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Infrastructure overview

A diagram of the system is available in our compliance repo.

Notify is a Flask application running on, which also brokers access to a PostgreSQL database and Redis store.

In addition to the Flask app, Notify uses Celery to manage the task queue. Celery stores tasks in Redis.

GitHub Repositories

Application, infrastructure, and compliance work is spread across several repositories:



In addition to terraform directories in the api and admin apps above:

We maintain:

We use:



We use Terraform to manage our infrastructure, providing consistent setups across the environments.

Our Terraform configurations manage components via This means that the configurations should work out of the box if you are using a Cloud Foundry platform, but will not work for setups based on raw AWS.


There are several remote services required for local development:

  • S3
  • SES
  • SNS

Credentials for these services are created by running:

  1. cd terraform/development
  2. ./

in both the api repository as well as the admin repository.

This will append credentials to your .env file. You will need to manually clean up any prior runs from that file if you run that command again.

You can remove your development infrastructure by running ./ -d


./ can be used to import your development infrastructure information in case of a new computer or new working tree and the old terraform state file was not transferred.


./ -u USER_TO_OFFBOARD can be used to import another user's development resources in order to clean them up. Steps for use:

  1. Move your existing terraform state file aside temporarily, so it is not overwritten.
  3. Answer no to the prompt about creating missing resources.
  4. Run ./ -u USER_TO_OFFBOARD -d to fully remove the rest of that user's resources.

The environment is configured with Terraform. See the terraform folder to learn about that.


In addition to services provisioned through, we have several services provisioned via supplemental service brokers in AWS. Our AWS services are currently located in several regions using Studio-controlled AWS accounts.

To send messages, we use Amazon Web Services SNS and SES. In addition, we use AWS Pinpoint to provision and manage phone numbers, short codes, and long codes for sending SMS.

In SNS, we have 3 topics for SMS receipts. These are not currently functional, so senders won't know the status of messages.

Through Pinpoint, the API needs at least one number so that the application itself can send SMS for authentication codes.

The API also has access to AWS S3 buckets for storing CSVs of messages and contact lists. It does not access a third S3 bucket that stores agency logos.

New Relic

We are using New Relic for application monitoring and error reporting. When requesting access to New Relic, ask to be added to the Benefits-Studio subaccount.


Upon completion, an admin should update 🔒the permissions and access tracker.

Setting up the infrastructure

These steps are required for new environments. Local development borrows SES & SNS infrastructure from the notify-staging space, so these steps are not required for new developers.

Steps to do a clean prod deploy to

Steps for deploying production from scratch. These can be updated for a new environment by subbing out prod or production for your desired environment within the steps.

  1. Deploy API app
    1. Update terraform-production.yml and deploy-prod.yml to point to the correct space and git branch.
    2. Ensure that the domain module is commented out in terraform/production/
    3. Run CI/CD pipeline on the production branch by opening a PR from main to production
    4. Create any necessary DNS records (check notify-api-ses-production service credentials for instructions) within
    5. Follow the Steps to prepare SES below
    6. (Optional) if using a public API route, uncomment the domain module and re-trigger a deploy
  2. Deploy Admin app
    1. Update terraform-production.yml and deploy-prod.yml to point to the correct space and git branch.
    2. Ensure that the api_network_route and domain modules are commented out in terraform/production/
    3. Run CI/CD pipeline on the production branch by opening a PR from main to production
    4. Create DNS records for domain module within
    5. Uncomment the api_network_route and domain modules and re-trigger a deploy

Steps to prepare SES

  1. After the first deploy of the application with the SSB-brokered SES service completes:
    1. Log into the SES console and navigate to the SNS subscription page.
    2. Select "Request confirmation" for any subscriptions still in "Pending Confirmation" state
  2. Find and replace instances in the repo of "testsender", "testreceiver" and "", with your origin and destination email addresses, which you verified in step 1 above.

TODO: create env vars for these origin and destination email addresses for the root service, and create new migrations to update postgres seed fixtures

Steps to prepare SNS

Move SNS out of sandbox.

This should be complete for all regions has been deployed to or is currently planned to be deployed to.

  1. Visit the SNS console for the region you will be sending from. Notes:
    1. SNS settings are per-region, so each environment must have its own region
    2. Pinpoint and SNS have confusing regional availability, so ensure both are available before submitting any requests.
  2. Choose Text messaging (SMS) from the sidebar
  3. Click the Exit SMS Sandbox button and submit the support request. This request should take at most a day to complete. Be sure to request a higher sending limit at the same time.

Request new phone numbers

  1. Go to Pinpoint console for the same region you are using SNS in.
  2. In the lefthand sidebar, go the SMS and Voice (bottom) and choose Phone Numbers
  3. Under Number Settings choose Request Phone Number
  4. Choose Toll-free number, tick SMS, untick Voice, choose transactional, hit next and then request
  5. Select Toll-free registrations and Create registration
  6. Select the number you just created and then Register existing toll-free number
  7. Complete and submit the form. Approval usually takes about 2 weeks.
  8. See the run book for information on how to set those numbers.

Example answers for toll-free registration form

example answers for toll-free registration form

Using the logs

If you're using the cf CLI, you can run cf logs notify-api-ENV and/or cf logs notify-admin-ENV to stream logs in real time. Add --recent to get the last few logs, though logs often move pretty quickly.

For general log searching, the Kibana instance is powerful, though quite complex to get started. For shortcuts to errors, some team members have New Relic access.

The links below will open a filtered view with logs from both applications, which can then be filtered further. However, for the links to work, you need to paste them into the URL bar while already logged into and viewing the Kibana page. If not, you'll just be redirected to the generic dashboard.

Production: Demo: Staging:

Once in the view, you'll likely want to adjust the time range in the upper right of the page.

git hooks

We're using pre-commit to manage hooks in order to automate common tasks or easily-missed cleanup. It's installed as part of make bootstrap and is limited to this project's virtualenv.

