",
  "role": "ADMIN",
  "provider": "local",
  "email": "",
  "extraUserData": {
    "apps": [

In a dev environment, you can use the following tokens to identify as different users (generated with mysecret key).

Role USER, registered with all Applications Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjFhMTBkN2M2ZTBhMzcxMjY2MTFmZDdhNyIsInJvbGUiOiJVU0VSIiwicHJvdmlkZXIiOiJsb2NhbCIsImVtYWlsIjoidXNlckBjb250cm9sLXRvd2VyLm9yZyIsImV4dHJhVXNlckRhdGEiOnsiYXBwcyI6WyJydyIsImdmdyIsImdmdy1jbGltYXRlIiwicHJlcCIsImFxdWVkdWN0IiwiZm9yZXN0LWF0bGFzIiwiZGF0YTRzZGdzIl19fQ.eePyj9grA2akg2vKqmLz5Gg8hd2Afq64ZaeGLb-aLC0

Role MANAGER, registered with all Applications Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjFhMTBkN2M2ZTBhMzcxMjY2MTFmZDdhNyIsInJvbGUiOiJNQU5BR0VSIiwicHJvdmlkZXIiOiJsb2NhbCIsImVtYWlsIjoibWFuYWdlckBjb250cm9sLXRvd2VyLm9yZyIsImV4dHJhVXNlckRhdGEiOnsiYXBwcyI6WyJydyIsImdmdyIsImdmdy1jbGltYXRlIiwicHJlcCIsImFxdWVkdWN0IiwiZm9yZXN0LWF0bGFzIiwiZGF0YTRzZGdzIl19fQ.ONb6dBz-pYxmXP3ECmRT7zmJHy8Dzn1GYyE6ndOR1Uw

Role ADMIN, registered with all Applications Token: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjFhMTBkN2M2ZTBhMzcxMjY2MTFmZDdhNyIsInJvbGUiOiJBRE1JTiIsInByb3ZpZGVyIjoibG9jYWwiLCJlbWFpbCI6ImFkbWluQGNvbnRyb2wtdG93ZXIub3JnIiwiZXh0cmFVc2VyRGF0YSI6eyJhcHBzIjpbInJ3IiwiZ2Z3IiwiZ2Z3LWNsaW1hdGUiLCJwcmVwIiwiYXF1ZWR1Y3QiLCJmb3Jlc3QtYXRsYXMiLCJkYXRhNHNkZ3MiXX19.FglwGCDjeh5c3bdmV0GA6QiMd-I1AdbdHCLQQGUPRxw

Environment variables

Core Variables

  • PORT => The port where control-tower listens for requests. Defaults to 9000 when not set.
  • LOGGER_TYPE => Type of logger. Possible values: console, syslog. Defaults to console.
  • NODE_ENV => Environment variable of nodejs. Required.
  • NODE_PATH => Required value. Always set it to 'app/src'.
  • EXEC_MIGRATION => If set to tue, Control Tower will execute the inital migration on startup. This is a neccesary step for the first time you run the application. Once the migrations are run, subsequent application deploys don't need to be migrated, so you should set it to false.

Oauth Variables

  • JWT_SECRET => The secret used to generate JWT tokens. It's a required field if the JWT feature in the auth-plugin is active. The JWT feature is active by default.
  • TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY => Twitter OAuth consumer key. If's a required field if the Twitter feature in the auth-plugin is active. It's not active by default.
  • TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET => Twitter OAuth consumer secret. If's a required field if the Twitter feature in the auth-plugin is active. It's not active by default.
  • GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID => Google+ OAuth client ID. If's a required field if the Google feature in the auth-plugin is active. It's not active by default.
  • GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET => Google+ OAuth client secret. If's a required field if the Google feature in the auth-plugin is active. It's not active by default.
  • FACEBOOK_CLIENT_ID => Facebook OAuth client ID. If's a required field if the Facebook feature in the auth-plugin is active. It's not active by default.
  • FACEBOOK_CLIENT_SECRET => Facebook OAuth client secret. If's a required field if the Facebook feature in the auth-plugin is active. It's not active by default.
  • SPARKPOST_KEY => Key to send mails with Sparkpost. It's a required field if you offer a local OAuth provider.
  • CONFIRM_URL_REDIRECT => URL to redirect users whenever they activate their account. It's a required field if you offer a local OAuth provider.
  • PUBLIC_URL => Base Application URL. It must be the public domain of your Control Tower instance, and it's used to compose account links. It you are offering a local OAuth provider it's a required field.
  • BASICAUTH_USERNAME => Basic authentication's username. Required if you activate basic auth.
  • BASICAUTH_PASSWORD => Basic authentication's password. Required if you activate basic auth.

Redis Cache variables

  • REDIS_PORT_6379_TCP_ADDR => Redis DB host. Required if you activate the Redis cache plugin.
  • REDIS_PORT_6379_TCP_PORT => Redis DB port. Required if you activate the Redis cache plugin.

Mongo session variables

  • COOKIE_DOMAIN => Session domain for cookies. Required field if you activate the sessionMongo plugin.
  • SESSION_KEY => Key to cipher the cookies. Required field if you activate the sessionMongo plugin.

Live cron variables

  • INSTAPUSH_TOKEN => Instapush token for sending alerts to mobile devices with the Live cron. It's required if you activate Live cron.
  • INSTAPUSH_ID => Instapush ID for sending alerts to mobile devices with the Live cron. It's required if you activate Live cron.
  • INSTAPUSH_SECRET => Instapush secret for sending alerts to mobile devices with the Live cron. It's required if you activate Live cron.






  1. Fork it!
  2. Create a feature branch: git checkout -b feature/my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Added some new feature'
  4. Push the commit to the branch: git push origin feature/my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D



Control Tower API-Gateway







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  • JavaScript 94.8%
  • VCL 4.0%
  • Shell 1.2%