Data used by
To run this app locally you'll need a API key. If you don't have one, go to the to obtain one.
Once you have an API key, clone the repo and run the npm install
command in the project's root directory to install all of the project’s dependencies.
Run cp env.example .env
to create a template .env file in the root directory of the project
Replace “[your api key goes here]” in the .env file with your API key
This repository is used to generate the repos.json and tasks.json files that populate the filters on the browse projects page and the open tasks page of ‘code-gov-front-end’.
Run the npm run generate
terminal command which runs 2 commands:
- `npm run build-filters’ creates the filters/repos folder with the filters of the browse projects page
- `npm run build-task-filter-data’ creates the filters/tasks folder with the filters of the open tasks page
Once the script has finished, commit the changes and submit a PR to master. These changes will not be reflected on until a new release of is deployed following the instructions in the Front End Release Management wiki page of code-gov-front-end
This text file includes all of the names of the Open Source repos on It is generated by extracting the name_with_owner column from code-gov-gh-repos-stats.csv
Generated by running awk -F "\"*,\"*" 'NR>=2 { print $4 }' code-gov-gh-repos-stats.csv > name_with_owner.txt