To run the hooks in advance of a git operation, use poetry run pre-commit run. For running across the whole codebase (useful after adding a new hook), use poetry run pre-commit run --all-files.

The configuration is stored in .pre-commit-config.yaml. In that config, there are links to the repos from which the hooks are pulled, so hop through there if you want a detailed description of what each one is doing.

We do not maintain any hooks in this repository.


# install dependencies, etc.
make bootstrap

# Create test database
createdb test_notification_api

make test

This will run:

  • flake8 for code styling
  • isort for import styling
  • pytest for the test suite

On GitHub, in addition to these tests, we run:

  • bandit for code security
  • pip-audit for dependency vulnerabilities
  • OWASP for dynamic scanning

CI testing

We're using GitHub Actions. See /.github for the configuration.

In addition to commit-triggered scans, the daily_checks.yml workflow runs the relevant dependency audits, static scan, and/or dynamic scans at 10am UTC each day. Developers will be notified of failures in daily scans by GitHub notifications.

Nightly Scans

Within GitHub Actions, several scans take place every day to ensure security and compliance.

daily-checks.yml runs pip-audit, bandit, and owasp scans to ensure that any newly found vulnerabilities do not impact notify. Failures should be addressed quickly as they will also block the next attempted deploy.

drift.yml checks the deployed infrastructure against the expected configuration. A failure here is a flag to check audit logs for unexpected access and/or behavior and potentially destroy and re-deploy the application. Destruction and redeployment of all underlying infrastructure is an extreme remediation, and should only be attempted after ensuring that a good database backup is in hand.

Manual testing

If you're checking out the system locally, you may want to create a user quickly.

poetry run flask command create-test-user

This will run an interactive prompt to create a user, and then mark that user as active. Use a real mobile number if you want to log in, as the SMS auth code will be sent here.

To run a local OWASP scan

  1. Run make run-flask from within the dev container.
  2. On your host machine run:
docker run -v $(pwd):/zap/wrk/:rw --network="notify-network" -t owasp/zap2docker-weekly -t http://dev:6011/docs/openapi.yml -f openapi -c zap.conf

The equivalent command if you are running the API locally:

docker run -v $(pwd):/zap/wrk/:rw -t owasp/zap2docker-weekly -t http://host.docker.internal:6011/docs/openapi.yml -f openapi -c zap.conf -r report.html

End-to-end Testing

In order to run end-to-end (E2E) tests, which are managed and handled in the admin project, a bit of extra configuration needs to be accounted for here on the API side as well. These instructions are in the README as they are necessary for project setup, and they're copied here for reference.

In the .env file, you should see this section:


# E2E Testing
NOTIFY_E2E_TEST_PASSWORD="don't write secrets to the sample file"

You can leave the email address alone or change it to something else to your liking.

You should absolutely change the NOTIFY_E2E_TEST_PASSWORD environment variable to something else, preferably a lengthy passphrase.

With those two environment variable set, the database migrations will run properly and an E2E test user will be ready to go for use in the admin project.

Note: Whatever you set these two environment variables to, you'll need to match their values on the admin side. Please see the admin README and documentation for more details.

Feature Flagging

Feature flagging is now implemented in the Admin application to allow conditional enabling of features. The current setup uses environment variables, which can be configured via the command line with Cloud Foundry (CF). These settings should be defined in each relevant .yml file and committed to source control.

To adjust a feature flag, update the corresponding environment variable and redeploy as needed. This setup provides flexibility for enabling or disabling features without modifying the core application code.

Specifics on the commands can be found in the Admin Feature Flagging readme.


The API has 3 deployment environments, all of which deploy to

  • Staging, which deploys from main
  • Demo, which deploys from production
  • Production, which deploys from production

Configurations for these are located in the deploy-config folder. This setup is duplicated for the front end.

To trigger a new deploy, create a pull request from main to production in GitHub. This PR typically has release notes highlighting major and minor changes in the deployment. For help preparing this, sorting closed pull requests by "recently updated" will show all PRs merged since the last production deploy.

Deployment to staging runs via the base deployment action on GitHub, which pulls credentials from GitHub's secrets store in the staging environment.

Deployment to demo runs via the demo deployment action on GitHub, which pulls credentials from GitHub's secrets store in the demo environment.

Deployment to production runs via the production deployment action on GitHub, which pulls credentials from GitHub's secrets store in the production environment.

The action that we use deploys using a rolling strategy, so all deployments should have zero downtime.

In the event that a deployment includes a Terraform change, that change will run before any code is deployed to the environment. Each environment has its own Terraform GitHub Action to handle that change.

Failures in any of these GitHub workflows will be surfaced in the Pull Request related to the code change, and in the case of checks.yml actively prevent the PR from being merged. Failure in the Terraform workflow will not actively prevent the PR from being merged, but reviewers should not approve a PR with a failing terraform plan.

Egress Proxy

The API app runs in a restricted egress space. This allows direct communication to services, but not to other APIs that we require.

As part of the deploy, we create an egress proxy application that allows traffic out of our application to a select list of allowed domains.

Update the allowed domains by updating deploy-config/egress_proxy/notify-api-<env>.allow.acl and deploying an updated version of the application throught he normal deploy process.

Managing environment variables

For an environment variable to make its way into the environment, it must end up in the manifest.yml file. Based on the deployment approach described above, there are 2 ways for this to happen.

Secret environment variables

Because secrets are pulled from GitHub, they must be passed from our action to the deploy action and then placed into manifest.yml. This means that they should be in a 4 places:

  • The GitHub secrets store
  • The deploy action in the env section using the format {secrets.SECRET_NAME}
  • The deploy action in the push_arguments section using the format --var SECRET_NAME="$SECRET_NAME"
  • The manifest using the format SECRET_NAME: ((SECRET_NAME))

Public environment variables

Public env vars make up the configuration in deploy-config. These are pulled in together by the --vars-file line in the deploy action. To add or update one, it should be in 2 places:

  • The relevant YAML file in deploy-config using the format var_name: value
  • The manifest using the format ((var_name))

Managing application initialization

In addition to the environment variable management, there may be some additional application initialization that needs to be accounted for. This can include the following:

  • Setting other environment variables that require host environment information directly that the application will run in as opposed to being managed by the manifest.yml file or or a user-provided service.
  • Running app initializing scripts that require host environment information directly prior to starting the application itself.

