This repository hosts BIMcloud API specification, a small library and an example application in Python. Please note this is the first released version, upcoming releases will extend/alter the functionalities based on user workflows, performance and security considerations.
Please refer to openapi/2023.2.yaml specification. It's in a standard OpenAPI 3.0 (Swagger) format, that can be viewed by using any compatible viewer (VS Code for example, or paste the Github raw url to the online Swagger viewer).
Demo application ( is about a simple workflow that tries to get over all operations required to upload, download and delete a file to an arbitrary path of a BIMcloud server.
Please refer to lib/ source code and its comments for detailed information.
Notice: since authentication APIs send passwords in clear text, it is advised to configure BIMcloud to get accessible by using https endpoints from the Internet.
The demo console application requires Python 3.7+ with installed requests library to run.
The easiest way to obtain this is just installing the standard Miniconda or Anaconda environment. It has every requirement provided by default.
With invidual Python 3 environment, requests should get installed by using pip or easy_install.
pip install requests
The demo is a basic commandline application. Entering:
python ./ --help
usage: [-h] -m MANAGER -u USER -p PASSWORD -c CLIENTID [-d]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MANAGER, --manager MANAGER
Url of BIMcloud Manager.
-c CLIENTID, --clientid CLIENTID
3rd party client id (arbitrary unique string, your
domain for example).
-d, --debug Debug exceptions.
That should be obvious. Enter this for example to get the demo rolling:
python ./ -m=<manager-url> -u=<username> -p=<password> -clientid=<your-domain>