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This repository has been archived by the owner on Oct 29, 2021. It is now read-only.


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This service is no longer in use, the transformation is being utilized via a local command line call.


Web service provides XML transformations from FGDC/RSE to ISO 19115-2 using the XSLT ./fgdc2iso/fgdcrse2iso19115-2.xslt.


When updates to the master branch are pushed to the repository, a github action will be run to build a new version of the WAR file, test it, and if successful, tag and release it.

Alternatively, the WAF file can be installed by downloading the latest fgdc2iso.war from the Releases page or from 'make build' and putting the WAR file into Apache Tomcat's webapps directory. The test XML file is included in the WAR file.

mv fgdc2iso.war /opt/tomcat/webapps/

POST your XML to the web service.

$ curl http://localhost:8080/fgdc2iso -d @test/fixtures/tl_2009_us_uac00_url.shp.xml

If successful, the response will contain the transformed document. If unsuccessful, HTTP status 409 will be returned with an error message response.


Make help

$ make help

Build the WAR file to ./build/fgdc2iso.war.

$ make build

Run the tests. You must have a license in order to run the tests. Copy the saxon license to a file named saxon-license.lic in the root directory and it will be mounted in volume attached to the the docker container. The saxon license can be found in the datagov-delopy Ansible vault. To remove the volume and containers after testing run make clean

$ make test

Run clean, build, test, and then bring the service down To remove the volume and containers after testing run make clean

$ make all

Deploying to

Copy the vars.yml.template and rename it to vars.yml.

For development:

Create a user-provided service secrets for the saxon-license:

Confirm if the space has the necessary secrets by running:

cf service ${app_name}-secrets

If the above service does not exist, you will need to get the saxon-license stored in the ansible-vault or from the catalog-fgdc2iso server. Copy it to the root of the repo and rename it saxon-licence.lic.txt.

Encode the saxon-license and write it to a new file; base64 saxon-license.lic > saxon-encoded.txt

Then create the user-provided service substituting ${app-name} for your application's name in vars.yml:

cf cups ${app_name}-secrets -p <(jq -c --null-input --rawfile secret saxon-encoded.txt '{SAXON_LICENSE: $secret}')

Create the app by running:

cf push --vars-file vars.yml fgdc2iso -p build/fgdc2iso.war