These initialization steps are taken care of in the .profile file, which we use to set a couple of host environment-specific environment variables.

Sandbox environment

There is a sandbox space, complete with terraform and deploy-config/sandbox.yml file available for experimenting with infrastructure changes without going through the full CI/CD cycle each time.

Rules for use:

  1. Ensure that no other developer is using the environment, as there is nothing stopping changes from overwriting each other.
  2. Clean up when you are done:
    • terraform destroy from within the terraform/sandbox directory will take care of the provisioned services
    • Delete the apps and routes shown in cf apps by running cf delete APP_NAME -r
    • Delete the space deployer you created by following the instructions within terraform/sandbox/

Setting up the sandbox infrastructure

If this is the first time you have used Terraform in this repository, you will first have to hook your copy of Terraform up to our remote state. Follow Retrieving existing bucket credentials.

⚓ The Admin app depends upon the API app, so set up the API first.

  1. Set up services:
    $ cd terraform/sandbox
    $ ../ -s notify-sandbox -u <your-name>-terraform -m >
    $ terraform init
    $ terraform plan
    $ terraform apply
    Check Terraform troubleshooting if you encounter problems.

Note that you'll have to do this for both the API and the Admin. Once this is complete we shouldn't have to do it again (unless we're setting up a new sandbox environment).

Deploying to the sandbox

To deploy either the API or the Admin apps to the sandbox, the process is largely the same, but the Admin requires a bit of additional work.

Deploying the API to the sandbox

  1. Make sure you are in the API project's root directory.
  2. Authenticate with in the command line: cf login -a --sso
  3. Run ./scripts/ from the project root directory.

At this point your target org and space will change with to be the notify-sandbox environment and the application will be pushed for deployment.

The script does a few things to make sure the deployment flows smoothly with miniminal work on your part:

  • Sets the target org and space in for you.
  • Creates a requirements.txt file for the Python dependencies so that the deployment picks up on the dependencies properly.
  • Pushes the application with the correct environment variables set based on what is supplied by the deploy-config/sandbox.yml file.

Deploying the Admin to the sandbox

  1. Start a poetry shell as a shortcut to load .env file variables by running poetry shell. (You'll have to restart this any time you change the file.)
  2. Output requirements.txt file: poetry export --without-hashes --format=requirements.txt > requirements.txt
  3. Ensure you are using the correct CloudFoundry target
cf target -o gsa-tts-benefits-studio -s notify-sandbox
  1. Deploy the application:
cf push --vars-file deploy-config/sandbox.yml --var NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY=$NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY

The real push command has more var arguments than the single one above. Get their values from a Notify team member.

  1. Visit the URL(s) of the app you just deployed

Database management

Initial state

In Notify, several aspects of the system are loaded into the database via migration. This means that application setup requires loading and overwriting historical data in order to arrive at the current configuration.

Here are notes about what is loaded into which tables, and some plans for how we might manage that in the future.

Flask does not seem to have a great way to squash migrations, but rather wants you to recreate them from the DB structure. This means it's easy to recreate the tables, but hard to recreate the initial data.

Data Model Diagram

A diagram of Notify's data model is available in our compliance repo.


Create a migration:

flask db migrate

Trim any auto-generated stuff down to what you want, and manually rename it to be in numerical order. We should only have one migration branch.

Running migrations locally:

flask db upgrade

This should happen automatically on, but if you need to run a one-off migration for some reason:

cf run-task notifications-api-staging --commmand "flask db upgrade" --name db-upgrade

Purging user data

There is a Flask command to wipe user-created data (users, services, etc.).

The command should stop itself if it's run in a production environment, but, you know, please don't run it in a production environment.

Running locally:

flask command purge_functional_test_data -u <functional tests user name prefix>

Running on

cf run-task notify-api --command "flask command purge_functional_test_data -u <functional tests user name prefix>"

One-off tasks

For these, we're using Flask commands, which live in /app/

This includes things that might be one-time operations! If we're running it on production, it should be a Flask command Using a command allows the operation to be tested, both with pytest and with trial runs in staging.

To see information about available commands, you can get a list with:

poetry run flask command

Appending --help to any command will give you more information about parameters.

To run a command on, use this format:


NOTE: Do not include poetry run in the command you provide for cf run-task! is already aware of the Python virtual environment and Python dependencies; it's all handled through the Python brokerpak we use to deploy the application.

For example, if you want to update the templates in one of the remote environments after a change to the JSON file, you would run this:

cf run-task CLOUD-GOV-APP --command "flask command update-templates" --name YOUR-COMMAND-NAME

Here's more documentation about Cloud Foundry tasks.

Commonly run commands

(Note: to obtain the CLOUD_GOV_APP name, run cf apps and find the name of the app for the tier you are targeting)

To promote a user to platform admin: cf run-task <CLOUD_GOV_APP from cf apps see above> --command "flask command promote-user-to-platform-admin --user-email-address="

To update templates: cf run-task <CLOUD_GOV_APP from cf apps see above> --command "flask command update-templates"

Commands for test loading the local dev database

All commands use the -g or --generate to determine how many instances to load to the db. The -g or --generate option is required and will always defult to 1. An example: flask command add-test-uses-to-db -g 6 will generate 6 random users and insert them into the db.

Test commands list

  • add-test-organizations-to-db
  • add-test-services-to-db
  • add-test-jobs-to-db
  • add-test-notifications-to-db
  • add-test-users-to-db (extra options include -s or --state and -d or --admin)

How messages are queued and sent

Services used during message-send flow:

  1. AWS S3
  2. AWS SNS
  3. AWS Cloudwatch
  4. Redis
  5. PostgreSQL

There are several ways for notifications to come into the API.

  • Messages sent through the API enter through app/notifications/
  • One-off messages and CSV uploads both enter from the UI through app/job/

API messages come in one at a time, and end up at persist_notification, which writes to the database, and provider_tasks.deliver_sms, which enqueues the sending.

One-off messages and batch messages both upload a CSV, which are then first stored in S3 and queued as a Job. When the job runs, it iterates through the rows from, running (email notifications branch off through to write to the db with persist_notification and begin the process of delivering the notification to the provider through provider_tasks.deliver_sms. The exit point to the provider is in

Writing public APIs

Most of the API endpoints in this repo are for internal use. These are all defined within top-level folders under app/ and tend to have the structure app/<feature>/


Public APIs are intended for use by services and are all located under app/v2/ to distinguish them from internal endpoints. Originally we did have a "v1" public API, where we tried to reuse / expose existing internal endpoints. The needs for public APIs are sufficiently different that we decided to separate them out. Any "v1" endpoints that remain are now purely internal and no longer exposed to services.

Documenting APIs

New and existing APIs should be documented within openapi.yml. Tools to help with editing this file:

New APIs

Here are some pointers for how we write public API endpoints.

Each endpoint should be in its own file in a feature folder

Example: app/v2/inbound_sms/

This helps keep the file size manageable but does mean a bit more work to register each endpoint if we have many that are related. Note that internal endpoints are grouped differently: in large files.

Each group of endpoints should have an file


from flask import Blueprint

from app.v2.errors import register_errors

v2_notification_blueprint = Blueprint("v2_notifications", __name__, url_prefix='/v2/notifications')


Note that the error handling setup by register_errors (defined in app/v2/ for public API endpoints is different to that for internal endpoints (defined in app/

Each endpoint should have an adapter in each API client

Example: Ruby Client adapter to get template by ID.

All our clients should fully support all of our public APIs.

Each adapter should be documented in each client (example). We should also document each public API endpoint in our generic API docs (example). Note that internal endpoints are not documented anywhere.

Each endpoint should specify the authentication it requires

This is done as part of registering the blueprint in app/ e.g.


API Usage

Connecting to the API

To make life easier, the UK API client libraries are compatible with Notify and the UK API Documentation is applicable.

For a usage example, see our Python demo.

An API key can be created at https://HOSTNAME/services/YOUR_SERVICE_ID/api/keys. This is the same API key that is referenced as USER_API_TOKEN below.

Postman Documentation

Internal-only documentation for exploring the API using Postman

Using OpenAPI documentation

An OpenAPI specification file can be found at

See for links to tools to make it easier to use the OpenAPI spec within VSCode.

Retrieving a jwt-encoded bearer token for use

On a mac, run:

Admin UI token

The admin UI token is required for any of the internal-api tagged methods. To create one and copy it to your pasteboard, run:

flask command create-admin-jwt | tail -n 1 | pbcopy

User token

A user token is required for any of the external-api tagged methods. To create one and copy it to your pasteboard, run:

flask command create-user-jwt --token=<USER_API_TOKEN> | tail -n 1 | pbcopy

Disable token expiration checking in development

Because jwt tokens expire so quickly, the development server can be set to allow tokens older than 30 seconds:

env ALLOW_EXPIRED_API_TOKEN=1 make run-flask

Queues and tasks

The API puts tasks into Celery queues for dispatch.

There are a bunch of queues:

  • priority tasks
  • database tasks
  • send sms tasks
  • send email tasks
  • research mode tasks
  • reporting tasks
  • job tasks
  • retry tasks
  • notify internal tasks
  • service callbacks
  • service callbacks retry
  • letter tasks
  • sms callbacks
  • antivirus tasks
  • save api email tasks
  • save api sms tasks

And these tasks:

  • check for missing rows in completed jobs
  • check for services with high failure rates or sending to tv numbers
  • check if letters still in created
  • check if letters still pending virus check
  • check job status
  • create fake letter response file
  • create nightly billing
  • create nightly billing for day
  • create nightly notification status
  • create nightly notification status for service and day
  • delete email notifications
  • delete inbound sms
  • delete invitations
  • delete letter notifications
  • delete notifications for service and type
  • delete notifications older than retention
  • delete sms notifications
  • delete verify codes
  • deliver email
  • deliver sms
  • process incomplete jobs
  • process job
  • process returned letters list
  • process ses result
  • process virus scan error
  • process virus scan failed
  • raise alert if letter notifications still sending
  • raise alert if no letter ack file
  • record daily sorted counts
  • remove letter jobs
  • remove sms email jobs
  • replay created notifications
  • run scheduled jobs
  • save api email
  • save api sms
  • save daily notification processing time
  • save email
  • save letter
  • save sms
  • send complaint
  • send delivery status
  • send inbound sms
  • switch current sms provider on slow delivery
  • tend providers back to middle
  • timeout sending notifications
  • update billable units for letter
  • update letter notifications statuses
  • update letter notifications to error
  • update letter notifications to sent
  • update validation failed for templated letter

Priority queue

For tasks that should happen before other stuff, there's a priority queue. Platform admins can set templates to use this queue.

Currently, this queue doesn't do anything special. If the normal queue is very busy, it's possible that this queue will be faster merely because it's shorter. By the same logic, a busy priority queue is likely to be slower than the normal queue

Celery scheduled tasks

After scheduling some tasks, run celery beat to get them moving:

make run-celery-beat

System Description is a service being developed by the TTS Public Benefits Studio to increase the availability of SMS and email notifications to Federal, State, and Local Benefits agencies.

Agencies that sign up will be able to create and use personalized message templates for sending notifications to members of the public regarding their benefits. These could include reminders about upcoming enrollment deadlines and tasks, or information about upcoming appointments, events, or services.

The templates are sent by the agency using one of two methods:

  • using the API to send a message to a given recipient with given personalization values
  • using the website to upload a CSV file of recipients and their personalization values, one row per message

Environment is comprised of two applications both running on

  • Admin, a Flask website running on the python_buildpack which hosts agency user-facing UI
  • API, a Flask application running on the python_buildpack hosting the API utilizes several services:

  • S3 buckets for temporary file storage
  • Elasticache (redis) for cacheing data and enqueueing background tasks
  • RDS (PostgreSQL) for system data storage also provisions and uses two AWS services via a supplemental service broker:

  • SNS for sending SMS messages
  • SES for sending email messages

For further details of the system and how it connects to supporting services, see the application boundary diagram

Pull Requests

Changes are made to our applications via pull requests, which show a diff (the before and after state of all proposed changes in the code) of of the work done for that particular branch. We use pull requests as the basis for working on and modifying the application over time for improvements, bug fixes, new features, and more.

There are several things that make for a good and complete pull request:

  • An appropriate and descriptive title
  • A detailed description of what's being changed, including any outstanding work (TODOs)
  • A list of security considerations, which contains information about anything we need to be mindful of from a security compliance perspective
  • The proper labels, assignee, code reviewer, and other project metadata set

Getting Started

When you first open a pull request, start off by making sure the metadata for it is in place:

  • Provide an appropriate and descriptive title for the pull request
  • Link the pull request to its corresponding issue (must be done after creating the pull request itself)
  • Assign yourself as the author
  • Attach the appropriate labels to it
  • Set it to be on the project board
  • Select one or more reviewers from the team or mark the pull request as a draft depending on its current state
    • If the pull request is a draft, please be sure to add reviewers once it is ready for review and mark it ready for review


Please enter a clear description about your proposed changes and what the expected outcome(s) is/are from there. If there are complex implementation details within the changes, this is a great place to explain those details using plain language.

This should include:

  • Links to issues that this PR addresses (especially if more than one)
  • Screenshots or screen captures of any visible changes, especially for UI work
  • Dependency changes

If there are any caveats, known issues, follow-up items, etc., make a quick note of them here as well, though more details are probably warranted in the issue itself in this case.

TODO (optional)

If you're opening a draft PR, it might be helpful to list any outstanding work, especially if you're asking folks to take a look before it's ready for full review. In this case, create a small checklist with the outstanding items:

  • TODO item 1
  • TODO item 2
  • TODO item ...

Security Considerations

Please think about the security compliance aspect of your changes and what the potential impacts might be.

NOTE: Please be mindful of sharing sensitive information here! If you're not sure of what to write, please ask the team first before writing anything here.

Relevant details could include (and are not limited to) the following:

  • Handling secrets/credential management (or specifically calling out that there is nothing to handle)
  • Any adjustments to the flow of data in and out the system, or even within it
  • Connecting or disconnecting any external services to the application
  • Handling of any sensitive information, such as PII
  • Handling of information within log statements or other application monitoring services/hooks
  • The inclusion of a new external dependency or the removal of an existing one
  • ... (anything else relevant from a security compliance perspective)

There are some cases where there are no security considerations to be had, e.g., updating our documentation with publicly available information. In those cases it is fine to simply put something like this:

  • None; this is a documentation update with publicly available information.

This way it shows that we still gave this section consideration and that nothing happens to apply in this scenario.

Code Reviews

When conducting a code review there are several things to keep in mind to ensure a quality and valuable review. Remember, we're trying to improve as best we can; it does us no good if we do not double check that our work meets our standards, especially before going out the door!

It also does us no good if we do not treat each other without mutual respect or consideration either; if there are mistakes or oversights found in a pull request, or even just suggestions for alternative ways of approaching something, these become learning opportunities for all parties involved in addition to modeling positive behavior and practices for the public and broader open source community.

Given this basis of approaching code reviews, here are some general guidelines and suggestions for how to approach a code review from the perspectives of both the reviewer and the author.

For the reviewer

When performing a code review, please be curious and critical while also being respectful and appreciative of the work submitted. Code reviews are a chance to check that things meet our standards and provide learning opportunities. They are not places for belittling or disparaging someone's work or approach to a task, and absolutely not the person(s) themselves.

That said, any responses to the code review should also be respectful and considerate. Remember, this is a chance to not only improve our work and the state of, it's also a chance to learn something new!

Note: If a response is condescending, derogatory, disrespectful, etc., please do not hesitate to either speak with the author(s) directly about this or reach out to a team lead/supervisor for additional help to rectify the issue. Such behavior and lack of professionalism is not acceptable or tolerated.

When performing a code review, it is helpful to keep the following guidelines in mind:

  • Be on the lookout for any sensitive information and/or leaked credentials, secrets, PII, etc.
  • Ask and call out things that aren't clear to you; it never hurts to double check your understanding of something!
  • Check that things are named descriptively and appropriately and call out anything that is not.
  • Check that comments are present for complex areas when needed.
  • Make sure the pull request itself is properly prepared - it has a clear description, calls out security concerns, and has the necessary labels, flags, issue link, etc., set on it.
  • Do not be shy about using the suggested changes feature in GitHub pull request comments; this can help save a lot of time!
  • Do not be shy about marking a review with the Request Changes status - yes, it looks big and red when it shows up, but this is completely fine and not to be taken as a personal mark against the author(s) of the pull request!

Additionally, if you find yourself making a lot of comments and/or end up having several concerns about the overall approach, it will likely be helpful to schedule time to speak with the author(s) directly and talk through everything. This can save folks a lot of misunderstanding and back-and-forth!

For the author

When receiving a code review, please remember that someone took the time to look over all of your work with a critical eye to make sure our standards are being met and that we're producing the best quality work possible. It's completely fine if there are specific changes requested and/or other parts are sent back for additional work!

That said, the review should also be respectful, helpful, and a learning opportunity where possible. Remember, this is a chance to not only improve your work and the state of, it's also a chance to learn something new!

Note: If a review is condescending, derogatory, disrespectful, etc., please do not hesitate to either speak with the reviewer(s) directly about this or reach out to a team lead/supervisor for additional help to rectify the issue. Such behavior and lack of professionalism is not acceptable or tolerated.

When going over a review, it may be helpful to keep these perspectives in mind:

  • Approach the review with an open mind, curiosity, and appreciation.
  • If anything the reviewer(s) mentions is unclear to you, please ask for clarification and engage them in further dialogue!
  • If you disagree with a suggestion or request, please say so and engage in an open and respecful dialogue to come to a mutual understanding of what the appropriate next step(S) should be - accept the change, reject the change, take a different path entirely, etc.
  • If there are no issues with any suggested edits or requested changes, make the necessary adjustments and let the reviewer(s) know when the work is ready for review again.

Additionally, if you find yourself responding to a lot of things and questioning the feedback received throughout much of the code review, it will likely be helpful to schedule time to speak with the reviewer(s) directly and talk through everything. This can save folks a lot of misunderstanding and back-and-forth!

Run Book

Policies and Procedures needed before and during Operations. Many of these policies are taken from the System Security & Privacy Plan (SSPP).

Any changes to policies and procedures defined both here and in the SSPP must be kept in sync, and should be done collaboratively with the System ISSO and ISSM to ensure that the security of the system is maintained.

  1. Alerts, Notifications, Monitoring
  2. Restaging Apps
  3. Deploying to Production
  4. Smoke-testing the App
  5. Simulated bulk send testing
  6. Configuration Management
  7. DNS Changes
  8. Known Gotchas
  9. User Account Management
  10. SMS Phone Number Management

Alerts, Notifications, Monitoring

Operational alerts are posted to the #pb-notify-alerts Slack channel. Please join this channel and enable push notifications for all messages whenever you are on call.

NewRelic is being used for monitoring the application. NewRelic Dashboard can be filtered by environment and API, Admin, or Both. Logging is used to view and search application and platform logs.

In addition to the application logs, there are several tables in the application that store useful information for audit logging purposes:

  • events
  • the various *_history tables

Restaging Apps

Our apps must be restaged whenever releases updates to buildpacks. will send email notifications whenever buildpack updates affect a deployed app.

Restaging the apps rebuilds them with the new buildpack, enabling us to take advantage of whatever bugfixes or security updates are present in the new buildpack.

There are two GitHub Actions that automate this process. Each are run manually and must be run once for each environment to enable testing any changes in staging before running within demo and production environments.

When notify-api-<env>, notify-admin-<env>, egress-proxy-notify-api-<env>, and/or egress-proxy-notify-admin-<env> need to be restaged:

  1. Navigate to the Restage apps GitHub Action
  2. Click the Run workflow button to open a popup
  3. Leave Use workflow from on it's default of Branch: main
  4. Select the environment you need to restage from the dropdown
  5. Click Run workflow within the popup
  6. Repeat for other environments

When ssb-sms, and/or ssb-smtp need to be restaged:

  1. Navigate to the SSB Restage apps GitHub Action
  2. Click the Run workflow button to open a popup
  3. Leave Use workflow from on it's default of Branch: main
  4. Select the environment (either staging or production) you need to restage from the dropdown
  5. Click Run workflow within the popup
  6. Repeat for other environments

When ssb-devel-sms and/or ssb-devel-smtp need to be restaged:

  1. Navigate to the SSB Restage apps GitHub Action
  2. Click the Run workflow button to open a popup
  3. Leave Use workflow from on it's default of Branch: main
  4. Select the development environment from the dropdown
  5. Click Run workflow within the popup

Deploying to Production

Deploying to production involves 3 steps that must be done in order, and can be done for just the API, just the Admin, or both at the same time:

  1. Create a new pull request in GitHub that merges the main branch into the production branch; be sure to provide details about what is in the release!
  2. Create a new release tag and generate release notes; publish it with the Pre-release at first, then update it to latest after a deploy is finished and successful.
  3. Review and approve the pull request(s) for the production deployment.

Additionally, you may have to monitor the GitHub Actions as they take place to troubleshoot and/or re-run failed jobs.

Create a new pull request

This is done entirely in GitHub. First, go to the pull requests section of the API and/or Admin repository, then click on the New pull request button.

In the screen that appears, change the base: main target branch on the left side of the arrow to base: production instead. You want to merge all of the latest changes in main to the production branch. After you've made the switch, click on the Create pull request button.

When the pull request details page appears, you'll need to set a few things:

Title: <current> Production Deploy, e.g., 9/9/2024 Production Deploy Description: feel free to copy from a previous production deploy PR; note that you'll have to change the links to the release notes if applicable! Labels: Engineering Author: set to yourself Reviewers: assign folks or the @notify-contributors team

Please link it to the project board as well, then click on the Create pull request button to finalize it all.

Create a new release tag

On the main page of the repository, click on the small heading that says Releases on the right to get to the release listing page. Once there, click on the Draft a new release button.

You'll first have to choose a tag or create a new one: use the current date as the tag name, e.g., 9/9/2024. Keep the target set to main and then click on the Generate release notes button.

Add a title in the format of <current date> Production Deploy, e.g., 9/9/2024 Production Deploy.

Lastly, uncheck the Set as the latest release checkbox and check the Set as a pre-release checkbox instead.

Once everything is complete, cick on the Publish release button and then link to the new release notes in the corresponding production deploy pull request.

Review and approve the pull request(s)

When everything is good to go, two people will need to approve the pull request for merging into the production branch. Once they do, then merge the pull request.

At this point everything is mostly automatic. The deploy will update both the demo and production environments. Once the deploys are done and successful, go back into the pre-release release notes and switch the checkboxes to turn it into the latest release and save the change.

Troubleshooting production deploys

Sometimes a deploy will fail and you will have to look at the GitHub Action deployment logs to see what the cause is. In many cases it will be an out of memory error because of the two environments going out at the same time. Whenever the successful deploy is finished, re-run the failed jobs in the other deployment action again.

Once the deploys are finished it's also a good idea to just poke around the site to make sure things are working fine and as expected!

Smoke-testing the App

To ensure that notifications are passing through the application properly, the following steps can be taken to ensure all parts are operating correctly:

  1. Send yourself a password reset email. This will verify SES integration. The email can be deleted once received if you don't wish to change your password.
  2. Log into the app. This will verify SNS integration for a one-off message.
  3. Upload a CSV and schedule send for the soonest time after "Now". This will verify S3 connections as well as scheduler and worker processes are running properly.

Simulated bulk send testing

Assuming that you have followed all steps to set up localstack successfully (see docs/, do the following:

  1. Create an sms template that requires no inputs from the user (i.e. the csv file will only have phone numbers)
  2. Uncomment the test 'test_generate_csv_for_bulk_testing' in app/
  3. Run make test on this project. This will generate the csv file for the bulk test.
  4. If you are not a platform admin for your service when you run locally, do the following:
    • psql -d notification_api

    • update users set platform_admin='t';
    • \q
    • sign out
    • sign in.
    • Go to settings and set the organization for your service to 'Broadcast services' (scroll down to platform admin)
    • Go to settings and set your service to 'live' (scroll down to platform admin)
  5. Run your app 'locally'. I.e. run make run-procfile on this project and make run-flask on the admin project
  6. Sign in. Verify you are running with localstack. I.e., you do NOT receive a text message on sign in. Instead, you see your authentication code in green in the api logs
  7. Go to send messages and upload your csv file and send your 100000 messages

Configuration Management

Also known as: How to move code from my machine to production

Common Policies and Procedures

  1. All changes must be made in a feature branch and opened as a PR targetting the main branch.
  2. All PRs must be approved by another developer
  3. PRs to main and production branches must be merged by a someone with the Administrator role.
  4. PR documentation includes a Security Impact Analysis
  5. PRs that will impact the Security Posture must be approved by the ISSO.
  6. Any PRs waiting for approval should be talked about during daily Standup meetings.

notifications-api & notifications-admin

  1. Changes are deployed to the staging environment after a successful checks.yml run on main branch. Branch Protections prevent pushing directly to main
  2. Changes are deployed to the demo and production environments after merging main into production. Branch Protections prevent pushing directly to production


  1. Changes are deployed to staging and production environments after merging to the main branch. The staging deployment must be successful before production is attempted. Branch Protections prevent pushing directly to main


  1. A new release is created by pushing a tag to the repository on the main branch.
  2. To include the new version in released SSB code, create a PR in the usnotify-ssb repo updating the version in use in


  1. To include new verisons of the SMTP brokerpak in released SSB code, create a PR in the usnotify-ssb repo updating the version in use in

Vulnerability Mitigation Changes

US_Notify Administrators are responsible for ensuring that remediations for vulnerabilities are implemented. Response times vary based on the level of vulnerability as follows:

  • Critical (Very High) - 15 days
  • High - 30 days
  • Medium - 90 days
  • Low - 180 days
  • Informational - 365 days (depending on the analysis of the issue)

DNS Changes DNS records are maintained within the 18f/dns repository. To create new DNS records for or any subdomains:

  1. Update the terraform to update oƒr create the new records within Route53 and push the branch to the 18f/dns repository.
  2. Open a PR.
  3. Verify that the plan output within circleci creates the records that you expect.
  4. Request a PR review from the 18F/tts-tech-portfolio team
  5. Once the PR is approved and merged, verify that the apply step happened correctly within CircleCI

Exporting test results for compliance monitoring


  1. Start API locally make run-procfile
  2. In a separate terminal tab, navigate to the API project and run poetry run flask command generate-salt
  3. A random secret will appear in the tab
  4. Go to github->settings->secrets and variables->actions in the admin project and find the DANGEROUS_SALT secret for the admin project for staging. Open it and paste the result of #3 into the secret and save. Repeat for the API project, for staging.
  5. Repeat #3 and #4 but do it for demo
  6. Repeat #3 and #4 but do it for production

The important thing is to use the same secret for Admin and API on each tier--i.e. you only generate three secrets.

Known Gotchas

SSB Service Bindings are failing

Creating or deleting service keys is failing. SSB Logs reference failing to verify certificate/certificate valid for GUID A but not for GUID B
Restage SSB apps using the restage apps action

SNS Topic Subscriptions Don't Succeed

When deploying a new environment, a race condition prevents SNS topic subscriptions from being successfully verified on the AWS side
Manually re-request subscription confirmation from the AWS Console.

User Account Management

Important policies:

  • Infrastructure Accounts and Application Platform Administrators must be approved by the System Owner (Amy) before creation, but people with Administrator role can actually do the creation and role assignments.
  • At least one agency partner must act as the User Manager for their service, with permissions to manage their team according to their agency's policies and procedures.
  • All users must utilize .gov email addresses.
  • Users who leave the team or otherwise have role changes must have their accounts updated to reflect the new roles required (or disabled) within 14 days.
  • SpaceDeployer credentials must be rotated within 14 days of anyone with SpaceDeveloper access leaving the team.
  • A user report must be created annually (See AC-2(j)). make cloudgov-user-report can be used to create a full report of all users.

Types of Infrastructure Users

Role Name System Permissions Who Responsibilities
Administrator GitHub Admin PBS Fed Approve & Merge PRs into main and production
Administrator AWS NotifyAdministrators IAM UserGroup PBS Fed Read audit logs, verify & fix any AWS service issues within Production AWS account
Administrator OrgManager PBS Fed Manage roles and permissions. Access to production spaces
DevOps Engineer SpaceManager PBS Fed or Contractor Access to non-production spaces
DevOps Engineer AWS NotifyAdministrators IAM UserGroup PBS Fed or Contractor Access to non-production AWS accounts to verify & fix any AWS issues in the lower environments
Engineer GitHub Write PBS Fed or Contractor Write code & issues, submit PRs

Types of Application Users

Role Name Permissions Who Responsibilities
Platform Administrator platform_admin PBS Fed Administer system settings within across Services
User Manager MANAGE_USERS Agency Partner Manage service team members
User any except MANAGE_USERS Agency Partner Use

Service Accounts

Role Name System Permissions Notes Service Account OrgManager and SpaceDeveloper Creds stored in GitHub Environment secrets within api and admin app repos
SSB Deployment Account AWS IAMFullAccess Creds stored in GitHub Environment secrets within usnotify-ssb repo
SSB Service Account SpaceDeveloper Creds stored in GitHub Environment secrets within usnotify-ssb repo
SSB AWS Accounts AWS sms_broker or smtp_broker IAM role Creds created and maintained by usnotify-ssb terraform

SMS Phone Number Management

See Infrastructure Overview for information about SMS phone numbers in AWS.

Once you have a number, it must be set in the app in one of two ways:

  • For the default phone number, to be used by Notify itself for OTP codes and the default from number for services, set the phone number as the AWS_US_TOLL_FREE_NUMBER ENV variable in the environment you are creating
  • For service-specific phone numbers, set the phone number in the Service's Text message senders in the settings tab.

Current Production Phone Numbers

  • +18447952263 - in use as default number. Notify's OTP messages and trial service messages are sent from this number (Also the number for the live service: Federal Test Service)
  • +18447891134 - Montgomery County / Ride On
  • +18888402596 - Norfolk / DHS
  • +18555317292 - Washington State / DHS
  • +18889046435 - State Department / Consular Affairs
  • +18447342791
  • +18447525067
  • +18336917230
  • +18335951552
  • +18333792033
  • +18338010522

For a full list of phone numbers in trial and production, team members can access a tracking list here.

Data Storage Policies & Procedures

Potential PII Locations



  • name
  • email_address
  • mobile_number


  • email_address


  • email_address


No db data is PII, but each job has a csv file in s3 containing phone numbers and personalization data.


  • to
  • normalized_to
  • _personalization2
  • phone_prefix3


  • phone_prefix3


  • content2
  • user_number


  • data (contains user IP addresses)1


Note 1.

Users and invited users are Federal, State, or Local government employees or contractors. Members of the general public are not users of the system

Note 2.

Field-level encryption is used on these fields.

Details on encryption schemes and algorithms can be found in SC-28(1)

Note 3.

Probably not PII, this is the country code of the phone.

Data Retention Policy

Seven (7) days by default. Each service can be set with a custom policy via ServiceDataRetention by a Platform Admin. The ServiceDataRetention setting applies per-service and per-message type and controls both entries in the notifications table as well as csv contact files uploaded to s3

Data cleanup is controlled by several tasks in the file, kicked off by Celery Beat.


Debug messages not being sent

Getting the file location and tracing what happens

Ask the user to provide the csv file name. Either the csv file they uploaded, or the one that is autogenerated when they do a one-off send and is visible in the UI

Starting with the admin logs, search for this file name. When you find it, the log line should have the file name linked to the job_id and the csv file location. Save both of these.

In the api logs, search by job_id. Either you will see evidence of the job failing and retrying over and over (in which case search for a stack trace using timestamp), or you will ultimately get to a log line that links the job_id to a message_id. In this case, now search by message_id. You should be able to find the actual result from AWS, either success or failure, with hopefully some helpful info.

Viewing the csv file

If you need to view the questionable csv file on production, run the following command:

cf run-task notify-api-production --command "flask command download-csv-file-by-name -f <file location found in admin logs>"

locally, just do:

poetry run flask command download-csv-file-by-name <file location in admin logs>

Debug steps

  1. Either send a message and capture the csv file name, or get a csv file name from a user
  2. Using the log tool at, use filters to limit what you're searching on ( is 'notify-admin-production' for example) and then search with the csv file name in double quotes over the relevant time period (last 5 minutes if you just sent a message, or else whatever time the user sent at)
  3. When you find the log line, you should also find the job_id and the s3 file location. Save these somewhere.
  4. To get the csv file contents, you can run the command above. This command currently prints to the notify-api log, so after you run the command, you need to search in notify-api-production for the last 5 minutes with the logs sorted by timestamp. The contents of the csv file unfortunately appear on separate lines so it's very important to sort by time.
  5. If you want to see where the message actually failed, search with is notify-api-production using the job_id that you saved in step #3. If you get far enough, you might see one of the log lines has a message_id. If you see it, you can switch and search on that, which should tell you what happened in AWS (success or failure).

Deployment / app push problems

Routes cannot be mapped to destinations in different spaces

During cf push you may see

For application 'notify-api-sandbox': Routes cannot be mapped to destinations in different spaces

👻 This indicates a ghost route squatting on a route you need to create. In the web interface, check for incomplete deployments. They might be holding on to a route. Delete them. Also, check the list of routes (from the CloudFoundry icon in the left sidebar) for routes without an associated app. If they look like a route your app would need to create, delete them.

API request failed

After pushing the Admin app, you might see this in the logs

{"name": "app", "levelname": "ERROR", "message": "API unknown failed with status 503 message Request failed", "pathname": "/home/vcap/app/app/", ...

And you would also see this in the Admin web UI

Sorry, we can't deliver what you asked for right now.

This indicates that the Admin and API apps are unable to talk to each other because of either a missing route or a missing network policy. The apps require container-to-container networking to communicate. List cf network-policies; you should see one connecting API and Admin on port 61443. If not, you can create one manually:

cf add-network-policy notify-admin-sandbox notify-api-sandbox --protocol tcp --port 61443

Service instance not found

This error encounted after cf push indicates you may be using the wrong CloudFoundry target

For application 'notify-api-sandbox': Service instance 'notify-api-rds-sandbox' not found

Run cf target -o gsa-tts-benefits-studio -s notify-sandbox before pushing to the Sandbox

Searchable tags for 'hot' items

Note: better to search on space 'notify-production' rather than specifically for admin or api

#notify-admin-1200 (job cache regeneration) #notify-admin-1505 (general login issues) #notify-admin-1701 (wrong sender phone number) #notify-admin-1859 (job is created with created_at being the wrong time)